Heb,a.u. Iok.Jf.lf, Of the RE suR REc T 10 N. Sermo~ Out of it firfi I note, here is nothing that favours of anydijpleafure-:;;;;;;;-• bnng any old grudge. Not fo much as an harlhtermein all the melfage·nom _m. they h~dfledfror? Him, forfooke Him,for{woreHim(full un-hrotherly.) Heha~~o~ gonenu all, all1s our ofH1s mmde: Cafls not them off, as theyd1d Him buef, 0 J tothem;and, by themmeof brethre11, fends to them: They be my brethren ae~; theirs, atld by that name commend me to them. Nothing, here, that fav~ur~ f any anger. o Nor nothing, that favours of any pride. Bt>t, evenaslofephinthetopofhis honour; So He,in this,theday ofHtsgloriom,exalting from the dead,claimeskindred ofthem,a fort ofpoore forlorne men' and (as.the r..Apos1leexprelfeth it) nont}lcon. fiifm vecare, is nor awhitajbamedof them that wereajbamedofHim. Difdaines not poore as they were, unkinde as they were, but vouchfafe5 to call them brethrenfo; all that. Which word [brethren] implyes two things: I. Firfi, Identitieof natrm, His nature is not changed by dearh. The nature He died in, in the fame He rifes againe. Thereby lies amatter. For, If He rofe,as man, thenmanalfomay rife: If onebee ri{en, thereis hope for others: If the nAtureberifen,theper{ons,in ir,may. So it was with thefirft Adam. In his per~onwas ourna•ure ;and, in him,irdied; andwee, in ir. So is it in the fecond. In H1s perfo.~ our nature ts rt{en; In ournature, weall. Thio tirfi: Rifen in the fame nature, He had before: Nor changed it, •· And fecond, rifenwith the fame loveand"if'ellion,Hehad before :Notehan. gedir, neither. yes, changed i.t: (Ifaidnot~ellinthar;) but, ch.rmsedirforthe better. Beforeth1s, when He fa1d moll:, Hefa1d but, I wtUcaU1ou myjtieTit/s: The higheft terme He came to, before. Bur here, being rifen, He riJ eth (we fee) highe~ as high as Love canrif,, tocounrthemandftylethemjf.etmmm, Andfomucb for that, Goe to my 6rethren. II. Well, when,the comes to His Brethren; what then : Et die eir, and fay to them; nic ,;.. . ortell them. By which words, Hee gives her aCommijion. rade, is herMijion: Die ThcCommif. eir, her Commijioo. ACo'mmijion, topublilhthefirllnewesofHisrifing,and (aiit fion. falls out) of Hisafcendi,g too. TheFathersfay, thatby this word, fhe was, by C Ha ' s T, made anApofile, NayApojlolorum Apojlola,an Apoftle to theApof/les rhemfelves. · An Apojlle: For, what lackes fhe~ I. Semfirll:immediate!y from CH 1t. I sr Himfelfe: And what is an Apojlle butfo~ z. Secondly, Sent todeciAreandmake M1tth.• s. '!I· knowne : and what difference betweene Ite pr.edicAte, andVade & die, bur only~he number~ the thing is the fame. 3· And lafi, what was lhee to make knowne~ CH R 1 s T s rifing~ndafcending: And what are they but Evangelium, the G~eH, yea the veryGoj}e/1of theGoj}elli' . This day, with CH R 1 s T s rifing, beginnes theGofiell: Not,before. Cmifi· ed, dead andh11ried, nogoodnewes, noGo/}e/lrhey, inrhemfelves. Andrhem, rhe Iewes beleeveas well as we. The firfi Gojfe/lof all, is rhe Gojfell of thisday, andtl1e Gojjellofthis day is this Mary Magdalens Go.!fe/1, "f.9>7~•r)Arov,rhe primeGofjeUof all, beforeanyoftheorherfoure. That CH .. I sT irri{en,anduponHisrlfcendmg?, and fhe the firll,that everbroughtthefe glad rydings. Ar her hands rhe Apljiluthem– fe!ves received it firfi : And; from them, we all. M1t1h. ,6, ll. Which, as it was a fpeciall honour, (andJIJherefoever this Go .!fell i4pmched,jha~ !Je told for amemoria/lof her:) fo was it wirhall, nor without fome kinde of ulfhwt• ting, to them (to the r..Apoftles) for fitting at home, fo drooping, inacorner, 6 rhdat C HR I s t not finding any of rhem, is faine to feekeHim a newApoftle: And, n • ing het, where He fhould have found them, and did nor, ro fend by rhehand of hfr, that He firfi found at theSepulchersfide,and to make Htmfelfe anewr..Afoflle. ~nd fend her to them, to enterthem (a$ it were) and rAterhi~rthem, in the two Aru ~f