Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon+· Of the R R suR RE c r r oN. fll A little (now) of rhe time. This, was C 11 R r s ·r s w.ia1, arrhis rime : And 4 The Timt:. Cn R 1 s 'i' never fpeakes our offe~fon. Therefore,a fpectalltntereftharh this Feaft, In•ao d~t • . ·r It is Votum Pifthale, and thts ts Fejl11m pacw. 101 ·And furc, Ha6m111 t41em conflJCttidi:'cm, & Ecclefi,e Dei: S11ch acziflome we ~ave, , C£<,!1_,~~; and fo, thechurch of Go n h~rh ufed 1t; t?t~ke thefewords of C J.i R I s r, mr1_1e nature ofan Edifl for pacijicatron, ever at this time. Thar,whatfoevcr become of1t~ all rheyearebelide, this time a1ould J:>e kept a rime of peace; weihould (eckc it, ana offirit: [eeke it, of Go n; and offer Jt, each to other. There bath not, thefe fixteene hundred yeares, this day paffed, without.a Peace~ offiring. An9,theLa?' of aPeace-offering is; he, that offers it,muft take his part of it .i ;, eat of it, ontdoth h1m no good. Th1s day therefore, the churchnever failes, but 1 fers forchher Peace-offering : thehody, whofehands were hereJbewed: and, theSide, whence iffucdSang#u crucu,the h!oudthat pacijethaftthings huarth andheaven : that Col.r,i!>~' we,in andby it, may this day,rertew the Covenant of ourpeace. Then can itnor bee, but agreat griefe,to aC~riftianheart,to fee many,this day, give C 11 " I s r s peace the hearing, and; there 1sall; heareit, and thenturne theirbackes on it; every man goehis way,andforfake hispeace: inftead offeeking it,ihunit ;and,ofpt~rfl~ing,tume away from it. . We have not folearnedC 11 R ' s r : St. Paul hath notforaught us. His•Rule if is : Is C 11 RI s T ot~r Pajfewer ojftredfor u.r (as,now, He was~) Epulemur itaque (That,is his Con~lufion) Let~ then keepe aFeaft,a Feaft of fweete bread,without any l!ph:.r;a:·;. fowre/even;that Js,of Peacew1t~out anyHJalrce. 1 . Coq.?~' So to doe: and,eventhen(this day)when we have thepeace.ojferin,r; in our hands then, theotoremember, alwayes (but then; fpecially)to joynewith C 11 a 1 s T ~ His fl!ijh ; to put into our hearts, and the heartsof all, that profeffe His name (th~irs · fpecially, that are of allothersmofilikelytoeffeCl:it)that C 11 R' s T may · have Hiswifh, and theremay bepeace thorow thechriftianworld :That we may once all partake together, of one Peace-offering; and with one , mout]J, and one minde,'glorifie Go n,rhe F,ather of our ' Loao In sus CHar sr. (*-;.*) ... - .A SER; J