Sermon 5· Ofthe R E suR R E c T I o N. } '"rjlt/h; and allmenfeetheverrueof Hi~ refurreEfion, to have His. worl<dnus, by ourrifingout oftheolddully converfatton, torunmeffi of life: H1s refurreetion and the power ofit beingexemplarilyfeme in ourjlefh,our end !h:ill be to fee Iiim in o11rjlejh ;and thar, nohio(nor, contram>)for our erernall > joy and_comforr. And then have we thefeAjl in kinde, and as mUch fruit of ir, as either Patriarch, or Apgflle canwi!h us. Which that we may,pray we toHim,&c. [\*J Rq A SER~