Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 5· Of the RE s u R R E c T r o N. confelfeth both by himfelfe; SotdtmderJinn<, and t.Jmvay captive under thelmvof Rom. 7 ., 4 • ji mte. Job confelfeth as much: Peccavt,qmdfactarn? Hnneflhehad,andbycom- •l·. · · 0170 f finne was becomeServtupeccatt, Soldby h1mfelfe,and madefubJ'ect by lob1.>o. num " d fib' .o. . f' b 6 •o linne; and fold by Go o, an made u )e~'. eo cormptton : ro~ oth which hee ~· ' d"daRedeemer. Whether fervant, or captwe, one or both, tt falleth out well n~e ·both fiares are redeemable; 11eirher pailredemptiun. Sinned; that he needs; R.:~wner : Norfo finned, bnt aRedeemer will fe1ve. <? o o is willing (faith Eti- C!llp. 11 .• 4 • hu) to receive areconc!liatioo, to admit ofa Redeemer : tf we can.get us one,to lay .·~·. downerheprice,rherc tshope,we may berdl:ored,to fee Go o agame. A, Redeemer 3'1 3 willdocir. , . . · !I h · d k • · Whyrhen,Scioquod,I:eknowes ofone. Good ud~ngs,to a r at nee to now, thereisone,prefently in bemg. For then,. 'l\!fnc dtmtttu, may lobfay; he.may depart inpeace, dye when he will, h1s Redeemer lwes, whowtll never fee that,Perifb; He ha:h payd rhe price for 1 but, ji,1c~ Hecame to redeeme that whtch IVM ldJ, w;/lnotJtiffor that tobelo~which Hehathredeemerl. . . ·. . . . . . , This of his Redeemer, Now, what he beleeves of Hun. Ftrfi, !wehe mull' 2 be aliving, quickething ; not dead, on":ithout life. Silver,gol~ will not doe it; our .!(•od~ivir. m/emption is perfonafl: not reafl, to gtvefomewlmandfavehtmfelfe. Butfucha Redeemer, as mufi anfwer body for body,and life for life; giveHimfelfe, for 1ob, and thofe He redeemes: fo is thenJture of the word: fo the condition of our redeeming. There is His Perfon. . . . , · Of what nat~~re, out of the word Redeemer. Sure, if aRedeemer, Go n. The H"N"""d' Pfalmededuceth at large : Man cannot redeeme hu brother, norgive an ationement unto p[,l..9.~~ • G o 0 for him. It .co.ft m~re. to redtelm fpttles : fo tf;at, he mttjl let that alone for ever. 8. Thenrells heusplainely : ltiSG on jhallredem;eourfordesfto'!' the handof he_!!. lob ~~'~;.:~:, r. faith thefamein effect : In Iiu Samts He f011nd folly, andmHts <.Angels pravt!atem, . ,6. fomewhat awry : They (borh) needaRedeemer,themfelves. Thar,rhey want them- .•r·•· fclves they cannot petforme to others: and, if neither Sainr,nor Angel!, then no Res•. deemer, but Go o. . On the otlier lide, if aRedeemer, nMnHeistobe, of neceffitie. Soistheflat And Man. law of Redemption of perfons. He mufi beftater, or propinqrms, abrother or next of Lcvic.• 5 ., r'– htiJf<d: elfe, not admittedeo redeemea perfon•. That He may be admitted then, Hee Ruch. l ·'''· muft be f!efhofot~rflejh; and then He may. The very word fheweth it, which dorh ~s properly fignifie, to beenext of kinne, as toredeeme. Vponthepoint then, both \,Ill Hee mufi bee. f.Man cannot; Go n may not: But, Go n and 111an bdth,may andcan. Butwhat ll:and we frrayning the wordRedeemer, or the conditions ofir,when we Ve•m i• com• haveborh tWainc, his n.<tllres in formall termes, inimediately in~everfe following, vzde6o n:um in carne .? There is G o n in plaineterme~; and Hisflefh i~ humaneflelh; and that IS man. I know,incarne(there)may be conftrucd two waies: Bur(I Know) both waieswell; and both waiesitistaken, J;>ythe Fathers.· , I in myflefh, jha/1{ee <:;on : or: _z l jha/1(ee Deumin carne, thari_s Deumincarnatum; .Go :0. havingtaken flefb upon Htm. Thts latrerway, I finde, Samt Augrtffznerakerh1t: VzdehoDeum in carne ;quod, ~didtempus pe;tinet, ~um CH R 1 Deitas habitite~trnr';indtJtaeft. I fhallfeeGoo tnmy flefh: thts perrames to the ttme, when rhe God-hei:dofC H" r s., wasclothedwith :he ha.bit ofjlejh. And wellborh: For, one depends on rhe orher,; ourfwngGoo mthe.ftefh; upon Go n s being{eenii;or•r.ftefb. Bur, Deus, incarne~ are thetwonatures. -. Now His office is Redeeming' How difcharges He that~ Ho\v brings He the q•od;efurget~ ~orfeofourredemption;o palfe ~Many were His workes concurring to ir. lob HISOfli''' mg elTht,andmakes chotfeofone among themall;which is the chiefe ofall,the acc~mJ.1 m~nt ofall,andwhere He /hewed Himfelfea cornpleat Redeemer. For,rhen ~he eHemer.~ghr,. when He had brought His worketo perfection: and rkat He did~ ,>V en ero;eaga1~~e. ~o head. rife ag4!~e; o.ndnotftan~! It is well~nowen, it is the proper word . fo~