Of the Rx SVRRE c TION• . This, is CaR I, -rs wilh :. ~nd what is ~e~omeofit~ .Ir."welookeupon the ~f~"'cbr1~ thriflian rmld, wecfee1tnot; 1t1sgpn~, as1(C a 1\ Is -r hadqeverwijhed~r, /11. Betweene IehtJ and Ieri~Mm, Salomons.~~ed went to wra~ke. lehrJ, his proceedings (like his chariot wheeles) h~.tdlong audvto!cnt; . Bu1 IcktJ,)S b!l_ta brunt l too Violent, to la!t long. Iero6~am is more dangerous: whom<.~keS.tthts w~(edome, ;o keepe up a schifme inReligion_;they lhall [way both.parrs more cafily. Gq ,~> fQrbtd;we lhould ever thfnkeleroboamwi[er tbansaloi!Jo!J. Ifpea(ewerenor aw_~fethmg, the Wifeft mans name lhould not ha.ve beeneSalo.n:on. AgrMICJ than Sa/Qmon wo~ld nev€r have Manh.• s.:j.i; [aid, Habere fAiem&~Mem; If you have any[aft, you w11l h~vepeace. Sure, wh~n Mauh-N.'!• the IJiftiples loll: the1r-peace, they loft thm w1{edome: Thm m{edome, and thm jlrmgthboth. They were !tronger,bycwgregatrs,thanbyc(a~<f¥[Dr1Vu;;m01:e fafe; by their being together, rhan anydoore couldmake them• ..· . .: . . . It is,as CH 11. Is T told us (Luk.Io. where-, He prefcnbesthls forme offa/uti(- tuk.io. j.~~ tion) it fpeeds 1 or it miffes, thereafter; as it meetes with theSll(me of pe~~e: Specds,if · - ·-- irfnde him; if nouomes backe againe;and takes no place. 1 . . • Well, though it doe not,we mu!t {hl_l holdus to C a ll I s -r s Wijl> : and, when all failes, !till there mull: beVot11mpuu in ~or de; th9ughenmitie in t!lea&, yetpea~_p in the heart !till. Still, it mu!t hold, Ami~ru,tlt nonalter; Inimicru, atnon idem r friends, as if never otherwife_; Enemjcs, a~ if notev~rfo. fl.!!:_<.fl tomns,heHum: warre, like aland-floud, tlur will be dne aga1nc; fl.!!:_Ajiftuvm>,pax ;p~ace,as ariver, never drie, but to run !till and ever. . . ,lit • ,, . . .. Bur yet, many times we r$~ke, and ba'?e not, heqr•Le weMkf 1J9t a_right (faith Saint ~am;:n: iames:) We know not the thmgs, that belong to Dllr P~~~e; we err.em;heurder, m~n" ner,jite,pface, ortim~. . _. ,. _, . , . · ·· , . . . - The order: wh!chllt;lpeth much : fir!t 1tls; lirl'c,Pnmrtm& •tnteomma; 3 Cap.u.t 1 fidei; the prime of His wifhes. Nofooner bor?e,bu.t_Pax,in terril: ~ofooner ri,[en, T!•• or<fL.r~ • but P•x vobiJ: Apertiolabiorum, the very opemng of h1s hps was, Withthefe words·i ''· fr~ ~.clicd, The frjl words: at thejrftmeeting: Qn-the,.veryjirft day. , Itislt figne, it is fo in His heart. That,which moll grieverh us,we fir!t complaine of' and,rhat which l!IO!t affecrerh us, everfoonefifpcakeof. This, isthefir!terror. That which wasfirft with C a a I sr, is la{hvithChrij/ians: and, I would it were fo (!aft r.) for, then, it we~ fome : Now,[carceany at all, as it [eemeth• . , In the <.Manner : for, fir!t isbut fir{f, that is But once. This, is ftrff and{ec011d, z Here, Hee faith it : and, within averfe, He is at it againe. Nay,ftrjl_,fecon~, and T~ ~ta••'" ~hird: 1 inthif, •the XXI, and l XXVI. ver{es: As if (like ,ABio, inRhet~rikc), all'""""Uh•d, m~ . . All CH a 1sT s vowesaretobeefi:eemed;fpeciaily,HisfoiemnevOJves.:Anc Hisfpeeches; chiefly, tho[e He goeth over and ()Vet againe. That which; by flim,is souble and treble faid,would not,by us,befingly regarded.' He wduld hav~ it better m.,.ked : therefore He fpeakerh it the fecund rime, He would have it yet finke dee-' per l therefore,the thirdalfo. We faulty,in them~nner. Once,we doe it (It may be:) but,up_~n any ~e_pulfe,wegive over : if ircome nor at fir!t, we goe norr.o.ir $mmd~ &tertro,repmtrsvmbm. Wemufinotleavearonce;thacCa ll Is r didfeofr, .,;h r d. · • · • . • .. ' · - • ..·, ' · · •• .! :i.Hisslt~bl ~ Ji ~ c1econ error IS; \ve aske 1tJi.tttng(I feare ; ) and C H ll I s ·r flood: HtsJf41S· wilhing it. •g tmporrsfometh\ng. StaiUimg, IS thejiteof rhetn~ that are teadyro goeabouta Slttit. ~~tter' as they, to tak.e:heirjourney, in rhe XIL o.fExpdm. Th~t Site, is theSiteof ... ., h m,that Wtlh forpea~e: vportet ~antemoptare. ASedmtarie dejire (it maybe) wee lixod.•~· '..!S axe;_ bur;lorhto leave our mfhion .: We would it were well.: but nor ,;,.illing,~o dif– ~al;, osr [elves: rtinam hoc eJfet taborare, f:,tid h~; that iay along and !trerched him– e ;· ofaywe :peacewe would; but,ftandino- is painefull: Our wi/h hath !res, but llO•tggr. "' . llutjit could notbefaid: Beat~t;fHti are thefeeie oftlmn that bringpeace,if rliidee~ Bfay s•:r. . Q_q ~ bad Ji~m.~Q·•s,