Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 5· Ofthe R E suR R E c TI o N. } ..:-Thelirlbndmainebenefit, His Redeemer willraife ~im to,is to fee G o D, !hat, vidtbo DtNm; h 1 ft hen he became ahel)ed :that, he recovers,~em~redeemed. Here begms all , 1 o.,u fee. ejjor '~0 becaftoutofHis prefence: here, all ?appme.ue, to be rellored to the light Go D. rn~. Y' ntetMH&e rijioJlti, all along the Scnprures,ts made our chtefe good ; and ofr frU~r ftill f;t forth,under that tcrme.. In Thy prefenceil thefulnelfeofjoy (faith Prll. 1 ,;.u; 0 h Pf. l y.) 0 Jlende nobis Patrem&fufj,tt,andwewdl never delire more. A con- Ioh. •4.8; te~ur:::~ay have, ofthegloryofthis lighr,fromMofes ' he{aw Him; and not His he; · her. andthat but aglimpfe,and butas Hepalfed by; yer,gothefo glonous a ,a~ehnetrt 1·.: his cenntenance he was fainero beveiled; no eye could endure to behold Exod. nu: ortg tne e" . ' . h li . • h d'db 1 k •i· him nd, alike conJecture ofthqoy, by t etram 1 •guratton · t ey 1 ut oo e up ll:br. •P· at it: they delired bhe anbyhwh 1 ed:e butfthere ; never ro fee any fight but that : fowere they ravi/he wrth t.e e .o mgo rt. . •. . . SeeG 0 D :andfo he may tn ffmt,asdoe thef~J~Jlesoftherrghte~m departed: ~tskt!s sMdtU.i" not fortheftefo. Yes; fee him,inthejlefo. That,as proper to thrs text,and thts day, car.-, . h . d C ,r. · h {l•n.. d h' T · Sec hlmtnmy which ejfirs moregrace. T 15 ay, H R 1 s T riiJ~ mr e ".Ju, an t rs ext ~s, we Jlefll. fba/1fee Him it~ the jlejh. It is meet, thefief!> partake the rede'!'ptron _wrought mthe fte/h ;andHebefeene of jlefh, that was fcentn the j/Bjb. He will ~oert for the fle/h; it is( now)His narure,no lerfe thanthe God-head:He wrll not forgem,wemay be fure. It werehard, the Redeemer ihould be inthe ll.efi1, and the fle/h never the betterfor it. ' . For, thefoule is but halfe; though the better halfe, yetbut halfe ; and the redee1 R; an , ming it,is but aha!fe redemption; and i(but h~lfe, then unperfecr. A~dour Redeemer • on, . isGo o, and Go oswerkeJate allperJefl: tfHeredeeme, Hedoth~tnotbyhalves. His redemption is a compleat redemptibb, certaJn.ely. Bur, fo it i.s nor, except Hee redeeme the whole man, Soule,flefoand all : h1s foule fromhelf, h1s the grave, bo:h,tofee ~o D•• His tedemptilll' ~s unpetfecr, rill i; extend fo farre. There~ fore, at H1scommmg agame, they arewdled to lift 11/J therr heads, thetr ~edemPttont~ Luk.u.aa. ;zt hand, their fuR. redemprioTJ; thenfuO, when beth foute and6udy lhall enJoy the prefence of Go D. And, w·~at we fay of G? n • illorlu, the fame we fa¥ ofthe foules defire : It is , Rcafon: not full nerther, wnhout thrs• . Every man, yea the Sarnts, Satnt Paul, by name, · profe!feth:tll our defire, Nelimru expoliari fedfr•perveniri, We wouldnot be.Jirippedof , Cor. f.i; thilflefo, bt~tbtelothedwithglory immortal!; upon (oule andjlefo both: which delire,being both naturall,and having with it the concurrenceofCods Spirit,cannot finafly be difappointed. .. I ~d~e f~rther,that it is agreeabie,not only totheperfoll'ionofHis worke ; bur even 3 RcaCon: eo His JUHrce, that 'lobs fle/h /hould be admitted, upon theSeptuagints reafon, in rhe (oreparr ofthe ve~fe, .,;"'"'"''"'""'' that it bath gone through, joyned in the good, endured al! th.cevrll, as well as the fou!e. For Codil mt unrighteous, todeprive the la- Hrb. 6 .,,.; houre~ ofhts htre; bur, '!''th Him, it isarighteom thing, to reward them joyntly, that - - haveJoyntly done ferv1ce; and not fever them in the reward,rhat in the labour,were not fevered. But, thejlefb hath done her part, either ingoodor evill • her members hAthheene memhm, eit~er.waies. in thegood, the fle/h hath lmeeled,pr~ed, w;ztched, Rom. 6 ., 1 !'!fled, wanedand we~rtedtt felfe, to and for Cdd: In evil/, it hath done, I need not tell you wha~ : and that, to and for finne. Therefore, even jufiice would, they lh 1o~ld fhare rn..thertll>ardofthegDud; and in theevil!,take like part ofthe ptl'llijbment. . hi>may ferve forrhejlefo. . . a Afind fure, the very famemay be faid, and isno le!fe firong for the third degree: J '"""'' m•J s, or dhejlefo, and theeyes; forhat the famejlefo lhould participate and thefame &c. ~{~;v::~~:.%her for them. No juctice, ~ne f!efo lhould laho11r ,~nd a,;the~ reaP.e that, ~~;.r;:,~:d. ofmu h 1 f1dfor•. Whatcomfort•canttbe forthe poore body,ro abndge It felfe thefamceycs. ther fi~a!~b u~e, and to devouremuch tedioufnelfe and many affiictions; and an~- . zhe[e e es ~~ 1 °byfhall fiep up, come betweene, ahd carry away the reward. Nay,rf not dom an ° h' h•vedroppen many ateare, iris reafon the teareJ bcwip't from them, Clup,, 6 , 10 ; · - ot er pay~c of new-made eyes. If they haverefirained themfelves, ·- R t eveo, . I -