Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

IL' Ofthe R E ~ u R R E c T 1 o N. Sermon 4 • Bur, ofall the five, this is the chiefe. Thofe were, to one; as Ptter-;o;;– as thofe of Emmatu: Or three, as theWomen : This, to all : The more the ~~0 ; Witnelfes; the better for faith. Thofewhen they werefcattered: this (!;ere) wh;~ they were all together: The more tqgether, the more meet for this falutation here Peace he to you. ,, ' WhichSalutation is the ~ery fubfl:ance of the Text: the reil but appendent all In it, two things ~iv:e forth themfdves: I T~~ Perfuns, to whol1l\'V,~b,;: 2. TbeMalteroftheWijb Itfelfe, PC4ce. The Perfons are thusferdowne: Difciprrli tongregati,conclufl: 1 His Di[ciplestheywere; 'gathered; l and the doores fout 0~ them,forfeare of the Iewes. There will fall out befides, foure other points. ' CH R I sT His Site; that 1/eftood, when Hewifbed it: •HisPlace; tbar,iMhemiddeJI, He fl:ood: l TheTim,' All this, thefame day, theftrft day oftheweeke, Sunday, Eafler•day: ~and, the ve~ time ofrheday; that, it was lAte. . The fp~ech, ofit felfe, is a sal11tation: anywill fo conceiveir, a\ the firfrhea. ring. And, if it were butfo,and no more; enough. CH R t s T's sa!N/ 4• twns are not (as ours be) formall ;-but good matter mthem. Bur, it is more than aSal11tAtion, fay the Fathers, for this reafon. At meecin• · menufeto falute but once: within a verfe, He repeareth itagaine. So, it kcepesng; thcbw of a falutation: but, it is, ( cerraindy) fomewhat, befides. rot11m cl~riffi 'they call it. rotum pacis, votum Chrifli : CH RI s T·, row, orwiJl1: His Vow: ~~~~ , Now, every Vow impliethanadvice,at theleafr. What CHarsT wi01erh to us, He wifbeth us to. Every wilb,fo: Bur, if it be thewifoofa Superiour, in!lis Optative, there is an ImperA#ve; HisWifo, is a command, if he havewittharheares it•. So that thefe words (nghtly underftoo?). are both an Adviceand an Injtmc1ion to It; of the nature ofanEdzil. J'axvohu,Isas much, as Pacem haheteinvobis,Be t~tpeace among your felves. We are then, rojoynewithCH R r s T;tofollowHim,in His Wij71. To whom Hewifbcth it: To all CH R r_s T's Difciple~, together, c:vento His whole chrifli•• Ch11rch; and, even them, that (It may be)as lmle deferve It, as rhefe here did. • To makeit Caputvoti, omjrft row: yea,jirftAnd(econd;as CH R I .~ T heredid.'OJor. tetftantemvptare, towifh ir,jlanding. lAnd, fl:andingwhere CH I\ Is T ftood(that is mareriall) in the midH. 4 Thi• day todoe it; and thinkeit perrinenttothetime: Ir isrottt~IJ Pafchale. As for Sero, wefhall never need to rake thought for it: It is never too foone; late enough, alwayes ifit be nor roo late ; that, is all the fcare. · . 1. THechiefepoint,firft: Pax vobis. The words are but two; yer,even berwcene -r~ep<>{oMil them rherefeemeth to be no peace: but one (in amanner)oppofire rorheo- ,.,.,.f ~brills rher. Looking to vobis(thePerfom) this fbould not be a falurarion forthem, ~:~:f~;u;., Pax. LookingtorheSalraation(Pea.-e) it fhouldnorbe, tothofe Perfons; vobri," """"ile~. you. So char, our firft worke will be, to make peace berweene the twowords. Vobis, to yo11. Will you know, who they be~ Toyou,Peter, andIohn,andrhe reft. Mltth.r6. 5'· To yo 11 , ofwhorn none fl:ood by me: To yore, of whom fome rarme away, fo_medemed, Markc 'of·~;: yea, forfrvare me•. To you, ofwhor:t, all, every one f/mmke away andjorfo~ke me. - - · How evil! doth this grecnng agree with this rohts r. Yer,even rorhcfe,Vemi,O'Jieut, & dix~t; HewNe,ftood, and (aid, PeaH be toy011. Vfcd