Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon_:.;:.__. --:--::-:-o~·'f=-th:-:e_R_ · &-:s;-ti:-a---:-:-Jt_&_c_T-:-:I::-o:-:-N:-' ----...:.~_•9_ " ~thathonour whichHis Saints andAngelshave and lh:lll have for ever. 6/IPIIr, ' hd·'l · h' Ad h' · h I Laft, they faw himcM e "" """. m. . n w Jtets r eeo our ofgladneffe, as 4 ct.. htdin wefiflde (Eccle(.9.8.) Allt?lhew fttll, rhat1rlhaU bea ftate, as of Strongth, JUJf, r>hltt. and Honmr; fo,of Joy likewtfe. Andrhat, rote-wife: norjhort or skam, ~ur (as his .ftoale) all over, downe to rhe ground. . Neither fervesit alone to ihewus~what then we lliall be; but wtthall,what now . we <lllght to be, this day, theda~of Hts Rijing. lnrhat we f~e, th~t~ as't.he hea.v~11s M•«h. £ 7• 4f: at the time ofHis PAjsrm, w~rem blacke; by thegrearE~lrpfe~ ihewt!lft'Jus ttwanhfn a time of mo~rning: fo, thtsday, the .tngehwere all "'whtte, totea<i:h us thereby, withwhat AjfoEiion, with howgreat Io!; and gladneffe, wee are to celebratt and[(). r l:mnizcthis Feafr of ourS" 'V,IouR s·rijing. ''". " . l').. )t their affection (Here)was otherwife: And rhaiis fomewhar llr:~ng\'~ In theAp1 . parition there was nothing fearefull, as ye fee; yet is ir faid, they were '!ft'Jid. Eveo Thtl, •fellill' now, th~y feared nothing: ~nd nowl they fall to be afi~d, at this fa comf<!>ftablea thcrc,lth. Jight. Had they beene gmlry to themfelve·sof any evdl, rhc!J de>e, well mighrcheythen have feared. ~o D fir!l:? as the MlllefAEioHr-~oth rhe_'lndge ,' a:ntl. ·•• then Hisi..AngeU, ·as the Execut10ner of Hts Wrath. But tHcnr cominmg 'lVas fbr good. Bur(I findc) it is not theSinners cafe '?nely, but ev~ t'l't-e btft'~t ofom\nat-tlre. . LookerheScripture:' Abraham, and b1-acob, mthe Old :' ' Zachary and.the dBlejfed Yirgin inthe New, all flrucke'!withfme frill, at the fight of go-od ; Y<ea,even ~'t.ui:c':.!~.'t' then when they camefor thcJrgood. . ;l •c " · 1,; le farerh with the Angels of light, dothwith the lighiir felfc!• •~oh'ejes a:nd - - weake,qnnot endure it : No II!Ore canSinners,them: J:'l? mor~can.tbl:flrongejljiglit neither beare the light, 1fr_he obJee'l be too excell~nt_;1f1t be not tempered, roaccr. tairie proportion: Otherw1fe,even to the ~eft that 1s,ts thelightroffen~ve.And rha't is theit cafe; Afraidthey are,not for any ev1ll, theywer~a,bour, b4t fohhat, ourverynatureisnow fo decayed, ":t ~ueem,a.dquamnatA eft ,jfutmereneqt~ear, asrh~ <-Angels bi'ighmelfe; for whof~ foctette we were created, yet (as now we are) beare 1t we cannor, butncedtobe comforted at the fightdfa comfortable llnge/1, Iris not the f.Mef{engcr Angelica//, but theMelfage EvangeficaUthat mul[ doe it. Which ieadeth us a!ong, frorri _the rijionthatftaredthem, to the Mtf{ageitfe!fe I I r. that releeved them : wh1ch IS the thud part. The jlone lay not more heavie on the The J.t•f!age. grave, than did thatfeare on their hearts, prelling them downe hard. And no lerfe needful! was it, rhe v.!ngell iliould roll it away (this /}iritll4il great flone) from their hearts, than hee did that other material!, from the Sepnlrher it fdfe. With that,he beginnes. J, Femnot. AmeetTeJ<cfot hirti,that makethaSermon at aSefulcher.For the t foare 6fthatplacemaketh us out ofquiet all 011r life long (Heb. 2.) It 1yerh at ourJi~art Furt ner:, hke afione: and no ~vay t~cre is,to make us willing ro·goe thither, bur by putting us Hcb!·!·' r, out olfeare;by putnng us mh.spe,that :hegreatflones _ihall 1x; ro!l~da1vay a~aine,frorn our Sepulchm, and we, from thence, nfe to abetter life. It 1s anght beginnin<> for anEaffer-dayes Sermon,Nolite timere, "' N /' ~nd,agood realon he yeelds, why not, For, notevery bodies cafe (fhis) ~.'1Wmtrevos,ftaremt Tou : Why not~ For TM{eeke Is, u, of NAuRnfl • ~ ·"t bathbeene &rHcijied. Nazareth, might keepe-you liacke (the meannerfe ofHi; 1;;1 0 ;) andcrucijied,more(the reproch~fHis Deat_h:) In as much as thefc cannot fi tf du,%ut ye(eeke Htm; areaihamed nother of H1s poorebirth,no'rofH1s ihame– g~ deat , butfeeke Htm : Andfeelee Him, not (as fome did)when He was alive,when An~ wastobedoncbyHim, but even now, dtad, whennothingistobe gotren i . (this't~othdtor rifle Him, but, toembalme Him, an office of love and kindnejfo . uc e efore : ) (e4re not r ou, norlet anyfeare that fo[<eke Him• . Pp 3 Now;