41 z.. OjtheR~tsURRECTlO.N. Sermon 3, JRom.••·•'· dThe Root hath received/if~ andfap:' ~he Firft ftuits are lift up andc~ '' Cor.J5.>J· We, noleffe ~hanthey,as H1s members, H1shranGhes, H1s{ielt(, recovertothisho z. And for His gOing before; that which theAngeUt.1id here once; is evertt: He is not gone quite away,He isbutgoneheforell4: He is butthe antecedent. we~e. · thcconfequent,ro be inf.erred•afcer. Yea, though He be gone toGalil,u J•per}oas .the Galilu·that isabovr: (Heaven)the place oftheCelefliall.Spherei and Revofuri,n;: even thither isHe_!\one,_tiot·as a.parry abfolute 1 ofor for Hi~felfe;but as aHerbtn: Hcb.6.s•. ger (faith theApojtle) With relanonto others,that are commmg afrer,for whom H~ Ioh•••·'· gocth before to take up apl'M~. So, the Apoflle there; So,-the Angel! here: SoHee Himfclfe, Vadli; not Vatloalone, butVado parare leGum vohu, I goe to prepare aplAit wherein to receive you,when the number ofyou and your brethren fl1allbe full. ' 3 • To us likewife pemineth thethirdltlidehitil: that, is the Goj}eUindeed. Hetu ri[en: Riftng, of_itfdfe,is n~GoJPtU. But, Heis rifen~ndwejball[ee Him,. t~at,isit, That the time wtll come alfo, that wdhall fee H tf!J, mthe Galtltt CelefliaU that~ above; yea, due ~ll iliall feeHim_, we111hey_that pimxd Him. But, they that ::ame to lohn •H 7 • emblllmt Him, wtth )DJ and lifttng ttp thetr heads, they iliall fee Him : with that fight thall they fee: Him, chat !hall evermoremake them blcffc:d. - 4 , La!\1y (w:hich is.wonh al~ t~e refi: ? That we iliall not need tobedifmayed with our unwonhmeffe; mtha.r,wllhng He 1s, Peter iliould have word of rlJis, aad t.Mary Magdaten ili_o~ld carry lt. Tha: (fuch as tho/ were)jinners,andchiefeGnners fhould have thefe udmgs told them,this Gofpell pr~ached them: t'hat He isasread to receive them to grace, asanyof the reft' and will be asglad to fee them as a! others inGalilee. · ' •. · ' y Butthen are we toremem~erthecondmon;tha~(here)we get usintoGalit 11 ,or dfe, it will not be.AndG_alr:ee IS arevolutton,ortu~mngd p~i11cipia tot~e firfr point, asdoth the zodrake, at th1s tune ofthe y~are.Thet•me ofHisRefurrechonisPaf,h•, apalling ove~: The placeGaltlee, aturnmg ahoHt : !t re~aineth then~ ~hat weepAjfl 1 ver, as the ume ; and !''m~, a~ the plac_e puttethus mmt_nde•.Re-unmng our (elves to His bsdy andhloud, mtht~tm;eofHts~ijing; ?f thed!!folvmg anc! renting where. ofour fins were the c~u[e:The umeof~1s fuffcnng,keepmg the Feaft,ofC 8 a 15 r our new PA{[ewer offered for us; Leavmg whatfoever formerly hath beeneamilfe in C 8 a 1 sy's grave, as the weeds of ?urdeadejfate, an~ rijing tq newneffeof' life, that fo ~ye may have ourparts m theftrjf refu":eflton: Which they are happte and bleffed that iliall have; for, by 1t they are fureof theJecond. Of which blejiing and happinelfe, He vouchfafe to make us all partakers, that this day rofe for us, I B s u s C H R I S1' the Righ~ . teltu, &c. (''•*) ASER~