--~_:::{_______::_}____4-13 A . ·., l .· SERMON PREACHED BEFORE· THE K.IN G'S MA– lEST IE AT VV HIT E-RA h L 0 N the XV I. of ilpril, .A. V. Mn ~r'x. heing B fi S TB '1(-'D A Y. (\*) IOHN Chap. XX.' Verf. XIX. ·' Cum ergo fero e~et die ilio? ~na .Sabbatoru~; & fores ef– . fent claufre,ub1erant Difcrpuh congregatt propter me– tumIud~0rum:venitl E sus, &fietitin medio,& dixit eis, PAx V oB 1 s. The fameday then, at night, which was the.ftrflday o/ the 'Wee~, and rvhen the doores were /hut, -where the VijCip!es l'vere af fembled for feare of theJellies, came I E sus andflood in the middeff,and [aid to them, Peace be unto you. istheeriter-viewof C }r R r sTand His Di– fciples: and this, His firll: fpcech,at His firll: enter-view: Both, this day; the very lirll: day of His riflng. ' .. ,, _ Fivefundrytimes,appearcd Hc,rhisday. 1 To 1 M"ke o6 9: Mary Nagdalen: • To the Women comming fom ; t;:;;;'~:~;~: the-Seprtlcher: 3 To thetwo that went to Emmatu: 4 Luke '•· 4 1 • •ToSaintPeter: ~ Andhcrenow,rotheE/evm sinTtit, and thofethatwerewiththem. Thetwolirl1, to Women; thethree !all: to men:So,bothSexts. To Peter, and to tMary ]11,,gdalen: So,toSinners of . both Se::es. To theEleven,astheclergie ;tothofe broad at with them, as the Laitie: fo, to both Effates. AC. ll . Emmaus: at home, here. Betimes; andnow,late. When they were(cattered; ;,vera Y;and now joymly,whenthey weregatheredtog-ether. That noSe:.:,Sort,E{late; •ce or Ttme except d. b ifi · b 6 r ifl · · J b · R li fr b e .· ur,a.sVz ttavtt nos ariens a alto· 10 Vi ttavtt,acctaens a zmo: · k 1 Jrng rama ove, at His Birt!J; Rifing,frbmbene.th,at Hisrejimeli'ioli, Hevilited all. J.u n 7 ' But,