{ Ofthe Ruu tuut c r 1 oN. bad nothing to doe, inthis butinelfe. With jitti11gandwijbi11g, it will not be had , ~~ai·Ji·'4' ,. Pt4tt willhideitfdfe; itmufibe {iug!.tout : ltwillfly"""ay, itmufibepNrfutd -· This then, is'a point, wherein; wee arcto confojmc our felves to C u lis 7 : ~ well touf'e ourlegs,as to_open oar lips_for ir. To_Stand,is Sit~IHJ6:m:t~ : To~oldup the.hands, Ha~ltmorantu. The meamng ofwhtch ceremorue, ot ti[tmg11p the h4llis with prayer, is, Yt, proquo quil orAl,prnQlahoret, what we pray for, wee fhouldta. hour for: whatwewiilifor,flandfor. We fee, CH lt 1 • T lheweth Hishandsand Hisfett; to /hew, what muft be done w~thboth, for it. Ifwe lhould be put to doe th~ lik~, I doubt, our ~ijb bath nrer a·good legge, tof/andon. ~His l'lactl l•mttfj~. Lui;.1.7,, i Toj}anJ then :·But, to !land, inacertainepla(t. Every where to fiand, will not (erve the turne. Stetit in meJio, thatjlAndingpl~t(tis af!igned for it, thusg:Jiding ••r feet intothe'III•J ofPeate. ·And, the Place, is materiall, forpeace. Ali bodies ruturall never leav~_oviog,are never quiet, till they recover their proper places; and, there, ByIU!IIIt· rl!ey findc peAce. ThemidH is C H ,.. 1 s T s place,by Nature: He, isthe fecond Per. fon ;, tlivi11il• and fo, rhe middle-moft of the oth_er two. And, on eanh, follow Him <ifyou ~ill) you /hall ~~t (lightly) finde'_Him OU\ofit : ~or?acc?rd_ingro I.ut,s. 1 . the letter, fpeaking o~ the matenall place. _ ~tHts btrth; In medt6 dntmaltUIIJinthe 46.• St461e. Afrer (a Chtlde) Inmetli9Dol1/irllm,m theTemple. Afcer(a man) Mrdi 111 lo'hn s.a6. 'IJejlrumftetit (faith John Baptifl) in the midfl uf thepeople; fairh He of Himfelfe,Ecc 1 L\lk,u•.,. Egoilmutlioveflri,inthe miilft of Hi~ ApPlllu. At His death, it fell to His turnelike· ~J-tJ. wife, that place;even then, Hewas mthe tntilft. And now (rifing) there He ts (wee fee.) They,in themidjl 1/ the /ewes: andHe,inthe mid{l of them. After this,inP•t· Apoc. 1 . 11 ,1• mos, St. !ohn (aw Him in Heaven, in the midjl uf the Throne : in earth, walking intht •J· milifl of the Candlepidw. And,a:tthelaftday, Helhallbeinthemiilft, too, ofthe ~arth.•f· Jl· jluepeon11ilright halfd,arid theG~atsonHu left. All which/hew, the placeandHee, fort very well. _ 'Jyoflice: u a But, were itnot naturall for Hlm, asthe cafe fiandeth, there,He istoft!f~td,being Mtl.i41Dur. to give peau. No place fo lit, for that purpofe: None, fo kindly,as it. His Office ~Tim.H . being, to be aM-eaiAtour, Medim betweene GoDandman, where lhould aMediatoHT, flanJ,butin Medi~f Tbe rtafoo Befides, the two qualities of good, being to beDijfufivumandYnitivum; chat; !f ;,, is the fitteft pla,e, for both. To iiHribute, beft done, from therenter. Tounite,like– wife; fooneft meet, there. The placeit fdfe hath a venue fpecially to unite : which ·is nev.et;done.but by Come middlething. If we will t8nclude, we muft have aMedi111 tm~~ih114: Elfe, wee lhall never get Majll4 andMimu extremum to come together. Nor,inthings n.dNraO;either ce>mbine two elements difagreeing inboth qualities,wirh. our amiddle fymboli:(.jng with both : Norjlejhand 6o11e, without acartilagebetweroe both. As farthings morAD; there, the middle is all in all. No vertue without ir.ln luHice; enclinethe ballance; one way or orher,the even poize is loft: Et,opm Iujlilit, pax: Pe4(eistheveryworkeof Iuftire. Andtheway,tope~ce, is themidway: nei· th~rtotheright hAnd, too much; nor, to the left hand, too little. In a word;allAK4· ligieJymmetrle,h4rmony, in the world,goethby it. It commethall to this: The manner of the Plaedoth teach us, what manner of 'Affe8ion is to bee in thc:_m, that 1vijb for, or pandforpeAte. The place isindi~erent, equally diftant,alike nede,to all. There,pirch the Arke; that, is the place for tt: ln– Jiffirmcie in carriage, prefervethpeae : By forgoing that,and leaning to extremtttes, it is loft. Thither wee mull: get againe, and there]land, ifever we /hall recover tt. Diftefit 4medi1 loll: it :Stetit int»ediomufi refiore ir. Therefore when you heare men talke ofpt4ce, marke whethertheyftandwhere . they /hould. If with the PhArifee, to thuorners, either bypartialitieone way, or prej11dice, another; no good will bee done. When GoD willhaveitbrou&httd palfe,fuclt mindesHewill giveumo wen; and make themmcer,to wilh ir,feekeu,an find it, AJittl'