Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

{ Ot:'theREsURRECTION. ~ermon . 'J L 4• with any dimmeletters on ir. ' In thisText,I finde mention of ajlone to begraven. r, that,! lhall prefent you this day,with an Antiq11ity ; anoldjlonedigged up in the J~nd of HUG, asoldas Iohs rime, and that as old as Mofes; with a f;;ire infcription,theeh,.. ra~ers of it ~et legible, to prove d1e faith ~f this Feajl, [o ancient, that it began not Withthe Chriflrans ;thei:atriarchshadttas many hundred yeares beforeCH R 1 , T as we are after. This Text is amonument of it. And,it wiH be never theworfewe\: come to us that are Geniil;s, that it commethfromonethat is aGentile (as /ob was) and not of Iacohs !me. It1s the !ironger, forthat Mifes and !oh, thelew andGentile !"fal·ii~- { belceved it: 111ofes put it, in his ordinarieprayer(theninetieth P{alme) as it were, his Pater nojler; and lobhere, in his Creed. · · Saint Hicrome uith of lob : ~llum tam Apertepoft chriflum, quam ifleMe ante chriflum,de Ref#rrelticneloquitilrChrifli& fuA.: Noman,everfince c HR Is T, did fo cleerely fpeakc of C a R I s T s Ref•rrec1ion, andhu owne, as lobdid here, before CH R I s:r : That hu Redeemer livcth and {hall rife Againe. Which is as much to fay'sr; as, He is the RejimeEfion andthelife : (St. I ohncould fay no more.) It is hishope; Hte 1 Pct.•·l· is by it regenerate, to alively hope: (St. Petercould fay no more.) Enters into fuch par. \!C~!·.•S· u. ticulars, thu ftejb; andthefe eyes: (St. Pa11l could doe no more.) Thereis nor inail the old; nay there is not in all the T{{w, a more pregnant d1reCl: place. There isthen, in this monument ofalitiqtJitY_, a directprophecie; or (ifyouwifi)J plainecreed, of thefub!ian~eof this Feaft,of,his Redeem_m rijing,_and ofhuhopero rife by Hun ; the onepojittve, the other:1/attve. There IS apathettcall Poilme fet be. fore it; and there is a c!ofe or farewell,by way of:epiphonet~JA,after it)no lelfepathe. ci~. , . The two firll; verfes, we may well call the Pu~tfi:Ne, or prepar:~tion to the Feafr Th Summe of l'ajfewer : which ferve to ll:irre up ourregard, as to aMyfterlil or matter of great •»d Divijion. moment; worthie not only tci bewrittenor enrolled in abooke,but to be cut in~one, - 1. amonument to be made of it,adperpetllamrei memeriam, oh that, &c. Ill III. Then followeth (ih the third) hiuukemerandhu riftng; hispafing over from· death to life: I know,&c. and out of it (inthelajl) by way of inference, hisonme: Et qt~'odego, &c. [et do\_Vne with words fo c!eere,and fo full of caution, as, in the:e;ijlk totheCormthrans It IS not fuller exprelfed. . Vpon thefe two, there be two ACl:shere fet downe, •Scio,and• Sfero. Hebe; gins ;withScio, fotthetruth : and ends mihi ./}esforthecomfort, orufe of th~s _knowledge. G!aven, that it may b.ekno.wnf: knowne, tha~itmaybeourhopt." H1s 1t was, and ours1t mu!i be :repojita, with htm ; reponenda, With us, to be lodged and lAyed11pin our ho{omes, again!i we be layd into the bofome of the earth. Indeed, [fculpfit in lapide] is.nothing without [repo'!.! infinu; JG~~:':'ing in ftone. will doen~ &ood,without laymgtt ttpin~~~ bo{ome! · lO'B ~-- ~