Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~-·-----Q~~--~~h~e~Fl~E-S~U~R~R-E~C~T~I-O_N_. ________ ~_5 _6_I __ --;;;;les as it were ofElz45 his chariot, in whichhe w.u c,zrrzedtp to heavm . 2S fomlj'Yhe c/;ar:ot- thefe, the foure whceles ofit. • • Kmg,~. vfrcm<>O t ' c . b c: . . c . b JThe-nuth is, there lye ,atre e1ore us mIt, 1oure pazrts or corn inarions, by bich foure, afcendo is here drawnem the Text. ' Two jingle: Patrem and De– w . • r.}l{ellm and vejlrtnn, the other. Two do11ble; l Patrem meumand p 4 _ um,one, 1· one. and 4 Dcnmmeum, Denm vejlmm; the other. I will buttoudt tremve~. rum, · them briefly. ,}'atherand Go o atlarge firll:, wit~out any Pronon1mputto them atal~. It was 1 [. Styloveteri. There, mthe Law,lt was DomtnM Deu;. To change thts,and to p.,,,.,v..,, ::k~fr stylo tiOVO, Pater DeM; in place ofDominru puttingPater,makingofGo D a i:~l~~!:.'"· Lo• v CoP aFather;Isworrhthcwlule. Ir me!1dsthctcrme, andrtmendsthe · atrer~uch ·as much as aFather is ben~rthanaL oR o. Bomw> P&[cha,bonm trAnfo"': and webound to our bleffed SA vI? u •, for making this Palftover, for wor. kincburthischange oralreranon1n GoDs ll:yle. ~AFather: How aF,,t/m? For, aFather in a fenfe (we know) He may be G~id, jndis toallthingswhatfoever. Fatheroftheraim,aiJdof thedropsof dew(inlob.) IobJ8.>8! But, ;fus mw, ofmankinde, more fpccially_, in that web~are His Image. But, that isnot itneither, that here IS meant. That, IS here meant, IS afando ad P~trem, aFit· thertoaftendto. Not for our prayers onely,but even alfo for our perfomroafcendeo. So aFather He iseo none, bur to CH • r s T, an,d to the trueChrirtian. "' ' And this now, aFatber toafcend to, is it that purs the difference betweene Him md all otherfathers betideHim. Fathersto afcmdto, fuch Fathers there are none : None fuch here.Ourfathers here,wedefcend ro,goedowne to them; downe,downc tothcgrave. Him, andHilll ondy, V{eegoe up to, up to beavell:, up even where CH it Is T isfmiwgat tberzght hand of GoD; and He, to that end, afather, even Hebr.xo,,:i; to make us afcend thither to Him. Why would not Father fuffice~ Why is G o o added ~ F_ather is a name of much good will: But many a good farher wants good means ro h1s good wlll. Goo, is added that He may rwt be defeCtive that way; have meanes to His meaning. For, ifHeb;aFAther,firll:it is the voiceofafather eo hisfonne(intheGofieO) omnia mea Luke ,,, 3 •. tuafont. Nowthen, ifthis Fatherbeal[o Go o, and :~11 His beours, what can wee deliremore, than all Go D bath, all that ever Go D is worth; able to fatisfie neverfovall: a delire(this.) Forfo, ifHeaven and the joyes ofit be His, they beours too; and then there lackes nothing but afcendo, to goe up and take pofieffion of them :and here ( loe) it is, Afcendo •dpatrem. , Bound to Him for this firft, Patrem Deum. No whit ldfe bound for the fez ,cond; for putting to thefc pr~normespojfejfives, Meum, andveHrum (which is the !C- M"""• v<• ceqdlinglecombination.) For,tillrheycame, till they in this wife, were put to; {:~~·~,;on.! tMmmwas me111n, and Veffmmwas veffrttm; Hrs was His, and ours was ottrs : p.Ure. · His_; His owne; ando11rs, too11r[elves, and there an end. No r~htion either to other; nomterefleitherinothcr. But,now,l.ferrmismade veflmm; aud veffmm, meum. Hu, •urs ;andours Hu, enterchangeably. A blcffedchange may weCay: His great Mwmforourlittleve.flrum .- Littleoursfor great Hif. Every one will ICe the oddes betweencthefe. That (indeed) we are as much bound for mct<mandvejlrum, as for Patrem and Denm. Nay, more. For, as there is no comfort in Fleavm, without GoD; nor, inGo o, without aFather: So, is there not any e<ther inFather, Heafi vtn, or Go o, without [ours J to give us a propenie in them. This then forthe econdfingle. Now to the twodou61e. 0 Patremmwmltands firll:,and is firfi every way. llut Patrem meumwilldoeus no ~'""}1ft!""'• g od. That Wh!Ch mundoeus the good, is the fecond in place. but (to us) the firft. Falrttn .... Parem vef/r•m, that will ferve; that alone will ferve us, we n~~d ao mare. oHmde q:,"'ciur.t 110 "Patrem&f•Jfi>it (faith Saint Philip.) Bur, how thadhould be compaifed, pair:. Ee e and ~ob• x;4.s.