Of the RE suR it E c T I o N. Sermo~ be oin:S.As, to rife.is nothing but toafcmdout ofthe grave: So,toafcendi~ btit to rifeas high a< heaven : And,then;w.e are truly rifm,when fo rifen.Before I (.0~ there wasnoGofpelltill the Refurrellion : I now fay, the refurreflion it felfe is iJ~ G f tell; (hot, ofit felfe)unleffea{cendo follow it. Refnrrexit, tell that to all theworl~: All that die inAdam, !hall rite inchrifl, Mifcreants, !ewes, Turkes and all: No coj. jeU. that, properly. Tell the chriflianofmore thanfo: tell him of4[cendotoo tha; goes withall, that pertaines to it. You mufl: take that with you too, ifitbeChrijh if itbe~heright rifing, the reforreflion to lifeandnot to condemnatiON. ' ,., , Marke_this wel_l : it is a material! point. Better lye fl:ill in our graves,better never fi[eJthanrifeand rifingnot toa[wid. Ofthem that !hallrife, they that feetheyfhall not, ilJ't.end, ihall wilh themfelves in their cof!insagaine: Nay,th~y !hall praJthe i~e ~J·J!· moilntauleitof•flm them, andtheh1ls to &~ver them, and bury them qurcke. So mwch 'dot& this concer!le us; that thefe two parcnot ; tl~tafcendo attend us at our r!,Png. Andtherefore thiS you !hallobferve, that, mall th1s fpeech or Text, CHII.I n cloth nbt fo much as mention, as once name the word rifingor refurrec1iun, as if Hemade no great reckoning ofit: But,in this one lhortverfehere, in thefe few words, He is .auftendo, tJVice; fpeakes ofthat, mentions that, over and over againe. All to teach liS tt[cendo,' is all in all; that refarrexit is nothing, if it be nothing but rtforrexit. n~r an~ a_ccount eo be ~ade ofit, U: Afc.endu goenot with it, but, ifafcmd.goewith it then 1t 1s. And,that It may goe With 1t,that to be all our care. Never take care for refurrexit; that will come of it felfe without any thought taking. Never trouble /~"" your felves with ,that. Take thought for tt[rent/Q, fet your mindes there. Aftena 1, yv · looke well to that: Re[urrexlt let that goe. ';/ : • A third reafon there is o! afm1o, For, He faw upon th~fe tydings,aslhedid thmke, fo they would fay; 0 IS ~erifen, then lhall we have H1s companyagaine,a~ heretofore we had. But, by fendmg them word ofHis ttfcending,Hegives themwar· ping betimes; He rofenot, to make any abode with them, or to conver[ewiththem on earth,as formerly He had; thatfo, they might have timely noticeofitandknow _ whatthey were to looke for. For,this, He knewwould be a hardleffoo. Hiuifi•t they would like well, but His ttjcendingbe againfl: : would not abide to heare ofthat, to lofe his company at any hand. It was a conceit, that troubled them much: they were fiill and ever addicted to His bodily being with them. ·Here, they would have M•Ci7.4: kept Him, htlilt Him aTabernacle, here; and by their good will never have let Him Luke •+· ~,. gone from hence. All for mane nobifcum, and for Domine fi tufuiffes Me; all inMIIJ ~~!!· 3~ ·c.Magdalens cafe, had Him here tofoe Him and to touch Him;and then,all hadbetne well, as they thought. V · This was their errour: And to rid them of le; ofthis earthly minde oftkirs; thus fl:riving to afiixe and keepe Him here on earth, and that then alllhould be ~~u, ·He lhcwes them that they were quite wrong, and fets them right. That for Himto bchere belowoneanh, thatisnotit: Butforthemtobewith Himthereabovein ·hettven, that is. it: There it is right. And, never!hall they, or we, be well, tillthe~e wee bee with Him. And thither would He raife them and us, with this His af~endo. . Yet one more: For, this very point,that Chrift rifethwith afce~doinHis~outh; ·that tio fooner rifen, but makes ready for His afcending firaight; thts (!fay) tftherd were nothing but this(che fo.immediate joyning it, fo clofe upon H1s rijing, one harof to the other,no meane betweene) were ofit felfe, enough tomake the 1dledreame th'e old and newchiliafts to vanilh quite; that phanfie to themfelves I wore n~what earthly kingdome here upon earth, fomewhat like t.MAhomets ParAdife, ~n? w,!l nor I1eare of a[cendo, after they berifen, till athor•fand yeam at !eafl:. Th!s IS non~r. of Ch'rifts riji11g, I am fm'e :So,to be noneofours. As with Htm, So, w1t.h us, r~mg ~nu4cendingare to follow fl:raight one upon the other. . . . h t C u ._ r s T then dothafcend. And out ofwhat C" 1\ I s 7! dtd,we learncw ~ Wetodoe. Seeing, C "11. 1sT fl:ayednotheere, we not to fetupourfiayherenetc !l?er~notto mak~ ~hour ~eaven; not to place our felicity her~ belqw\ _The