Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of theRE s VR RE c T 1oN. ;;frhechriflian faith, rheRe[,.rrec1io~, and A{cenjionof CH ._I s T, To her, they and we (borh)owe them, the fir(l: nonce of the~. . . . . r 557 And,by this (lo)rheamend~(wc fpeak of) 1s made her for her 'U.glz me t•ngere , 1 Full amends. For, ro berhusfent, to be themeffenger of rhefe fo blqJedtydmgs, is a\ hi a her honour,~orefpec1all favour done here,a better good rurn:,evety way bet– teGthanif lhehadbeene let alone, had her delire, touchedchrzfl,wluc_h lhefo longed, fi r and fo caaerly read1ed at. Better (fure:) for I reafon thus. Chrifl (we may be~ f~r~) wouJdn~ver have injoyned her tO leave the better, tO take the worfe: Tolqv~ to 1011 ch Him, ro goe to tell them, ifeogoeto tellthem had nor beenc the better•. Sori 1 ar, hence we infer, that to go and carry comfort to them that n~ecf u,to t'Jl nr themof C u xI s T's riftng, that do not know it ;is betterrhan to tarry and doe no– thingburfiand t011ching CH Ills T. Touching CH R 1sT givesplaceroteachtllg Cu • rs T. r ade & dtc better thanmane & tange. C H .. I s T (wefee) JS for r ade &die. That, if we were in cafe where wee ~ight to11ch CH R Is T, wee were ro leave CH R xs T tmtouched, and even to g1ve our felves a nolz me tangere, ~o goeand doe this: And ro thinke ourfelvesbmerimployedintellingthem,rhanm . touching Hirn. , I .. will you obfervewithall how well this agreeswith her offer (a little before),of Vcrf< rf: Ego tollam E11m ? She mufineeds know of the Gardiner, Tell me whereyou have layd . Him, Etegotollam, andjhewON!dtakeHim,andcarryHim, thatfheewould. Why, you rhar would fo faine rake and carry me, beeing dead, goe take and carry men~w alive : That is; carry newes, that I am alive : And you fhall better pleafe rneeWlt~ this, egotolf<m, agreat deale : It 1l1all bee a petter carrying, Egotollam , in a better fenfc, tllan ever was that. Stand nor here then toNchingm~e: Goeand touchrhem; and, with rhe very tOJ<ch ofthis report, you fh:tll worke, in them ; a kinde of (that you lee in mcc , a kinde of) refurreflion from a dolefull and dead, to a cheerefull and lively ellate. Tel!them: What~ TeUthem,thatlafcend; that is, ama6outto.z{ceml, amupo~ IlL' the p9inr_of it, am very fhortly to doe it. ~dprope a!Jeft, ..rfiat, haheturpro{.!Clo, ~:·~rian; that that IS neeredone, we reckon as good as done. ··· TeUthemthatl afcend. Why how now, What day is today? It isnot A{cenfion day: It is E•fler, and but early Ea.fleryet. His .ffcenfton isfourty d.1yes off. This were•y. Why fpeakes He of that now~ Why notrather,TeUthemi am rifen (more proper forrbis day~)Why, He needs not tell her that : She could tell rharofherfclfe, fhefawit. Andbelides, infaying, Iafcend, He implyes fully as ·· .l much. Till He beri(en, afcendHecannot: He mufiafl:endour ofthegrave, yer He can.jie~dup to h(.;lven. Re{urre:<it mufi be pafi,yer Afeendocan come. Afcendo then puts Hts re{urretlton pall: all peradventure : He needs.fay no more of that, of His rifing. But, as fhefaw by His rifingthat lie ha-lthe keyes ofheUanddeath, bad unloc- / kedthofedoore~ and come out from thence; So, byafcendo,Hetells her farrher,that .Apo~.!·!~· He harh the KeyeJ of Heaven-gates a!Co, which He would now unlock and fo Jet o. { pen the Kingdome of Heaven to allBelcevers. ' fi And yer,therc is a furtl)er matter in .jiendo,to fhew us what was-tbe end ofHisfi– ng. CH. a Is T did not rife, torij(; no more mull: we. Therefurretlionit felfds/111' an end; lt ts nor t!.e end : It is but a fiare yet unperfe& but an'entry ro a greater goo.d, ~v~ch unldfe it lead us and bring us to »Dn ha&etur pr~ojitum, it is fhort, fhort ofdiat 11 ouldbe. Wemufi nor thenferupourrefiuponourrijin<r. Th~e isfornewhat j;ore reqturcd than bare!y torife. What is that ~ <..Afeendo"': Chrift rofeeoafcmti; ( 0 are we to doe. And rifing is norifing, noright rifing, werifenot on our rightfdes t~s ~ee fay) •f that follow not uponit 1 if we A[cendnorwirhall. For, torife,from . .edottomc of the grave to the brinke of it' to fiand upon our feere againei and ttea on the gr n. d ' • ·:r. T . ave-"one, an no more, is but halfe a rifing; is b11t Lazaru.r s r;Jmg. orifeup,up as hrgh asheaven,that is rorife indeed; that is chriflsrifing: and thatoto b~