Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Pfal 16.10, Alb;t. ~HS· /obrowne re~ iunc:dion. 7hc:B:nefit. { Of theRE suR REcTI oN. Sermon 4 , for ~iftng, and not flandin:.,. The LXX. fo tur~eit; not ,r,,.J<,.,,f/,~t .iv":""''"'' jhallrife agame. The Fathers [o reade1t : '!>(se dum n~tm erat Domintt1 (faith Samt Hmome) & t.Athleta Ecc/efi,e Redemptorcm frmm vtdct amorttllsreforge • tcm, Hee was not yet borne, and the Churches champion,!ob, faw his Redeemer~~- fing from the dead. rirlur~~rn me ccrt!ifide credo, Liberd. voceprojiteor, quia Redem tor metu reft~rget, q11i inter impiomm mamto ocqtbt~it : with affured faith I belee/c' and w.ith free courage confeffe, that rife I lhall,in as .much as myRedeemer]hall rife: who IS to dye by the hands of w1cked men : (fa1th Gregory, upon thefe very words.) Rifcagaine then lhall our Redeemer from the dead. ThereHewasthen, or He could not rife thence. How came Heethere~ S? that, here is His death implyed evidcrnly,that brought Him thither. RifeHe cannot except firlt He fall: Fall there. fore He n:ull: and be layd up in the,before He canrife from thence againe. Spe. eta!ly fwng, we find H1m firltalwe (m the fore-part of theverfe ;) and thenri[ea. gaine (in the latter.) For how can that be,unlcffe death come betweene ~ Yea, the Fathers goe further : and from thewords[carne me!i] fetdownethe ''ery fiateof His death. In my jlejf,, that is (fay they)frtchflejl' .umin~, rent and tome, As (to fay true) betweene CH RI s TS jlejiJ,whenPilatelhewedHim,withEc,t Homo, and Iob's,nogreatodds: rnumtntotocorporevcdmu: Onerefemblcdfome. what the other ; fcarce any skinne left on Him,no more thanIo6: pojlquampdlemme. am contrivenmt, might C n R 1 s T as truly f.1y• .In this cafe, hefawHim; broullht tothedctjl: ~ndthenc~hefeethHimrifi1g agame :and fo now, it is Eajier-day With Job. For, thisTixt, th!sday,wasfulfilled. Then, He rofe againe: and rift'ng,lhewed H.imfelfea perfect Redeemer. Then : for, till then, though theprice were payd, nothmg was fecneto come backe. Now, Hi 1 Joule was not left in hell; and fo,that came.backe: NorHisjlejh, to fee corruption ;and fo,that came backe. And,havmg thus With amtghty handredeemed and raifed Him. felfe, is ablctodoeasmuchfonts. ~am inSeojlendit, &in me fa8urmefl (faith Grcgory) Exemplo h£c mon.ftravit, qttodpremifttinpr,emio : What He lhewed in Him· felfe,I-k will performe in us;and what we fee now in thisexample,thenwe lhal!feelo inour ownereward. But,thus have we,in this 't'tr{ecomprifed, His Perfon, Histw~nat11res, God-heaa, and Mai'l·hood; His office, His DeAth, and His Re{t<rrerfion, and HisSecondcommiiJg: (for,at His firfi,Iob faw Him not,as Simeon ;bur,at His fecond,jball.) What would wemore~ with a little helpe,one might make up a full Creed. Very well then,·on he goeth, and out of this [ s cio quodReclemptor]he inferrcth [ Scio quod ego;] arguing, from H;is Redeemertohimfelte. E!idem ,;aten!i revin8uft Chriflt refrmefiio, & nojlra; One chaine they are linked with,Hisand ours: you can· not fiir one cnd,bur the other moveth with lt. The linews ofwhich rea[on are inrh~; that the Redeemercloth but reprefentthe perfon ofthe redeemed. For, aRedeemer is res propter aliccrn; all he doth, is for another : Lives not, dyes not, rifes not ruorfor himfdfe; bur, to or for others: him or them,Hc undertakes for. His life, dearh,re– [urrection,rheirs;and the confequente(fo)good: Scio quod ille,& q11'od ego. So there lS no error, mreadmgas we doe, in our office of the dead, I /ballrife ag•ine at thelaj. Though it be the thirdperfon,in theText, rhe firfi is as infallibly deducedbyconfe· quence,as if it were there exprefiy fet downc; as fure as He lhall rife, [o fure He fital! raife: for, tothar,is Hea Redeemer. We fee thecoherence ;let us feetheBenefit: which fiandeth ofthefe fourcpoinrs. Firfi, Hefhall(ee Go o : Secondly,See Him in hisflefh,and with hu eyes: Thirdly, in the fame jlejh, and with the fame eyes andno other: Fourthly, and he jhailftelhlll, jibi, for his owne good and benefit: andallthis,nonob.ftante 1he cafe,hewasm,which gavebutfmalllikely-hoodof it. The