• ~60 ;) ..... Ch•P·'H· ~ic•!•13o ~om.S,lf. 0/the RE svR RE c T 1 oN. Sermon 16 • them, for all Tell my brethren. For, byBrethrenHe might m.eane falf ~ had left Him; and fo would He them, now: and peradventure doe the 1 r ~~; ~lat heaven to Htsf~ther, and make them have hut little rhankes for it, at His hand n ~n that, thisafcendoimplyinganolo manere(ina manner) was as evill to them, as; 110~ metangere was to her; ' Wharisrhcnbecomeofrhe Gofpellwe fpake of\' where, or what istheircotn– forr ~r ours, inth~fetydings: To deale plainely: when we feeke it in.jcendo, we finde lt not: Nor,madpatrem: Nor; tn adpatrcmmeum. Noneofthefeisir. llur inHis & d patrem veftrum, there, we finde it; there it is. There was (youwill fay) as much as this comes to, infratres meos. It is true; it implied noleffe. Bur CH a 1sT would not deliver this implicite,by way ofimplying, bur explicite,ascx: plicate and plainely, as He could. And not once but twice. And it is a happy tume forus;.He didfo: For; this point can never be roo plainely fpoken to, too often re– peated, too muchftoodupon; Allthe joy ofthcmorningisin thisveflrum. Ttllth 1,. I goe t~ the FAther, that is not all: Tellthem this too, As I gee to the Fath<r, fothe Fathei' Igoe to, is tlieirfather, as well asmine;Not minealone,bur theirs alfo. And tell them againe, that, ifPatrein meHm be the caufc ofmy afcending (as here is none other ferdowne;) IfIgQe tQHimthus, becaufe He is my Father; becaufeHe 1 ithtin .aHo, they alfo !hall come after mce, the fame way, tothefameplace,uponrhc fame reafon. And He cloth expre!fe here the termiwm adtjttem by theParty towhom, rather than by thePlace to which, becaufethF .Farty will foone bring us ro thcP/m, and to fomewhat befides. To thePla#t: For, you !hall fee, what will follow of rhis: that His houfe, that heaven is now becomePaterna domus ro us, as our fathers h011(i;And \\lho !hallkeep us from ourfathers hsufe? Nomorejlr11ngers now,but ofthehou{ho/J of Go o. And, in thehoujhotd, notfervAnts but children; and have thereto as good right arid title, !hall be as welcome thither every way, as any childtohisownc f... thers hott{ehereufeth to be. Go o, through Him, !landing no otherwifealf,C!cd to us, than as afather tohischilde; as well difpofed, as willing, as ready ro receive ·us. CH a I s '1' His belovedSon,inwhom He is (oabfolutely weUpleafedosHe alwayes heares Him, hath prayed to Him and obtained ofHim, that where He it, 1ve m•y ht alfo, and, In due time, afcendup,whither He is nowafcended, Pandens iter coram mhi<, opening the pa!fage for us to follow Him. But, I told you, there was fomewhat in the Pir(on, more than in the Pltee. For, by venue ofthisPAtmt~veflmm, while we arc here, if 1V< cry Abba Father <as now we may)He is ready to receiveGurpraycrs: and when we goe hence, readyro re– ceive ourperfons. While we ate here, ifat any time we repent, and fay, Ibo adt•trtm (with thechildin theGo[peU) ready to receive us tograce: And, wl1en we go hence wemay fay with CH a Is T, rado adpatrem, ready to rece1ve us to glory. So,of ~dpatm» veflrum, there is ufe here and there, both. And, all this bymeancsof c H 1!. I ' s '1' s refurre8ion: belides the generall Vlf· tue whereof, to make :Ulmen rife (all, in rhe fecond.Adam·that die lnrhe lir/l)there is further a fecond fpeciall vertue for us cbrijlians, to make us rife,notonly from the gra'!Jt; but rifehigher rhan fo, even as high asto heaven ir felfe. And rhat we may have good right foro doe, to make His Fath~rotm, and his Fathers ho•feottrs,that there we may dwell together fratres in 11111tm. On w<h dependcth.,and from whelcl rifethall our hope ofhappineffeforcvcr. And this is rbe joy ofrheFeajlwcce e• (?rate, the loving kindnelfe ofthio morning, the glad rydings ofUUary Magdafeps Gl: fpe!l. It is evangel,jum parv11m (fo they call it) but a little one, but it bath tnlt,m thefc fewwords couched, much matter both ef high myftcrie and ofheavenly comfort: , .There be ofthe Fathers,tlpt, rclling the wordsofrhcMe!fage (which arejijiee~~~ .Q\1,11lber) makerhem as fo manyjlepsor rongs (as 1t were) oflacobs LAdder,l;thichble to ,t{cendby. There be others, that more proper!yand ro the Text more agme:N,. .~l>fervcrhefc{oure; •P4treVJ "''um, • !'4tremvejlmm, 3Dmm '?'_etii'IJ,4 De:tmvefl a;