41 & 1 { OftheR&sURR&CTION. Sermon 4 ; thofe were thepangs of dcath,pea>e (after a fort) is uefi~rrec1ion: and~ forthenme. 'Never kindly And, tofay truth, peace is never kindly, till then. They define felicitielhon! , @ !~:•, to be nothing elfe but Pax deftderii. For,give thedqlre perfeCt pea.., and noma~' needs, to make ushappie. Dejirehath no reil:;_and w•lllet us have none, tillithav~ what it would; and,till theRefurreaion, that wlll not be. Clup.•6.n. x. Pax & prejf11ra, ourS A vI ouR oppoferh (Chap. I 6.) Ifwe be pinched with :my want, Dejire bath no peace. 2. Let us want nothing (ifit werepoffiblc)No ~r~~ , 9.•6>· peace,yet: Pax & Scandalum(the Pfalmift oppofeth:) When we have what we would fomewhat commerh to us,we would not;fomewhat thrvarts us:Till non eft eiJfcand 4• l11m, till that be had away, dejire bath nopeace. 3• Let thatbe had away,yeranew warre there commerh. Pe.ce andfe~re, are(here) oppofed. We are well: neither prejft1ra, nor S>andalt~m : but, wefearetoUet11r a vobir, that it will not hold, or wee Jhall not hold. The laft enemie will not let us be quiet. Till he beover.ome, our de. fire bath no perfeCtpeace. That,will not be, rill theRefierre8ion. Bur, then, it is Pa» plena,pt~ra,perpetua: fit!l without want ?P'tre, without,mixture of olfenfive matter; andperpetual!,without all feare of forgomg,of tolletur a vobu. And that,ispaxdtf" derii; and rhat,isperfeelfeli>itie ~ The ftate of the 1/.efrsrreflron; and thc wijbofrhe ll.efamtfiqnaay, ' · ~ what ;we. Thus (wef~e)goodit is :and, fit it is." It remaines,we (ee,tvhat it is; Urhat, p1~1; When we fpeakeof pea.e, the nature of the word lead~th us, to aske, Withwhom~ And they be diver[e. Bur,as diverfe as they be,ir mu!l: be undcr!l:ood of all; thou~h 'IPe:tee »titb ~O:Q, trf fome one, more efpeciallyrhan the reil:. ' There is ape&ceaboveus in heaven, with Gon : that,fir!l:. They werewrong; here their feAre ranne all upon the Ierves : It lhou!d have looked higher. Thelr>lr they kept out,withjlmttingtheir doom .. Again!l: Gon, no doore cad be lhur. Fir~, ptace with Him: and, with Him, they havepea>e, to whomCti a r sT faithPa.< '!lobi;. s With'"' . Thereisanoth~r.peace,within us, infirm, with o;tr heart. For betweene ourffirit mnth'!'"'· and ourjl<fo,rhere IS mmanner ofa Warre: Thelssi's of thejlefb,evenMilitant,wage ~let.>.~ 1 • W4rre (faith St. Peter) againfl the forde: And, where there is awarre, chereisape4C<, too. This ispea>ewirh feare, here. Which warre is fometime fo fearefull, as men, to ridthemfelves of it, rid themfelves of life and all; Concludeaptace there. Tllis, followeth of the fidl:: If all be well above,all iswell within. §Wieb•/lmen There is a Peace without us, in earth, with _men, with all men : The v.tpl}lle warrants it; pea>e with theieweshere and all. I will never feare; to make(ivill Mauh.f.~·. peace, apart of•C H1\ Is T s wilh; nor, of his Beati Pacijici, neicher. Heewill be no worfe at Eafler,rhanat Chriff-majfe, He was: at this, His fecond; than, at that Tmul•.dp•l•f· His firil:birth. Then, Iantuwaslhut, andpeaceovcrallrheworld. orbempacatum was ever aclaufe in the prayers of thePrimitive chur>h ; thattheWorldmight be ' .lmmj;tb•m qniety. • h" - -- b h · ' f. 1 , • : et IS not t IS thepeace of CH 1t Is .,. s principal! enteni:lmenr; ·ur,t etrpe4Ce, •••· to whom CHRIST fpake:Pax :Di{>ipulormn; Paxvobir, intervos:peaceamong !'fal·•is·~ them, or betweene themfelves. It was theointment on Aaronshe.d : A.rrol1,that had thecare of theChr1rch. It was thedew that fell uponSion: Sion,the place, where the :Pf•l.•••·3· Temple !l:ood. Thepeace of Ierufalem; that it may be once, tU aCitieat rmitie wethrn A<bH•· it felfe. The primitive peace; that the multiteede of Beleevers maybeof unehe~rt ~'M.ark.9·So. Fhi\.4. 9 . bPfal.12.~.6. cPro.tt..t.o. !!f!btth.)·l'· ~n~one minde•. All the re!l:depen?upon ourpeace with~ o. v ; and, ourpeacewlt.~ ntm, upon thiS: a Pa•em habetetntervos,andDempa.·uertt'!lohifcrem. Thepe4(e~ . lo-,ufalem; b they fballprojjer that love it (faithDavid.) c Ioy lhall be to rhem thatceHP· fellit([aithSalomon.)dBlejf'edjl~alltheybe,thatmakeit([aith CH RI s r.)Howgreat a reward lhould he findc in Heaven> how glorious aname lhould he Icav:e OI! earth; ~hat ~ouldbtingthi~to palfe! · ""hi;, l~ '