4 10 OftheR.J.sURRECTlON. Sermon~: • No':",that they may notfeare;he impans them his Meffage full o(com~ 1t contameth fourccomfortsofHope, anfwerable to the foure former proofes of th ·' Love: •Heuri[e11; •But,gonevefmyou! 3 TeejballfeeHim; 4./l/t Hil Difcipl~~ Peter andall: Gmellthemfo. · · ' • ~ He if r;p~; In that you thus tellliie your love infe:HngH_im, I dare fay;yee~ad rather, fie; ye thus come toembalme, that He were altve agame : and, n@ more Joyful! tidilll?s could come to you, than that He were fo: Yecould (I dare fay} with-illl your hca~rs , be content, to lofe all your charge you have beene at, in lmyingyoiir odours, onconIudg."z"' .3: dition itwere fo. Therefore I cerrifie you;that Hee iJalive, Hee iJrifen. No more !~~-~~ thanGAzagates could holdS•mfon; orthe Whale, lon.u; no more could this Jlo~~t keepeHim in theSepulcher, but RiftnHe u. Firfr, ofthis ye were fure, here He was ; yee were at His laying in; yeefaw the -·· 'T .Jlovefealed,andtheWa"h fet: fothathereHe was. But; here Beisnot, now: Come ·• fee the'Place, trufr your owne eyes, Nonefl Me. •. ,. , , . · .. Butwbatof that, this is but alame confequence, for all that : Hte is. not:h&t, ' . .. . , ·.therefore'lieu ri{eri.,,.For,ma_y it n?t be,~ehathbeene taken away.1 Not,wicluny . !\!a!!h.~8·!3~ :li~dihood; thoughfuch.athmg will be gtven_out 1 that the Difc.ples {lo!eHim ·~·J ·'-.~ whslethe watchwb ljleepe : But your reafon wtll gtve you; 1• • Small probabilirie _ , ·, there is, they could be_11jltepe, all the gr~uwd fbak:ng and ~ottmng under themby ~ ~~~# meanes of the *"Earth-quake. z. And fccondly, 1fthey dtdJleepe[or all that, yet · then could they nottell (jleeping) how,orbywhom, Hewast4marvay. ~·And thirdly, that His Difciple;lhould doe it; they <.you know) of aH other were ufteriy llnlike to doe any fuch thmg: So fearefull,as miferably they forfooke Hrm yetalive, and have ever finceflmt themfelves "'P fince He was dead. 4· And fourthly, if they durll: have done fucha thing,they would havetaken Him away, finnen-cloathes, and , 311 (as fmeft~Hmenwifl make all the hafrethey can poflibly)and not frood llr!pping Hima~d wrapping up the 'loathes, and laying them every parcell, one by one inor– der, as men u[e to ooethat have time enough.aod take deliberation, as being in oo bafre, or feare at all. To youtherefore Cas we fay, ttdhominem) this confequence is good, Not taken away, and not here, therefore ri[mH7is. flt "'·~··~ ,.,,, i1M1tth.t:~J.' • ~~bn :·~.1· But, to put all out of doubt: youlhall trufi your owne eyes; Yide6itu,you !hall fee,itis fo; youfbaU (ee Him. Indeed,NonMe would not ferve theirturnes :Hekne\V theirquefrionwould be, Where iJ He! Gone He is; Not, quite gone, but onlyg011e ~efore, Which is the fecond comfort : For, if He be but goNebefore, wehavehope, t.ofollow afrer: I pr~, (eqtear; fo is the nature of Relatives. Bur, that we may fol· low then, Whither is He gone~ Whither, He told ye Himfelfe, alitde beforeHis P.:Jfion (Chap. 14. z8.)into Galilee. r. No meeter place, for I E • us ofNazarethtogoe, than toGalilee : there He is bell: knorvne: there, in a NazAreth He was brought ap; there, bin Ct~na Hedid HiJjirjltniracle, lheweth Hisjirjlglory; meet therefore ro fee His laJf : there in Ca· perwaum, and thecoalls about, preached moll:, befiowed moll: ofHis labour. z. Galilee; it was called Galilee of the Gentiles; for, it was mthe confines of them: To lhew, HisRefurrec1isn (t411quam in meditu0i4, as in a middle indifferent place_) reacheth to both; concerneth, and benefiteth both alike. . As /0/la<, af· cer hts re[urre{ilon, went to ~wwe ; fo, C H R x s T, after Hrs, to Galtlee of the Gentiles. 3· Galilee; that, fromGalilee (the place,from whence, they faid,N8goodthing &ould ever come) He might bring one of the bell: things, and ofmoll: comfort, that ever was; the fight and comfon of His Rtji~rrei1ion. . .. 4• Galileela!l:,for Galilee fignifieth aRevolutionorturning about to the firfl:~omt ; Whither they mull: goe,rhat lhall fee Him, or have any parr or feUorvfbipinthts feafr of HisR.ejurre8ion. :rhitheris Hegone befo~e : and, tll1ther if yee follow, there yee 1ball fee Him~ - - · · This