.Sermon~ 3~. ___ • 0-='f_th_e_R:---&--:s--:u:---a-:-R-:&::-:-c-T-:-I-o_?Y_._____ 4-_o_7_ N --h~t·r owne sabb~th ( Sleepe, ) bur, before day-light, th~ywere well onw~;d on ort ~... . 1 their way. The!a!l: i~ in the third ve.rfe,in thefe words,A; they rvent,they (aid,&c. There wds 4 Loo. thlt Jl ( v-erygrut one) to be rolled~·vay yer they could come at Htm. They werefo w«fil" widi 4 one ath to--e 1 ·nakinde of(xtafie,they never thought of thejlone; they were well on ';~ 1,;.dtmcnd: rapt wt ,v , A h h · h · · d -· h · . • b~fore they remcmbred it. nd t en, w en Jt came tot etr mm es, they t en wayb, c"kethough. bm on fiill, rhefionenonobftante. And herein islove ;the ve. went not a ' · · 1 d"l" · ( r l r fervour ofir, {!4e : that word harhftremtt. Not on .Y t tgence as tg •tnejJe) to c~rr itfl ward, but{!ale (asjre) .tobttrne a hole and eat ttfelfc;a way, thorow what. f. 'er a~u oppofe CO it. No ftone fo !leavte as tQ (l:ay them, or_mrne them backe. A~~ this,is $.Iohm ligne: For tU pellit timorem, Love (if!tbeperfic1) call.s out fear~; Etem6e(c 1 tnomendijftculwi5, !hames toconfdfeany thmgtoohardfor tt. Ours IS !lohn4.,e~ notfo: we mull have(notgreatjlones (Go o wot) but) everyfcmple removed ont of our way or we will not llirre. But as, tfyou fee one fl!!f lahorem ftngzt znpr«cepto~ that makes agreat deale more labour in aprecept, than needs; that is afraid where no . [tare is; Of Lto in via, a.Lion, or(lwot not what) p~nllousbeall "'the way, and no i'rov.s6.t; ; [uch matter : It is a cercame figne, h1s loye IS fmall; h•s affechon cold to thebufinelfe inhand. So, on the other fide, whenwe fee (as in thefe here) fuch 'l.5ale to that, they went abour,as(firfi)they forgot,there was anyfteneat all ;and,when theybethou~ht themof it,they brake not off, bur went on though: yee may be bold to fay ofthem, aitexmmt mt~ltt<m, their love was grear, thatperJaxa, rhorow llones and all, yet go• .eth forward. tl"l'at neither con norpaines norperill can divert. Tellthem, theParty is dead, they goe to.:It skils nor, their love i~ not dead ; that will goe on. 'fell th~m,H~ isembalmedalreadic,they may_ f.wethetrcoll: It !Spot enough, for them, except "they doeit too; they will doeltnev~rrhelelfe,for all that. Tell them,rhey may take timethen,anddoe it: Nay,unlelfelt be done, the firi)._Jay, hor.re, andminr•te,ir contents them not. Tell them,there is aftone,more than;heyre111em~er,and morethan they can remove: No matter, the~ will trie their f\rength, anc_H.ift at ir,~though they takethe foile. Ofthefe thus qualtfied, we may_ truely fay : Fhey that are at all rh~ . eoff, tah01er, paines, to&nnoint Him dead, fhew plainly, if ir:lay-in them, to Mife Him dgaine, they would nor faile, bur doe it: Confequemly, would beglad to hearc, He wererifen: Andfo, are fit hearers ofthis Gof!ell; Hearers well difpofed, and every .way meet t'o receive thisMelfeoger, and this Melfage. Now to the fuccelfe. · . ,, .. · We fee what they {9ttght~ welong to fee wl1anhey fo"':nd. SuchLove,and fu_ch 3 la6our would not bdofr. Thtswe may befure of, there IS noneihaU.annomt H1m Thr.irsu"tffo.: ahve, or dead, without fome recompence or conlideration; which is fet downe, of twoforrs : I. They formdtheftone rolled away, asg~eatas it was: That which troubled themmofr, hoov it might be removed, that found they removed, yer they came• Theyneed never takepains with ir ; the .Jngellhad done it to their hands. 2 • They: found not (mdeed) whom they fought, CH R I s t : but, His Angel!they found; and heard Inch a ~of!ellof Htm~ fogood newes, as pleafed thembetter, than if they had found Hts boay toembalmm. That newes, which of all orhcrrhey mofr longed to lime; that, He(they came to annomt ) needed no fucrh office to he done to Him as betng•liveagaine. This was the Succejfe. ' And,from thisfucce!fc oftheirs our !elfon is. I. Thar, as there is no vertree,no t~ w~rke, but hath fome impediment, as it were lomegreatjlone, ro.be lifted ar, fi d reuolvet? So, that JCIS (ofr-rrmes) rhe lot ofthem, that feekero doe good, to ..:1 cmany tmagmary ftone; removed.to the;r hands : G o o fo providing Vt quod movf 11 Satana<, amoveat Angel!#, what Satan !ayes in the way a o-ood A~ue/ltakes ouro thn .Th · . ' " "' ! A t ay · ant may, mthe ltke cafe be a o-ood anfwer to£!!." revolvet? to 1 ?J!/f'fi" Do, r N r,the Angellofthe L oR"o hdhalldoeir;-doneir il1allbe: · 0 n ee h<re: and, as-they did, oth~rs !hall finde lr. p p :>. z. Againe;