Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 4· Of the NAT IVl T 1 E, fi"om 11 nder tha ThreJlJOidoftheTon;te .- that cooke him t_o theankles firfi, then to the lmets; af.. rerto the loynes; atlalt foh;ghrijen; there was no mote pafi:1ge. _ . . 1 • From thcftdne!fe oH-Its Comfafton, Hefent to releafc us: 2_. From thefulneffi ofHI$ Love, Befent H1i Sonne: 3· In thefrdne(JeofH11mtltty, Hefent litm made: 4·· UW:ade ofa Woman tO make a {lillttnzonwtth our Nat11re .- 5. Made rmder the Law, to )nake thcttnion yet mo:cperfeeHyfrtll withourfinfr•ll condition: 6. That we might obtaine a full delive– rance, fi·omall Evtll, bybemgredeemed .- 7· And a full el\ate.o(all the loy andGlory ofhis heavenly inheritance, by being Adopted. So, there ts frdnef!e ofall hands. And fo much . fonhejidnejfi:ofthebmejit, we rccerve; Now, forthefrdlnej/i:oftlie D!ttiel we are to perfo~:meri1is day. For, in thefutnifJeof time, all rhino-s are to befrill. Plenitudo tempons, tempruplenitt~dimi. And feeing God hath fuffered us tolive, to fee the yearemnabour 1 to thisplenitudo temporu: ifit beCoon GOIJS part ;meet alfo, it be fo on011rs' and that rnebe not emptie, in tl11Sfulnej{eoftimt._ It is not. fir ifHe be atthe b~tnke, thaove beatthebotMm. Bur,that we be wtllmg, toyeeld Htm of 011 ;s againe; ofourdutie(I meanc:) thatir,to Him, in a meafure and ptoponion be likefull, :rshis Bo11nty hathbeenejitllabove meafure toward us. That fofrom us,and onouryarts,ic may beplenit11do t~mporis, or temptts plenitlldini.·, tliefr•lnejfi: of time, or time offulnejp, chufe yoll whether. I. And atimeoffnlnejfeit will be,(I know) in a fenCe: offulneffe ofbml, offulnejfeof hravery, ofjiil11ef1e ofJPortandpajlime: and this it may be. And it hath beeneever, ajoy– frdltime in appearance, for it lhould be fo. With the joy_(1:1ithEfay, a vcrfe ortwo before, Eray 9; 1~ P11er 11atus <iflnob;s, unto us a Ch,lde rs borne) that men rejoyce•vtth, rn harv<ifl: Notto goe from our Text here, With thejoy ofmen that are come out ofprifon,have[caped the Larv; With thejoy ofmen that have got the reverlion ofagoodly heritage. 0 ne!y, that we forget notthe ptincipall; that this outward joy eat not up, evacuate not ourfPiritt~all joy, proper to the Feaft _. that we have inminde, inrbe middelt ofour mirth, thecaufe ofit, CH a rsTs _ {ending, and the benefit~hat come thereby; And it lhall qe a good figncunto us, ifwe can thus rejoyce, ifthis otii·joy can befr.<}!, if we cat;~ make aJ}iritual! blellingtheobjeCl of our mirth. Beattupoptdru, qttifcit jubilationcm, Btelfcd is.rhe people, that can rejoyce on this PfJ.Sg.-rs: manner. · , . , And after Mrjoyfidnejfe, or fulnejfi:"ofjoy; 0/lrfa/neJ!i: ofthankes, ottbankfttlnejfi:,is tO" en: :l: fue: For with Jlm fulne/Te, weare to celebrate irlikewife, Our mindes fir!\, and then our moHthes; robe filled with blelling, and praife, and thankes to Him, that hath maC!e our times not to fall into thofecmptieages ofthe world, but t<i fall within this fulnelfeoftime, which (omany KingsandProphets dcjired to have livedin, but fell fl10rtof 1 and lived then, when Lukoo.~ the nmes werefi•ll offl1adowes, andpromifes, and n6thing.elfe. How infl:antly they longed to have held fuch aFeajl, to have kept aCllfijlma, it is eyrc\ent byDav_id's lnclinacxlos, by p£'-'H-f' E{ay's Vtinamdi{rt~mpa; Cfl'los, B01v the Heavens,and breakethe Heavens: How much (I fay) Ef,y6+·!· they longed for it: And therefore,that we make not llghtaccountofit. . To render our thankesthen;and to rememqerro doe irfid!y, To forget none: ToHim that IVas fent, androliimrhat Sent; SentliuSonne, inthis;.the SpiritofH•sSonne, in the next verfe. To begin withofmlamini Filit~m,it is thefir!\ durieenjoyned us this day,toki!/e Pr.!. ;;. x" the babe new borne, that when his Father would fend Him, [aid, Eccevenio, [o readily: and P£3. 40 . 7 .' when He w:ouldmake Him, was content with C~rp_ru aptajli mihi, eo have a body madeHim, ~eet fa; Htm tofylfer in :whowi~lingly yedded "rt:lbee our SH 1 LO; to this <i..-t>H" here; Gcn.4,.xo yea,to.b~ notonely CH a' s T, but an wj>ojlfeforus, (Heb.zii.v.z;) rfleniM Apojlleof ourprofefton. 1 Andnotto Himtbat IVIU fentand mal.ealone: but to the FATHER tl:iatfent Him, and }~;l~e HOLY GHOSTrha~ made Him, (as by whom Hewasconceived.)torheFATHER, b H~1?2ijl'ton;the SoNNE, forl~tsredemptton; the HoLY GHOST, forhtsadopttun; For, rt Tt ls.wrought. He that mM!e litm thefonne ofMan cloth likewtferegeneratem,tothc: areo tkeSonnesofGod. And this for our thankefrdnejf/; \vhaf(~ nd to thefet':"o, (tomakethemeafure fidl) ro joyne, thefr•lne!feofduty, even · ever dlltifuit mmded per[ons may yeeld to a bountifi•l! rnmded and a bountifull D 4 · /;anded _,