Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 4-· Of the R&sua RE eT 1 b N. 4-'5 Vfed by them, as He had been•:, no caufe, Hellwuld come, or J1ani, orJf-ake at all: Or, >fjf<ake, not thus. Noccometo them, rh tt >Ventftom Htm: norjland amMg (l " that hadnocjloodto Htm: nor jjeake to tham, due hadreno~tn.-edHrm. 1. IS f: thedr. 'th '-e-redthe !ewes: All things conlidered, they had more caufeto fe,tre n,,. A 11h"~e '~ fo, at ey J '• H' l d If h r b 11 ' " " 9·'·· aod~olookeforfomereallreve»ge,at 1s un s: . nott ar,wmever a reproofi, afalt<tation, ofanothcrlhle ortenour: And well, 1f they m1ghc fc_ape fo. Confi. , . ;mum Dommo, q11ta bonHS; It IS not fo : No evtll dad, for all thts: No, no; fo .rJI.to61, much as an 1 mkmde word. ·Above that, they could looke for; t:~ue abovechat, h d fcrved it is, Pax vobts. You and I ·are at peace,_ you and I are fnends; ~e~~ek11ntoyo~. This is His fitft goodnelfe : Hts makmg a peace betJVeenc Pa.Y: andro61S. T.his Speech to thefe PerfMs,. is much mended, by adding the~ime !n t!:eText; :,~:/:;u'~" ;,, that,irwasiUodie ; rhedayofH1snling. Pa:cvobts, JSagoo~ ·f'eew, tor Good. ftiday, then, men grow chantabl.e, when re;;,dy to dye. But, o~ tnetr, at ... their riling, the daywh~~ Exaltavtt E11m Dem, the day of the1r e:caltuUon, th~y ufe l'mhp.> 9• totake other manner fpmts,and remember formcrdJtgraccs, w1th a farre other con- <>ie. H£C eft lex hominis ; Men doe thus: but, not C H RI ' 1·. Neither their indig– ~iry,vobt:r_;norHis?wnedi~nitychangeth Him. Rijing, exalted, the very day of Hisexaltanon,z/lodte, He faith, Peace be unto yo11. Anotheryet: That it was Prima Sabbati, the very jrf! day of the rveeke .- tooke p,;.,;sabbari, no ipng day for it: Nay,nodayat all, but chevery_firlrday: Io{eph (exalted) dealt • Lu<ot·•: well with his brethren; but, not the firll: day : Jt was fome nme, firfr. He kept them · in feare, awhile; but fuewed himfelfe, at the !aft CH R r s T cloth not fo; ho.ld them in fufpence: i/lo dill,primo die, thefame day, thejrjl day, He carne, and lhewed Himfelfe, and faid, Peace be rmtoyote, · Yea,notfomuchas dixit (here) but (as it t:~llsout)will beare~note. Even,that Dixit'."'"' itisdi:cit, and notRrf}ondit; a Speech, notan LAnfiver. TlmHeUakeit, unfpo- rrf}•ndit. ken to: He, to them,firfr; yerthey,to Him. He might well have ftayeq rill then: and reafon would, they lhould firfr haveCued for it. Yer they aske it, He givcrh it: · arrdprevents. them with the blefing ofpeace, They firlt, in falling our, He firfl:, at Pfal.u ; . making friends• . · A great comfort for poore finners, when the lnaliy indignities, we have offered CH R r s T, !hall prefent themfdves before us, tothinke oftbis vobr$. That,when the Difciples had done thelike, yet Hee forgac all; and fpake'thus kindly to them, tlus day: That He will vouchfafe us the like (lpecially, ifwe feeke it, He wili) and fay to us, PJ:cvobit. 1 · Will yee remember now, to extend your wifu ofPe4ce, i to them, that (it may bc)deferveit as evil!, as thefe,here: Even,hu q~ti longe. 'To doe ic, at our rijing,ac our l~igh day, when it is EA~er with us: l Not, to make their hearts to pa,nr,and eyes tofa!le firfr; bur, evenprimtt Sab6ati, to doe it. f And not to take ftate.uponns, and bcconrent,_roanfwcr, Peace; andnotjjeak~: be moved for it; bur, notmove 1t: yes, evenmove~t,firlr. Ifwe doe, wqoytiew1th C n R Is,., mHisfirll:part the perfonall pare ofthe will1. ' y IUu, and i/lo die, andprimo die, what they were, wee fee; and in what fort: . i [.er,~ notc,ograte on this point altogether) fome fmoke yet was there in the jl.1x; T~><ptl'fopstu ohn;,e 'iUlll remainders, i/licts mifericordi£ ( as Tertu!lian) to move His mercy : In "' '"'· t etewords 'D'r.. ,. . z,r; . Tl H' D;r.. , ~ctptt t, >congregatt, l cone ''JI, fpropterttmoremlted,.orttm: 1ar, thiS ~czpl}hes (yet ) they were; and, togetherrhey were. and iw feareof the !ewes, ey were tit up. :) > Whatfoever · 1 r 1· · r · · :r. · l · - Pnprojtable [, r ' or lOWJoever t 1ey were ehe , yet ; they were [Its Dt 1 ctp_ es.: 'Har Difupter." pl . ~nnrs, yet Servants: Lofl fonnes yet Sonnes: forgetft~ll DlfCJ. Luke '7· ' 0 • •. es, Yet Djctples. Hi. Difciples they were: a~d, howfoever they had madea ' 1·'~1 · faulr,