Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

I . aF'or,inftart uftbtltwts. '3A[/'tmbkd. Ofthe REsURR E eT 1 oN. Sermon.q., fault (as it feemeth)fo meant to hold themfelvcs., fiill; and hereafter to leatne thei le!I'on better. r And, I like well theirfeare : that,.they were afraidof th.e I ewes. It il1ewes there were no good termes betwixt them; and that theyjlmt their doores upon them:there. fore theymeantnottogoe out to them, or feeke Pax vobuof the I ewes. They had no meaning (itfeemeth) to give over CH a Is T. Ifthey had,what need they fi 41 ·e the I ewes ? The I ewes would have done them no hai:me, they might have[et open their doores, well enough. • AndCongregatu (I take it well) is no evill figne. It would have beene Ex •li4 catefa;for love, ratherthanfeare: Andagaine, for feare of Gon, ratherthanofthc /ewes. Yet, evep thus, I millike it not :Aad, much better thisftare,than that at the Pafion : That, j'wtered them one from another; every roan il1ift for one. This makes them draw together, andkeepe toge~her, asifthey meant tofiandout afrelh, Which very [ Congregati;] makes them fir for this Salutation. It cannot well bcfai~ difgregatu, tq them that arein funder. r na, is adifpofition to tmity ; andgathering, to thebi'!dingt•p inthe bandofpeace. CH R I ST (that_faid, ~otiesvolui <DIIgregart/) liked lt well, to fin"de ~hem t~us together : And, His commmgwas, as to take a\Vay theirfeare; fo, to c6ntmue ~hetrgathermg, lhll. And, !hall welearne thiS oftheDifctples: • Ifafault fall out, not togiveover fchoole, but to continue our Di(.:iple-lhip,ftill. • And, not togoe over, toftekeour Pax vobu, atthe hands of His Enemies : Toj/1uto11t both them, and theirpt4Ct,too. 3 And lalHy, notto forfakethe fe!low.fbtj; to keepetogether, fiill. For, being fo t 1• gether, weareneererour Peace. Th1s !Qall make CH a Is T come and fay itrou1 the fooner, and the more willingly. I1· The real!part, roti (iemma, that which He wiiheth, is Peace. Firfi, whypm1/ The reali part. Then,Whatpeace? · i Why,Peacei' Istherenothingmoreworththewiihing~ Nothing more,ofit Whyp'"'· felfc; Nothing more fit for thefe perfons, this place, and this time. '1 As, f.b~J. ,fll. 133·'· Prov.15-J6. 17· 'ProV.t7.1. Of it felfe : rotum paci>, Summa votormn. It is, all wilhes,in one; Nothing more to bewiihed. For,in brevi voce1Jreviari11m,thislittleword is aBrevi41'1ofall, that good is. To ihew how, alirtle: qu:tm bonum, how good, how worth rhe wilhing it is. It is tambomem, fo good, as, without it, nothing is good. With it (faith s~lomon) aw hand-fie!/ ofherbes; without it, an houfe-fu/1 offacrijices, is notgood. With trouble and vexation, nothing is good; nothing is to bewifhed. . And as, without it, nothing is to be wiihed : fo, all that is to be wi01ed (ail f. good ) is within it. Evangdiz:.antium pacem, Evangelizantium bona; qmt, m pace, omnia bona : To bring newes ofpeace, is, to bring newes of all good thmgs; for , all good things are , in peace. Bona, is the true glo!I'e or expofiuon of 's Plta(ant. •pf~LIB·•· J profitable. l'f.ll.7•·7· peace. * .f<!e'ambonum, you know: And, quam jrmmdrntJ, too: But goodandpleaf>tPt; and pleafant, not onely, as Aarons ointment (which was onelypleafant:) but, as Hermun dew, which brings profit with it. vtbtmdantiapacu (faith thePfalme) Ptact, andPlentiegoe together. · ·4 WiDICd by Andyet, how much it is to be wi{hed, this lheweth, Pacem te pofcimPA omnu: • •11. All wi01 it:: vtngels wi01 it (Heaven, to Earth) Pax in terru : And uwenwlib 11 (Earth, to Heaven) Pax incO!lu. Go n wilheth it : mofikindly for Him; Dell Luko.t4· pacu, pacem r:ei; the Go n of;eace, theP.eace .of Go n. Yea, the enemte ofa, peace wtlheth It: for, he complames, remffznos znquretare, areyee cometotroublet~d So hewonld not be tro116ted, that troubles all:. but, fet all together by the earcs,an lit quiet bimfelfe. . . . :Phllip.4 7. Luk•H4· But, i is much forthd10nour of Peace, that ctlm beUttmgeritur, pax qf/&rtfflt. Evenmilitary pcr[ons, with[wordin one hand, andfire in the othergive this for 1 ·thetr Emb eme,