Sermon 3· OftheR&stiRR &eT iON. This is the third c!)mforc: and, it is one, indeed. ~or, Sight inhefenfedfcer1 nejh.J/1[<~ • . d all that they can de/ire : And there they d1d fet Htrn. Not rhefe here Hmr. tamne;an d d d (' l1 nl ortheTwelveonly, orthehun re ·an rwenty~a~es mA sx.) onely;bur Al!.ur. 0 y,fi hundred'<>frhem ar once (faith the Apojl{e, I G1r. r5,), a,wholeCloHd ojw, 1• 1 Cor.• s -~· ev;; ve · dr cleane our ofqueftioll. And, ofpurpofe dorhtheAnge(/poim to that '""es 't~~~~p~hich was themoft famous and pubbke of <!11-the ten. 1, • •. • apparz , . .,.~ , .. . . . .••. ,. . This was good newesforthofe here ;.~nd.they wereworth}: ofit; (eeking Him, .A.. ~ lii:t D~ as they cljd; Bur, wh~t.lhaJ.I become oftlie tell:; namely, ofH1sDijttp!esthat!_oft Zf~';;:""' H alive, andfeeke Him not dea.d? They lhull neverfeeHimmore. Yes : (wh1ch .. is ';;Jdngeli11m,good tidings indeed,the chiefe comfort ofall) th~y too, thatleft Him fo iliamefully, b.ut three dayes agoe; them Hee cal'!s not olf, but will be glad to.fe!= theminGalilee•. Well whatfeeverbecome?f other, Peter (~hat fofoully forfooke, andforfware f!imbot~) he lhall never fee Hun more. ,~es,: Pe~ertoo,alid Peter; by name. Andmdeed, lt ls more than needfull, He lhould name h1m : He·liad greate(!;, . , , caufeofdoubt 1 the greatell:ftene uponhim, toberolledaway, ofany; that pffl ten, with.oathes, andexecratiens, [o utterly renounced Hi111. This,is agood melfage, . . for him: andMary Magdalmas fit a mdfenger,.as canbe,to carry it; one great Sin-. !o!~~e 'i· 7 1 • '/ltr ro ano>her. That not onely C il 11 I s T i4rife»; but content,that Hisforfakers.;, deniers,forfwearers, Ptlfrand allihould repaire to Him; fhe day of His RejitrretJign~ That,all the deadly woundsofHisP'!foonh~venot killed His compafimo'Vetjimiers.~; That,though they have made.wracke o_fthCit dtJ~te; yet He bath not loft His mmie~ nor ·Iefc it in the Gra'lle; but.Is as read.eto rece1ve thtm as ever. H1s Refurrel1iatt bathmade no change in Him : dying, and rifing, He~ is to finners, fiill one and the fame; frill likeHimfelfc, a ki_nde, loving, aud wer,ifuU S A v zo u 11. ,This is ~c. !all: : _I'eter andall may fee Him. .. .;, , . . And wirh thisHedifmifferh them; with Ite &ilicitt; w'ith ·~ Commijionand pr~~ i i:ept; by vertue whereof; He maketh ~hefe Women Apqjlolo~ A~ojMorum; Apofllesto f.:'~ommif: the4pojllesthemfelves; (for,th•s Amcle of theBefnrrel1ton, d1d they firll: Iearne of ·.· , ..-~ thefeWomen; and they were the firll: of'all, that preached this Gofpell:) giving themincharge,th~t, feeingthisday is aday ofglad tidings, they wo~ldrior con. cealeit; but impart it to others;even to fo many as then were: or wq!lld everafrer be C >I R IS T s Difciplcs, . They came to embalme CH 11 Is T'sbody natural!: that needs it not; it is paft embalming, now' Bur another body He bath ; a my{Ucall body,a company ofthofe; that had beleved inHim, though weakly: that.they would goe and 4nnointthem,for theyneedit. They fit dryingaway~ what with feare, what with remorfe of thei( unkinde dealing with Him: they need to have fomeoyle, Come6alme, to fupple them. That, they doe, with this Gofpell: with thefe foure: Of whichfoure ingredients is made rhe balme of this day; 1 Thus w~ fee, rhefe that were at cofi to tinnoini C H R I s .,., were fully recom·· penfed,forrhe colts they had beene at; rhemfelves annointed with oyle and odours; of ah;ghernat_ure, and farre more precious, thanrhofe they brought with them, ole•mt.w,.. (lmh the a P(alme) odor'IJit.. (faith t~e b'{4pojile.)'r; fo plenle- aPfal4r.7: ou!lv' :~s there •s anough for themfelves; enough too, for others for His Di(cipld, h Cor..a. ~61 b~~~ . ? C But, what is this to us ~ Sure;' as \ve learned byway '?Jf dutie howto (<eke 'i'ht APili":· HdR I 'hT, il.ftet their example; fo, fceking Him in that manner 'by way of re- ,,... war we ope h ·. ' 1 ' to_ aveour parr, mth1sgood newes, noJeffethan rhey. . . C" l\ I sr " rifen;thateoncerneth us alike.' TheHeadis got aboverhe water; t Epllof.i·•.:t! Pp i the