{ Of the R & suR RE c T I o N. Sermon 6.' CJ"P·3'·•· even,by coven/Jilt,frowjlrttying after ohjrfls oflu.ft; it is meet, they be mv~ view ofa better objeCl:. r e But, to fay true: fo lhould there be no rej't1rreflion indeed; ariflng up, rather of new, thana rijing againe oftheold. Iob ihould not rife againe, this lob; but an~rh/ new I~h, in hisplace,and ll:ead. Therefore is this point ever moll: ll:ood on,ofrherellr ., Cor. ''·'J· Saint l'aul : nor acormptible,ora mortall,ar large,bur Hoc,thiscorruptible,thiomortali l~hn ' · '~· yea, ourS A v r o u.l\ Himf~lfe, folvite.Templtun koc, this very Temple: andto!hew: 1t was rhat very onemdeed, 1t pleafed H1m, to retame theprmt, bothofthe n•ylesand JPeare. And lobmoll: plaine ofall. uling nor onelythe wordHis, as it werepointin• to it withhisjinger,pofitive; bur byadding,thu,and no other,exclujive too,to expreife it the more fully above exception. 4 Butnow,rhefeall, •feeing God, and' inthefte{b, and; in thefameftejb, all areas r idcbo mibi. good as nothing, withour the fourth. ridebomihi, alittle word, but not to be little ~~yfdfc lhill regarded. Inthetran£lation,it is left outfomerimes,never in the treaty. To fee Him · ·· for our good; elfe,allrhe reil: is little worth. For,alllhallfee f!im,and'in theftefo,and :F.r,yz6,, 9 ; .Apoc.1.7. Luk. '1·11· ~3.·30· inthefamejlejh; but all, not}ibi ;blltm~ny,contrttfe : not to theirgood, all; butm1• ny to their utter dell:ruCl:ion. This very word is ir, whichdr~weth the.Diameter~ betweene therejitrrefli~nbJ life andthereforreflion of condemnatton; ther•ght hand, and the/eft ; theJhee; 1 and thegMtes: They that feethemfthi;tothem,Efay : v1rifeandjing. They;hat conlrt<fe; ofthem Saint Ishn: ridebtmt &plangent : fee they jhallandmOIIri'JI. Thof~ £!Jail fly, MEagles, withal!/}eedtothehody : Thefe other draw backe, and!htinke into their graves; creepe into theclifts andholtJ,-toavoydthefight ; cry tl the hiUs,tafaa 11 Thef.p 7 • upon them, and hide them from that fight• Qne £!Jail rapi in ~cc~~rfum, becaught up to pf,l.~.r 7• meet : the other /hall converti retrorfum, be tumbled backward into hell, with aO tl~ people thatforget Go~·. Sotha: thi~ word is all in all: which Go o after expounds, C:lup.J J.l.G. T?idebit factem meamm 1ubt!o, With JOY a1td]ubtlee, Jballhee heho/Jmy face ; M amk1• mer, notMttrevenger : and, asitfolloweth, with hoje (andnotwithftare) inh;i h~fome. · And the very next point was i~, that revivedhim ; and in very deed, the tenot ofhis fpeecb, fo often iterating the fame thing, and dwelling fo upon ir, ihewethas much. Once had beene enough; I jhallfee G oo : Hee comes over it againe, and againe; as ifbefelt fome fpeciallcomfort even by fpeaking it. Three feverall times he repeats,thefeeing; and, three other, hisperfon I, and I my felfe,and I 11ndnoneotha hut I .. And as if, he were not enough, he reckons up three parrs, his skinne,Jlejb, •wl eyes ; As if being once in, he could not tell how to get out. Blame him not :it feemes he felt forae eafeof his paynes ; at leall: forgat them, all the while, hewas burtalking. It didfo raviih him, havingbegunnehekn~w not how tomakean end. · III. Thus much for theobjel1. Now to hisScio,his knowledge fidl:; and thenhisSfl' ;rhe two All: ro, his hope after. For his knowledge: there be foure things,! would note our offourc Hf,'~10.,. words. ' His cerr:~inery out.ofScio: • His propriety, out ofmem : ~HispatituiJMI· ledge. tmg, out oftandem: 4and H1s valour or conH~tncy,mnon obHante. . I , Scio, hiscertainty : That he didnot imagine or conceive, it might be; but kne;llf lliscc"'ioty. forcenaine,evenfor a principle. fl!!_u fcit, Who lmorves (faithone,Eccl. 3· zt.) Will · scio. /cnorveth,,vhether mendye MbeaHs ? ..fl!Ysfcit? Scio : who knorvrs t I know (fa1th lob) Ptetafne, (faith he, Chap.r4)Thinkeyet•, one th41is deadmay rife againe? 1hmkt? I kn01v it (faith Job.) It was res fa8a, even this day, to His Difciples. IcwasriS eerta, to him, many hundred ycares before : It is much to thepl\aifeofhisfa•th :fo f.!at. s.,.. m11ch 'IVM notfou»d,nonotin I{rael. And we/hall not need to trouble our felvesro know howheknew it: Not by any Scripture; he had it not fromMofes, but thef~e way that Mofes had it; helookedinthefamemirror, dbrahamdid, when he[.<wt c IQhn ~. 1u; fame Perfon, and the [4me day, •ndrejoyoedtofee !t• · - out