.... 432. Pfal.t46.s. Rom.f.f. Hcb. 6. 19. Luk,6. 4 a. ltC'pofit3i11' Sin~: { OftheRE suR R E c T 1 oN. Sermon 5• hoping_. T_his is true, where the reft ofour hope is vanilhing, asman;whofebrwh u "'hu ndlfrtHs; andwhenthatg:oeth, .t!lht< thuughts perijh. B.utthishopeisofa. nother nature: Non confimdet, tt wtflnot makeyou ajhamed. There sa reality init,and anchor-hold ; 1t ~s 6mlt on the rocke, Jt w1ll endure, as the rocke~ on which it is built and on wh1ch lt IS gravrnhere: There will c9me an end, and Ius hop_e will nor be cu; off, ofall other: You may make anepojitmnof1t, lay lt up: Repone tllam, & repone in i/IJ; you mayreft on it,it.is!fes viva,a living hope,in Him that liveth, and01aJlt·;~ ftore us all ro life. · Now, the !'lace ismuch, wherewe lay it : Every thing is bell keptjn his proper lo lll)bofilllt. place. lob fa1th,he bell:owedltmhtsbofome, and would have us to doe thelike. Of that place, he made ch01ce: ofnone Without us, belundc us. That we mighr ever carrie it about us; ever have it before us, and in our fight ;everat hand: notrofceke but ready and eafie to be had, when we call for it :,and thefe, forrhe cominualluf; we are to have ofir, in alhhe difmayes and difcomfom of our life. Bellde, rhereir willbefafely ;that; beingthefurell:place, as being wirhin rhe foldqfourarm~, where our firength lyeth,and whence, hardefi to take 1tfrom us. And there it will be be£1: cherijhed,in the warmth,and Vltall he~teofthebofome. · There, themrrficar. ncth her chitde : and the wife IS called the nnfe of the bofome : And wharisdea. rer w us thanthefe two~ But, above all, there'it will be next the heart,(forthe6p. fome is butthe coffer ofthe heart)and rhere I ob would have ir. As '\'ei.l, forchar,thar place is the bell: place, and fo bell: for thebefi hope: as thar, there IS mlrth~hope a fpeciall cordial!venue againll: the fainting ofthe heart : as(indeed) ir is m cordiJ the very heart of the heart,and whereby the he~rt ir felfe is moreheartned. lobfou~dir [o: So did Saint Paul, when he grew our ofheart. Put his hand in his bofome, rooke out this Hope, lookes upon lt,prefemly fanh: propter quodnon deficimm. Andwlra Timoth.~ewasin the likedetiqllillm,heapplies to him: (What man! Memellto, Rem 1 m. ber, C H R J s T iuifen, and 1ve foal! rife andfoe Go n ; an amends for all we can Dtut.J3.6. JCor.4.16. ~Tiai.1.S. Epher.H~· fuffer:) as a fpeci.lll receipt againfi all cardiaquepajlions. > Bur, in chufing this place; lob'sminde wasfpecially,tc:> except to rhebraine,where ·. (commonly) men lodge it, and are mill:aken: it is not the right place. Scio, there (ifyou will ;)in the braine ;It is theplaceofmemory :But Spero,in theheart, theplace ofajfeaiPn(namei}'feare:)and till the heart be the leffe fearefull,aud the morechecre· full for it ;it is notwhereit lhould be; not byd in the right place. Nay,not Scienti• rerebri; knowledge is not the bell: neither, not in thebraine: Scientia Simu, andcoril ~reditur; befi, when it hath his reO: there. When knowledge in thehmt, and hop in the reines ;and He thatfoarcheth be~rtandreines, may there findethem. Etreriot then in laying it up in rhe·head,or any where, bur whither lobcarried ir,andwherehe laydit, i11 the6ofome• . To end ; becaufe we be [peaking of a hope tobe Iayd up in our bofome, itfal~ leth out very fit!y; that, even at rhisrime (jeflt1m !fei) theChurchofferethusl notable ;ledge, and earnell: of this hope rhere ro bell:ow. Even the holyEuchMift, The f!efh wherein our Redeemer wasfeene, and fuffered, and payed thepriceofout redemption ; and together with it theholy Spirit, whereby weare fealed to thegre~td:tJ ofot~rredemptilln. To thelayi11g11pof which earneft ofour hope, andinrereflmall thefe, we are invited at this time, evep litterally, to lodge, and lay it up in our 6o{l~t. We fhall betheneerer our Scio, if we taft andfee by it, bowgraciom the L oR or,<; the neercr our Spero, ifan earnejl orpledge of it be laiduswithin us : the neerer ourrt• demption, ifwe have within us theprice ofit : and the neererour rep1mElion; they be his owne words, He th_at ealeth "'Y flefh anddrinl:etp, &c. bath eterna!llife, And 1will raife himNp at the !aft day. Sodwell we in Him, andHe in U5; we, inH.m,bY, ourflefh in Him ;and He, in m, by Hisflefh inus. Thereby drawingli(efromHun, t'hefecond; as we doe death, from thefirft v/dam. · . , But thif hopebath this property(faith S.1Jhn)itwill mundifie rhe placewhemtly· eth (Every one that bath this hopecleanfeth bim(t!fe;) which place by venueoftr, we ihall fo cleanfe,Vt videattlr in came mjlrJDm,,that the life oflefus "'"1 be maniftjlt~A Of/~