Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 5· 0 f the R E s u R R E c T .w N. } 0 fSciohiscertainty;and, outoft.Me114hispeculiar, as itwere. ThcRedec2 ( uti~ •rldwouldnot [erve him, nor Saint PaNts maxi me fdelit~m, ofthefait!/uffl'!;s prorwy : mtr 0 tJe Wo ,(, ) ld l . T/; f d d ~ • l>feM chiefely. This (ofthe Ephe;WIS •v,ou 1 no; content 11m, 1 . ~;, 1 ,~vfie. tu an g<vehirn. 1 Tn,;. • ' "· t:!Feforu<:Nonebut(:.Gal.) Tr>at ove"me, andgavemmJlJ' orrm. MyRedee. Ephrr. 5.,. J' 1 '. vht'chthey call Faith'sPojfefwe. GJ!.l. ,o. wr.' · d l · · d. · F · · l 3 In Tamlem, the third;.,vobr , .us patient e 11~ ';mgh. ~'?,, pat 1 tence 11 ts nobt odne y H;'.P""""' fuewedinft<jferingtheCro 11 e; uunwattmga 1 o 1 ort eprom';'· tWl not e one w>itihg. by andby, this :but Tandem, atthela!l: it will. Hejha!!rife againe.atthelaJ'.: he ~~~d',':·. G. fh all; andwefball. .f2!!!credtdertt; nefeJimet, He that beleeveth, let!urn not be mall Tit.'·, i .. I /le No:Si 111oram fccmt, expec1a e11m ; Ifhe fray, fray 1115 leafure. Tarry h1s Erlp8.s6. 1a" • H.t~. " 3 • Tandem. · And Jaftl all the[e; ~nobflam_e, or Tamaji; the refo!utecourage, or '!la/our of Ji,uoo~•~c: his f•ith J rhat thts he faith, bcmg 111 cafe he was, finall hkcly-hoodof 1t th appea- Tamrtfi.. · ranee {eein<> and feeling, that he faw and felt. There fat he £1llmg away by peece:meale: Yivum cadaver. For him then rocalke of Scio, and memthus, having no better fignes and arguments than he had ; in the fenfc. ofhis anger, w beleeve his favour; brought to the day of death, to promife lumfelfefo glomman eflilfe : this is <J./brahams fatth,. Contra JFem zn tpe credere ; !Vtth~ttt, nay, Rom. i·~· faith againft fee!mg_. Hts !l:atc, m fenCe of m1fery, want ofcomfort; lus fnends difmaying h1m; tor all char, he keryes to lusScw, andtolus 011em!l:tll, <J./1! dfe, evenaliheiJath (hi& righteoufnejje too) they may take from him: Saltttem non auferel'll, his R • o E • M • A they !hould never gee: nonobjfante, he would hold himfa!l:. . This for hisScio, and now tohis SperiJ, whichword Ieadeth us to the ufe, he did • All, sptroi and weareromake, of this .knowledge. Nor, lmoni, toknow; or ro be knowne to HtS Hope. know ; bur, know, to lodge in. 011r ho[omes true hop~ : It is the general! u[e of all our knowledge o.f the Scnptures , whatfoever, tt written for Mr learning, Ronu; . 4 ; that wee by patience and comfort in the Scriptures may have hope. Generally of all ; but above all, of thefe, of C H a I s T our R E o a • M a R : Hee is o11r hope ; aAdHisrijing, that is Cap11tbon.eJFei, our cape ofgood/Jope, themoft hopefull ofall other. • The ufe of hope is, to expellfoare. Nofeare, to the feare ofdeath : what.. Sptsrcpofu. !hall become of us, after our /hort time here, which makes us never quier, but Hope layd up. in the vally of <J./chor, all our life long: The refurreElion opens us a gate of 11 r. hope. Therefore, this day, ~ti timere, fay the <J./nge!ls : Nolitetimere([aith M~r:,~.'J: CH~ is r.) Thatourproperfal~ttationoftheday. This, a day of hope. And· Luk.•+·Jll. this ufe made DAv 1 o of it : my flejh jhaO rejl in hope, though he were not in Pf:u. 16. 9 • Io. s cafe, hutinaUhisroyalty. For, even Kings, in a!lthcirrojalty, Cometimes have before them the band-writing on the wall : Numcravit, hce hath num. hredthi d•yes ; and even then, they re!l: on this hope, and read this infcription not unwilhngly. The f.1me ufe doe the v1pofflts : Who bath regeneratedm, in )Je, toaltVe!y hope, hy the reftmeflion of CH a Is T (it is Sail't Peter,) Reft in hope . _ (faith DAvID) a ltvely hope (PEr E ll;) Reil: in hop6 of rijingand living a~ Dlll.. 5·f.l.!• game. , And the terme, that I o,; here giveshope, is worth a note : he calls it the kid1111" ofthefo~<le. Itma~e the Tranjlatotmiffe, thatkne!vnotthisidiome. For, n1'S:> hs tnthat part ofthe body 1sbred, and from thence dorh ifiue that fame generativH< umor' whereby we propagate our kinde, and Jive here (in a fort) after we pe dead:Inhkemanner, bychishope (fairhlo•, and[ofaith Sai~tPeter) wearehe– gottenande:v ;wearefowen (faithSaint Paul) and ofthat{eed, ri{eagaine inpowBr,ho- : i;'~;~~r: 11011r, •n tmmsrtality. · 0 ~Md this is h~c .f]>es, tiJis hope. For, hopeatlarge heai·eth evil!, hathnogood uam~~ ~fy our hopes proveYigilantisfomnia,waking dreames: we canno.t lay them bp, Th we would; they arc not worththe!ayingt~p, no more than our dreames e. at .the Heathen man made it his happi!lfffe, to fay : rale)Jes, farewe!l aU Rr ~ hopmg.