Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Jer.rf,,; { Ofthe RESuRRE c TI6 N-. .Sermon'S. reafon, the law, in tables of ftone; and theGoJPell, inlheets ofpaper. Coodreafon , Jo~, as zealous for the Goj}eU, as Mofls, for the Law. If that wrought inflont' ~h1s no lelfe; as firme and durable, as It, everyway. And th<:: fame reafon is for"rh~ , ironpenne. As theftonefortheLaw, fothepenne forth~Prophets. If, intheProphtt, mens fins bee written wtth apenne of:ron; meet, the d!fcharge lhould be written no lelfe deepe,with as hard apenwe, as it; that fo theCharaCfers of one,may matchthe other at each point. . . :iRe1fon~ Thi·sforMofes: now for our Redeem(r. There it was meet, ut de PetrP.,inpetr3:' i• Cor.•• ~· Petra atttrm Chrijftu, OurRedeemer is aRocke : 0 Lo 1!. D my Rocke a11dmy Redeemer ;l'hil.r9 •!· (faith David) or my Redeemer of the Rocke, alluding to this of 19h: Kindly it is 'it lhould be wrought in theRocke,that is of theRedeemer, who is the Rocke. Andfo .•Cor.,f. H• the rcfi1rreCfion, being 4 ptming on ir;corruptiow,wouldnotbewrittcnincorruptible ftuffe, but in that commeth neerefi to incorruption, and is leafi of all fabjecho cor. 3 fuafon.' Hof.J l.If. zCor.~ f·S'-f· H· rupt and decay: The words would be immortal!, that treat of immortalirie. · A third,in refpeet of thofeWorks,!hat are ufually wrought ofjloru, as Gr4w: flones,as Arches Triumphal/. The Refi~rremon is mors mortif (faith ofle) o death 1•iO heethy death : forthe de.thof him that is the deathof us all, here, is agrave-.flonea]. lowed,and anEpitaphewavcn <;>n it.Here,and fo clothNazia11zen call thisScrip. Ef.u p . ture,Deaths Epit~;he. Etther (tf asif{a~ fatt!l,Death byC ~ tt Is T s riftngbefw 4{. ! ~0': 1 r-Jf· /~wedrp in vzc1orte: ) atroph<e ofthts vJetone would rematne; and rhat,asall viClories,in aPyramu ofjlone: and that Arch-wifeon two pillars,• One for chrifls;•One : for our reftwreCfion. . One more : That I ob rieedeth this wifh, in regard of thofe, that were to .receive this doetrine. It will not wellbewritten, thereisfuchunbeleefeandhardnelfeof heart, yea, even in theDifciplcs,and fo generallyin our nature; as,enough to doe,to grave it in us: yet foneceffarie wirhall,as where it will not bewritten,hewiihesitgr<· '1len. Written,where it may;but graven,where it muft, But writtm,orgrave11,oneof them in us all. · · n; This for io&s wilh, Shaii wee nowpalfe.tothethird verfe, arid'f'eewhatthcl'e ·J,~; ~:J,::;,' words be, that ~op~per ~ill, b~tftone; norpenne, ?ut irm; nor inke, but le4d? and•f•r·' G~eat exp~Clatton 1s rat~ed w1t.h thts (o fiarely a?enme. Thewords be I oh: H~ rem on. Scto, andhts Spero,touchmgthetwoarncles of thts day,' Hts Redeemer, andHu rt. Jing; 'and the traine of it, H /6 owne rifing, and his feeing Go n. They begin with Scio r he pillar ofthis faith,Jnd end wirh H .ecmihijpes the arch ofhis hope;ever,hope giving the ~ffumption to faiths propolition. . ·;~ad l<l• Let's begin with the objeer of his knowledge. The firfi is newes ofaRedttmer.' """!"'· We owe this word to lob : he, the firfi,in the bible,that evet named Him fo. Of the creation, wee read, inMofls :and Go o provided wellfor us,that weihouldno fooner heare ofaCreator byMofes,but we lhould,ofaRedeemer,by I ob. For, though Gcn.rpf Go o by right ofcrwionwere(as faith Melchifedtck)owner of h~avenandwth,yet the creatureheingfubjefl to vanity lhewed they were gone,aliened from Go •· .But llom.8.><» this is good newes, rhatfeeingwee were Go n s ~wd not our owne, He wouldnot fee that carried away that was his own,but would be content one ibould redeemeIt back. !!>b·J.8, 9· But, it is newes to heare, that I oh is at his Redeemer 5 lobwith all hisinnocen.m, with his [ojtifl,andholy life, as Go o Himfelfe barewimeffe unto it, :asSatb•n,hUD• felfe could not except ag•infi it 5 yet hee is not at ScioqtiodI udex; but Sm quodrt• dcmptor : doth deprecari jt1dicem 5 and,for all his venues,a Redmnerwill do~we!} though; and he in the number of thofc that are glad to fay s,·io, totakenouceo . Him. From whichhisSciq, his notice taking; we rake a true efiimate ofio6sdlate. Fot ifhe looke after aRedeemer, then is he, either fold for aServant, or carried away flr aCAftive: one ofthefe. for, thefetwo onely we read of; redeemedfro,.Egyptt'j ~ot']e of ~ol!_dagt ~ ~r r~~"n.edfrom ii~bylon_ t~e f.111id of t~ei_r faptivity. Sat:~:~.