II. The Party h1 t»b1m: the .d•gt/1. Luke a.ro, . Of theRE. suR RE c T 1 o N. Sermon 3 : 2. Againe,it is the hope,that all may have,that fetthemfelves to doe~ any fervice; to finde His u1nge0 at leaft, though 'not Hirnfelfe: to heare fosr good newes, of Him, though not fee Him at the firft. Certaine it is, with ;e gentes, ungentur; None lhall feekeeverto annoint Him, but they lhall be annot" tedbyHim againe, one way or other: and finde, though not alwayes what th;· feeke, [yet fome fupply, that lhalll::re worth the while. And this we may recko~ of; it lhallnever faile us. ' To follow this further. Leave we thefe goodWamen, and colne firllto 111 e u1ngcU the Meffcn&er, and after to his c..Melfage. Anu1KJgell wasthe melfcnger: for, none other Mefienger was meet for this MejJage. For,_if His Birthweretiding 1 of [o great JOJ, ~s none bur an u1ngell was meet to report It; His RefiJrrdilon is liS much: As much~ nay, much more. As much: for, HisRe(urrec1ionis(it[elfc)a hirth, too. To it cloth theApoflleapply theVerfe in theP{alme, This day have I b 1• gottenthee(Aff.I3·33·) Eventhisd•y, whenHewas homeanew T4nquam e.-: ut 111 Sepulchri, from thewombeofthegrave. As much, then; yea, much more. For the newes of His Birth might well have beenebrought by amortal!; it was butHi; entry, into a morralllife: Hut this, here, not properly, but by anAngel!: forthar,; 11 the Refurrellion, we fhaUbe tdce the Angels, and !hall die nBmore : :mdthereforeanim. mortal! MejJenger was meeteft for it. I We firl'l: begin with what they L1w, therijion. TheySAw aw u1ngelli» t/ 11 s 1: :rhcVifion. puleher, An Angell, in a Septilcher, is a very firange fight. A Sept~lcberis butan home!y place; neither favoury, norlightly, for anAngel! to come in. The place of dead-mens bones,of.f!ench, ofwormes, and of rottennetfe: What doth an Ang 1 0 there ~ Indeed, no Angel! ever,camethere, till this morning. ·Nor till CH RI 51 had beene there : but, fince His body was there, a great change hath enfued. He bath left there odor~!nvif<e, and changed thegraveintoa pla.-eof rell. That, not ~ Iohn >o. .,; onely thisAngel!~erenow :b~t,after this, * two.more, yea, divers Angels, upon cJi. vers occafions, this day did vifit, and frequent this place. Which very finding of the Angels, thus, in theplace ofdead bodies,may be, and is to us a pledge, that there is a poffibilitie and hope, that the dead bodies may comealfo into theplace of An· gels. Whv not thebodies in thegravetobe in heaven,oneday; as well as theAn· gels of heaven to be in thegrave this day~ · • The""""" This for the rijion i The next for themanner of hisappearing; in what fotmehc ofhisoppcalhewed himfelfe. A matter worth our fiay alittle; as agood introduction tous, in ring. him, as in a mirrour, to fee, what !hall be the fiate ofus and our bodies in the Re{tlf· reflion: In as much as it is exprdly promifed,we lhall thenbel<.i)')<'o",likeand equal! M.mh.t: .3o. tothe Angelsthemfelves. I. They faw ayotmg man,dne in the vigour and ftrength ofhis yeares : And(uch ,.!hall be our etl:ate then: All age, ficknetfe, infirmitie removed cleane away. There· fore it was alfo, that the Refimeffionfell in theSpring, the fcelhefi time oftheJtMI; E( 3 p6. 1 9 • and, in theMorning, the frelheft time ofthe day, when (faith EftiJ) the dew is on the herbs. Therefore, that it was in aGarden ([o it was) in Iofeph ofArimathea's Garden: tbar, lookc as that gardenwas, at that time ofthe yeare,the spring; fo lhall our etl:arc then be, in the veryflower andprimeof it. They faw him fitting: Which is (we know) the lite ofreft, and quiemelfq·of them that are at eafe. To lhew us a tecond quality of our ell:ate then; that, mIt, all labour lhall ceafe, all motions reft,all troubles come utterly to an end forever; and the fiate of it, aquiet, a ref/ft•ll flate. j Oothlr;sbt They raw him fit anthe rightfide. And, that fide is the fide of pre-eminence and .lk hgnaur.To ihew,that thofe alfo lhal accompany us riling againe.Thar,we mayfall on , Cor. , 1.~3 , the lefi fide,but,welhall rifeon theright; befowen in difhonPtlr, but lhall r!feagamem hqnpur;