Sermon I)· Ofthe.Rv._svaav. eT ION~ 551 cilia hold once, nor that ?either: She would have come to a ~ndimittam,with her in the ca 11 ticles, Tenut Emn & non. dtmttt~m : She ~o.uld no_t have let Him cane; I-f; . or beene Ion" ycr lhehad: So,;nuchumefpent munpemnencies which go~er He nor fhe b;he !:letter for. So, lhe to let her touching alone, an'd put it ~tf· rill anothcrtime, being w be imployed in a bufinelfe ofmore hafle, and im: portance~ . 1 The third place is Saint t..Atlgu{line: That, C .Iit is r in thefe words, had 3 a further meaning; tow~ane her from all fenfuall andflejhly tOIIChmg, and teach her, Toweanc l11l a newand a true touch; truer than that, !he was abour. This fenfe_groweth out of ;:~~f~~\uall CH a Is T s reafon: Teuch me not, for I am not yet afcended; as 1f, till He were s. A•g•fli•e~ •Jce11ded, He would not be touched; and, then, He would. 1}-s mu€h to.fay: fcnfc_, Care not tQ t011ch mee, here. Stand not upon it: Touch'!'~ n'ot ~,[{I beea[cendea; Staytill then, and then, doe. That, is the true tou>h; that •s It, willd oe you al~.the goQd. · And, there is reafon for .thisfenfe. Forthetmh of His l:iddy, whichlhdo muchdefired; that, could lafl butforty dayes in all, while He in His body were Al\si.J:· among th~. And, what lhould all, fince, and we 'now, have beene the betten• -- - • He was. todke her ouc a lelfon, and to teach her another tot~ch, that might ferve for all, to the worlds end; that might fervc, when the body and bodily touch were ta.-. kenftom us. CHKI s'l' Himfelfetoucheduponthis point(inthefixth chap.atthe6z.ver.) ' When at Capernatlm they flumbled at the fpeech ofeating Hisjlejb; What (faith he) finde you this !trange, now~ Howwill you finde it, then, when you /hall fee the Sm 1{ man afcend up where he WM before? How, then~ And yet, then you mufi ear, or. elfe there is no life in you. · So, it is a plaine Item to her, that there may be a fenfuall touching of Him here: but thatis nor it :"not the right: it availes little. It was her errour, this; She was all for the corp~raltprefln,·e; for the t111ch with the fingers. So, were His Dif– ciplu, all ofthem, too much addi<5ted to it. From which they were now robe weaned: That if they had, before, knowne C a R. r s 'I', or touched Him :>fter the Relh; yet now from hence-forth, they were todoe fo no more, but to learne a new touch; to touchHim, being nowa{cended. Sucha touchingthere is ; or elfe His reafon holds not: And, be!ltouchingHim, fo; Better farrethan thisofhers,lhe was Coeageron. Doe but aske the Church of Rome;Even, with them, it is not thebodily to11ch, in the Sacrament, that doth the good. Wicked men, very reprobates, have that touch, and remainc reprobates, as before. Nay, I will goe further: It is not that, th~t to11cheth CH 1t I s -r at all. Example, the multitude that thronged andthr11ff ~~tke f· 3 i; Hzm; yer,for all thar,as ifnone ofthem all had toz1chedHim,He asks,kir metttigit? Sothat, one may rudelythrufi Him, and yet nottoucb l;lim, though: Not, to any purpofe, fo. . .~H. R r s r refolves the point, in that very place: The flefb, thetouching, the ~aungi~,?'oJits nothing. Thew~rdsHej]ake, werefPirit: So,thetQIIching,the eatiAg, Job 6.6 3 ; 0 befpmtuall. And Saint ThomM,andMary M11gdalmor whofoever touched Him herconearr_h,nifif.elicim fide qaamm~m~ tetigijfent, ifthey had not been more happy ~/'"'" Htm wit~ their faith, thanwith their j~ge~s end, they had had no ~min me:, nogoo~by It at all. It was found better With It, to tONch the hemme ofHtsg•r: ~·n~: ~··~; N;tha?,~v~thout ir, totMchany part ofl-lis body. h _ow,,f,atthberotouch, thatwilltouchHimnoleffeinHeaventhanhere: One, t -~fTn Heaven, maybe touch,ed[o. Noafcending canhinderthattouch. F~itb ~i:t:';;~e ttfdfe, that.afcen_ding_inJPirit, we !hall tou_ch Him, and tak~ hold of~'Itm.· ,/;'.en:, & ten•zfft : Jus Samt t..Atwuffine. lt!s atou;h, ro wh1ch there IS nevera ••O•~ •: learc it not. "' . " Ddd z so;