Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 16. Ofthe RxsuRR x-c noN-. 559 The G~JPcll is (we fee) when ch~if! wasrifen, His minde was upon ll{cmd~ pre· . , nd. TheEpiftle 1sframed6cforrr,•{mt~lt~ CH R 1 n,wewouldCol.l·!, ~ y · 11 Jes a"..d reekthethinus above where Chrift ts: that IS,tfwe be rifcn withHiln 1 e/OUY1711 '" " I' "' . . r > makenQ moreadoe bur afcmdWith H1m alw. . All things in heaven and earth docfo; nfing, theyafcendprefently; In heaven thejlarres theybeno fooner rifen above thehorizon, buqhey are 10 rhetr afccn~ent,eJ ·,r, d nevci· leave .;<·evding, till rhey bemrhc htghelt point, over our heads 10 the I'J o, an • 1' 1 . l f h . d . ~erytopofrhcskic. Inearrh,the 1tt eSpmsnat pcepeouro t egroun. ,nowat thistime( tMIIIm rime ofher yeardyrc{11rreelton) :hey be no fo:mer out,but u~ th~y {] or and ncverleave to afpire rill they have arramed the full pltch of thm htghelt 9~w;h,rhey cana{cendto. In ~tir felves, thou~h ~I know) for earthly men to have ~arrllly minds it is nor ltrangc, ,,a,<:x.•"''"""'~ havmgcl.ty to ourfathcr,and "'e!,.,;;"'U– "/.;,Jafl ro om·Sire, we fhoukl have X«f'Sf'""'' dur fdves lhould~ka~eto the dufr, as ~ianzmexcellentlyfaith. Not frrange (I fay) that, fo it IS Wlth us; yer, fo 1t {hould notbe. The very Heathen faw, that, though we bemadeofthcearth, yer we are not madefor thcearth: that the heavenly j'o11le was not put into theearthly body, to the end rhe earthly body,fiwulddraw it downe to the earth; but rather to the end, the foule fl1ould lift ir up to heaven. And fo much they gathered out ofour O>fr~IJIi'me, andvult«< adfidera, the very frame ofour body that beares up thirhet'WJrd, and bodes (as it were) akinde ofAfccndingwhither it lookes, and gives naturally. TX,ature doth teach this. Bur,graccbyChrif/sexamplemuch better.Ifchriftrife,that we rife withChrijf, Not, in body yet; butrocOiint our (elves deadto finnc, andrife from that, andlive t~ Go v (thefirll:refumtlion.) And, ifchrift afccnd, we.Jikewif<: to<tjc'end: notto Apoc.: of; parr with Him, but to follow Htm as we may. Not yet mb•dy; tt cannot befurfum eorpora yet; it may bee fur(um cerda, we may hfr up our he.trts thtther, though. There Mr trcafure is, ifChrijl bee our trea{ure: there, our hearts to be; ehere wee in heart to bee atleall:, which is the jirjl afcenfion, ,the "'U"•iJ',i,l'' ofit, thepr.t!u. dir~m,[o. There arerwo words in the Text, 1 '7\gndum afcmdi, I am riot yerafceided; and •a{cende, yet I afcendthough : which will very well fir us, if, while we are not at •fcmdi, yet, (that is, in bodyafcendcd) we beforallthat, at afcends, (th~t is, afcend . inminde)even as Chrifl here did. And Blclfed is the man (faith the Pfalme) mi in lf.!a4.f: cordeafien.fiones, that hath the a{cenjiM inhis heart, or hisbeart on it; That, while it is nondum ttfccndi with Him,yet at times it is ttfccndo,liftsup his eyes,(ends up his jighes exalts his thot~ghts orherwhile, reprefents (as chrift dothl anticipates tht a{cenfio,:, Voto &difiderio in will and ddire, before the time it felfc come afrhelaft and final! •fc;n.fion. Thus much for a(cendu. \' ,. A[tendo ;sa motiun. Every motion hath anNnde, andaqu~; awhenceandawhirr It. thtr, a trrmtltu.s Aq11o, and:i tcrminm adquem. Theadquemis(here)adpatrem. • To a{cend is to CH R ' s T, His narurall motion: Heaven is His naruta11~:!..:."'"' ~bee, Thence Hecame, Thither He is 'rogoeag~ine. Specially,Hisworkebdng lheadq""''· Hne, He came for. That was con{ummatum eft, With us, three dayes lince. But rill Cli•p.•p.Jo. cebemHcavenagaine, it is nor confummatumelf, with Him. So rhemori~n is na/t~ra/1. > thcr tnd the _Adqnem, «dp~ttrem, no lelfe. ~eei~g,forrhe Sonne to goeto theF4: ,. td ve')kmdelytoo; wemaynotbcagamlttt. chrijlfa1d, Ifyeulovedmc,youcbap.•p~; ou b"'"' J"'Joycc, bec•<{e Ifaid, I goc t~the Father. For very love toChrift, wecan– ~0~ u.rretzccwithHim. Intheadquem, all is well, ifweconGder.rhat. Bu't,fo do ~r,m tle".1"0 • For, when aU is faid, make the beltofir wecan,1{ccndois di(ce– fo~n~/oe "fts togoefrom; f~om them: And thii is nogoodnewes. ~orHim,na to come, but gone aga1ne,and leave them ro th.e wide world,~~ m1ght trduble ~h~Q;),.