Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

. 562 Ofthe RESURRE eT 10 N. Ser~. and His metJmlbouldbeourvqlmm; thatHelhould beours, hiclaborefl ~~· themamr. ' t !Sa I lltummw.. Thisleadsustotheother, thelaficombination of all, of 1Jeum meumand . q~""iv'fl•~m: ftmm. For, that His FAther may beour Father, no remedie, but our G 0 0 mull fi'~ -· c ·P'"'· beHr5 Go n. So, this fetches in that; One would norferve: therebehooved: be twaine: elfe thechariot,will not goe. . 0 It will be bell:, ante omnia, to fer forth, in thefe tcrmes, what is proper,andwhat not; what CH a I s T's and what oters. Much light we !hall receive thereby. P•mm me.,.: CH x 1 s r, onHispart,faithMy Father: and Hefaithalfo,My Go n. Forflim 2)eu·mm•um. to fay, My Father, is proper; we fee reafonforit; But, for Him, tofay My Goo noreafonat all, altogetherunproper. For,how can Go n have aGo n~ ' ~!:;:;::~;~"'· C H R I s T, on our part, faith De/em veftrum, your G o n; right and true (rhu) Jlrum. we are His poore creatures, He our Go n ;fo knowne, fo acknowledged tobe, Bur Hefaith further Patrem vejlrum, y~ter Father: how that can be faid, we fee nor. Alas wearcbutdreftandafhes: Ourlineage is well fet forth by Job : We mull: fay tom. tenncjfe, Thoteart myfather; And to the wormes, Tee 'llremymother; Tee aremyf~tt. NoFatherofo11rs He,not properly. Patrem'"'"m ' In'exatl: proprietie of fpeech then, Father here referresto C" a I s r: Goti Deuwvt(lrum. to,.,. His Father, is right : fo is, 011r G o n. We will never fpend a word otl rbem . Dctlmm"'"'· letthem goe. But, His Go n, no way right; no more than, o11rl'ath 17 , Thef~ Dt•m vcJI••m. two, it is fure, are unproper, both. And ifeverthey !hall be verified oneofthe 0 • ther, it mull: be brought about by fome otherwayes andmeanes. And, fa it is; aqd by the fame way thatthe one, byrhe very fame the other. His Father, ourFather By His meanes. Qllr Go n, His Go n, by ours. ' Dium ,.,.,,.. J To fetthem in rig~tmethod, in theirtrue order, Ennit Novijimiprimi, ihe lafl !stobefrff: wetobesmatDet~mvqlrllm, the very lafiwordofall, asirwererh~ foot of the ladder, orthe two fmaller wheelu that goe before. To mak~"'••mve. ftmm; llu,ollrs;Veffrllmistobemademellm, oursto be madeHi;, our Gon to become Hi; Go n,firfi,that Hu Fathermaybecomee~~r F~fherafter. Him, that was our Gon, we tomake His Go n; that Him, thatwasHisFather, Heernay make tobeonr Father. That this might proceed, Hee that doth bere a(cendwas todefm.,l. Defcm.l, whither~ Even to be one of us: and we were creatures ;andfo,beingone of us, H: to beacreatr~re as well as we. So He w,u, and fo He is. For, even the Joule and bodie of C " R I s T are in the ranke of creatures; and, relation had to them, aim· t11reHe is, a Go n He bath, the fame, that wee (forthere is butone:) andfoHee may truly fay Deum me11m, 011r Go o is His G o o. That we might afcendtothe EpH<(4·9· highd/ heaven, Hewa todefcend .;, ,_..,,;,VJ'•;;,,.;;,.to the lowqlparts oftheearth:andfo Rom.S ·' 5• did. Defcendo admatremwith Him, that a[cendo •dPatremwith .a. That we rn1ght j\!.ltlh.'7·46· crieAbba Father, He was contenttocrie that firange crieEli,Eii, r..M1 Go o, <JIIJ. Go n, on the Crolfe. , Plltremvt.. ~rum. So C" a 1sT mightthenfay,and truly fay,My Go o, no !elfethanMyFa· ther: His Father, as Go n ;Hi; Go n, as man, AstheSonneof Go o,a Go oHe hathnot; aFather He bath: AstheSonneofman, aFather He bath nor; aGo o~e bath. AGo n (I fay) then, He bath ;bur, never till rhen; never rill Hemedled 1y1th us. Bur then, He had: and fince He bath. He, that was DHrs, not His; is now Ii~S,as well asours. Thefc twowhceles arc fer right. Wehavebroughtittorhis,that c" K I ST may fay Detlm111e/tm: Afcer wee have brought Mim toDwm mmm, we arehalfeway; our Gon is Iiis.But now,how !hall we get His FAther to have Him tobeoter F4ther? Firil,His Father He wasfrfr ~ll eternitie: He? and none but He can fay, and fay PfOperly,Patre~rneum. ~ut be: 1s content to qwt th<U: (none butjie) and to take us m; and Hebe1ngou~~"1 ''fore ......