Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 4-· Of the R E s u R R E c T r o N. E bleme Sicqu.trimtu pacmJ. Thuswithfwordandfire,feekewcpeace. As feekeit a:falr,rhey mua; we mua, all. Bdr, prima Sab6ati: but,Sero,fooner or lat;er,com~ 10 it wemufl:: If ir be not rhe lira, tt mufl: be our lafr. :But, if therewerenotlung clfe, thts only were enoughs and,rhough there bee • And by_ . rnany, this chiefly dorh fl1ew It: That our SA v. I oUR CH R r s r, foofren, fo ~r.~R IS T; d. erfewayes [oearnelllywijluthtt. Gomg, He dtd It, Pacemmeam dovobu : And Ioh,; .• 7 • 1 vwcommin.'Hedorh it. Sitting, He did 1t (chap.x6.) andnow,jlanding. LivinO', Ioh.•~ n no "'' . . . ~"''· ijl" I C w. " Lub.14• when He was borne, Pax m terru, Xemum ~"" t, t was H .R .' s r s ~....sw-yeares- Chap.c 1 ., 8, gift: Dying, when He was to fuffer, Pacemmeam relmq11o '!lobu,tr was Legatum Chri- · jli, c H • 1 s r s Legam. And now (here)rijingagame,ltls Hts wijb, frtll. To /hew; . ~· not only the good oftl1lShfe,butofthenexr, robe mpeace. Prayedfont (Chap. 17 .; Payed for it (Chap. r8.) Wept for it; o if tho" had.Jl knowne the things thatper- c&,p. c 1 .,,: taineto thy pettce! Wept for it; andbledfor it: thetefore,immediately (the very next. Lu~· 'H'· words) Hee lheweth them Hio hand<. and hi> fide : As much to f.1y; See, what I .,. havefuffered, to procure yourpeMe : Your peacecoft merhis : Pax vobis, coft Cr~<x mihi; See, you !hold it deare. Now(fure) if there were any one thing better rhau orher, tho[e httnds would nor have with-held ir, and that heart wouldwij/1 ir. And, ewe it dorh wifh :therefore, nothing more to be wifbed, Complete it is, Vot11m pacii)SJtmma votorflm. Thereneed nootherjigne begiven,butthat,oftheProphet IonM;thatCH K 1sT Ion.•.••: wifhed his wiil1 : So the tempe.Jl mayceafe; and peace (as acalmc) enfue, fpare mee ··- nor· take me, cajl mee int~ the Sea; make mea. Peace-ojforing, and kill me. This, is eno;tgh to fl1ew, it is to bewifl1ed; to make it precious in our eyes. For, we under. valueit ar too low a rare, when (rhar,whtch coft fo deare) for every trillino- ceremonie, w; are ready to lofcir. Our faint perfwafion in this point, is thecaufe, we are faint in all the rea. w ell, though thisbe thus good ; yetgood it felfe!s not good,unlelfeit be in fe•:: [on, come litly. Doth this fo ~Every way fitly. 1 For thePeifons :. • Forthe Place'· 3 and for theTime. The Perfons : both • CH R r s T by whom; and • they, to whom it is wifhed. f 1. CH RI s T,bywhom: Decet Largitorempacish,ufalutatio([aithCyril) It"ismeer, And now liclif for Him, togive pwe, that made peace : Nay, Ipfe eft Pax nojlra (f.1ith theApojlle;) ;.oc· che Ptr• and, for Peace,what fitter f<tlutation, thanpeaa? :~';,.h•m 1 z. They, to whom : for,they needed it : with Go n,they had nopeace,whom CHRrsr; they had provoked: Norpeace with men; not withthelewes about them: Norpeace ~P;~·~~~m: Wlththemfelvcs, fort hey were in feare, andnight-feare, whichisrhe worfr of all o- The 'Difii!l•s; thers. Fttfor them; and they,for it :for,togetherrh ey were, and fo, not unfit to en· terraineir. And, with theplace,it fuiteth well. For, they were /h11t ttp,as men environed and £ beleaguered with their enemies: Concltifi, & dereliEii, lhut up andforfakea: And to Fo; chc Pr.trr, fuch,pwe is evct welcome. . . And, for. the time, feafonable. F?r,afterafa//ingoilt,peace isfo: And, after a 'J VlfforJ, peace IS fo•. Ftrrherefore, for tlmday, the day of the RefurreElion: for, till For eh• Ti,...! then, It was not mkmde. The greatbattell was not fought: The lajlenemie (death) G ~v~s not overcome. Never,till now :but,now the !aft encmie is conquered,now it is 1 cor.lp_, In1eafon. . And, for thething it fdfe, peace,isakind of lle{tmedion. When C n .. I s r was 4 ~fen, Hts Di(ciples weredeAd. Thofedeadall'eeliom offorrow andjieare when they :"or the thiri 1eaze thorowl 1 ~· ' d • '' filk· f 1 ,r. b Yuponmen, Wiatarethey,bmMorsantemortm•i' Vpon"oo newe> R•acnrtfiir. It liJ'P '_IMob is f1id to revive : as if, before, hee had beene give~ for dc;d. rtlli,;. " waj/s thetr cafe, here. Thehoufewas to them as theirgrave· and the doore ar the Gcn·H·~~' . grave- one · and tl b · d · fi ' ' " d ' w h c.' l ley 11r1e m eare :when fthey faw Him, in the next vene, an ere t us amedbyHrm, theygathope,wereg/ad(thatis)revivedagainc. For, if ~q !hof~