Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

554Of the RE suR RE c T I o N. Sermon 16 : were fo, was not the truetouch 3 not the tonchthar woHid doe her, or~ Forthefeall,or fome of rhefe, Noli me tll!lgere, no touching, now. ' ' Bur whar, !hall fl1e be quite call off inthem~anerime ~ Denied tDttching. d · nied it, granted nothing for it~ That were hard. Nothingtocomfonher,i~lie~~ Hcbr.6.lO, of lt~ Yes: c_ H R Is T ·'' 1161 unrightmn, that HeJhoutdforget theworktandl•hour of her love; wh1ch lhe, th1sday, ;made, 'fomany waycs ro appeare. SomewhatHee devifeth to comfort her,fomewhat: in that He will have her doefomewhatfor Him So, rhe old ru~ewas: quem non honoro, n~n onero. He.willimploy her inamelfage; and fuch a meffage, as was to the prefcnt)OJ of them, It was fentto,andlhouldbetQ thegencralljoy and good, not of them only, but of us all. Now then, this mull: needs bee reckoned as a fpeciall favour!hewed her byour blelfed SA vI o ua. For, otherwife, He could as eafily; Hirnfelfe, haveappeated to them, Hee fent her; as,to her, He did: but that, Hiswill was, tovouchfafcher the honour of the fir!l: bearingofthefefojoyfulltidings, to them, andinandby Iohn u. J• them,todiewhole world. When rime was,{hebrakeher b•x ofpretiotH ointment, and the font of itfilledthe whole hoafe: The breaking of this box now, of the tydings of •Cor.>.~6. CH R I~ T, andHisrijing, with the fweet {•vourof lifcuntolife hath fillcd~and frill \ filleth the whole world,from one end to the other• The su 1111111 ; The Summeof theTextis i ...Adi/}atcho/c.Mary MagJalmby CH aIs r-to deliver a melfagc to HisDifoip!(S. It is in effeCl,as ifhe lhould have faid: Yonkn;w I am rifen, now; you are well foryourpart: Thercbeothers,thatknlJwnotf~ much ; and, becaufe they know it not, ficin forrow, heavie andh~lfedeadathome. Itwould comfort them much, revive them, put lifeinto them againe, toknowwhat you know. Now you:~re well, think upon them~hat are not. Rememberwhat was your owne cafe but even now, You cannot doe a better deed, than carty comfotttG the comfortlelfe. 1would they knewof it ; I wilh them well: Tbty !Je 111] brctbrcw, how ever they forgate themfelves when time was. But, this is not all; that they might know of it: but, they muiH.nowof it with all (}ee~. F?r, that !hemay_rhefoonertoeuUthem_, lhe~uftnor to11ch. For,if you markc It, Ins not -v..dechl1&; bur, SedvaJe& dzc : Ins not, barely, Goc ibkl tell th·em; It is, Tou;h me not, But;goe anduO them, That is, in!l:eadof touching,!be mull: bee gone inall hafte to teUthem. As if He lhould fay; Goe to, let us haveno to11chingnow: Get you to them, the firft thing you doe, and teO thunof it. It will doe them more good to be told of this, than it will doe you to ftay hereandt111cb mune· ~~~ 0 This fo great hafte of the carrying it, is much for thecreditofthemclfage: Much for it ;I cannotbutnoteit. ThatCH .. I s Tthoughtthenoticeof itfonecef. fary, the bearing of it fo c:Very way important, as (we fee) He is c;trefull,notime~ taken from it :but with all poffible fpeed,with the very fir!l:,they acquainted wlth tt. So carefull,as Hewould not take fo much,(or rathcr,fo little)time from it,aswhere• inMAry <.Magdalen might have had but awtch at Him; buttakes her off, andfends her away inall hafte. As if, fome matter had lien in it,if they lhould nothaveheard of His riftng, before theSun-rijing. Much for the honourof theFeaft, onwl;tich it was done. That ~e would for ~er have aFe4}1 celebrated inmemory of thisD•J, whereon thefe tydiogs cameto the world firll:. Moll: of all, for HisownehiMIIr; Who fbeweth Himfelfe fo delirous, that they pr, 1., 43 .a. that arein heav.inelfemay receive comfort, as he thinketh no hall: coo mu~b,bno haa cRough, cillthey hcare of ir, till theyheve of hiiiD'TiingkinJnelfe !Jttim~s '"I e""'~ ning.