Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~-·-----Q~~-t_h_e_R __ &_s~u_R_R~&_c_T_l~O~N_. ___________ 5_6__ 3 -----;ke"usHis now. ours,inoure!bteofthis mortal!' His,inHis cllateof fore,to;Jl, 1 ;r.e Fo; here (now) riftng, and upon His afccnding, Hee ado>ptsus· llllfliDrfll' '·J. . ' d b . . . • and by 4 Jopting, makes us; an . y makmg, pronounces us H~< brethren, and fo children to Hi> Father. Vs, Hzs_ch1ldren; Htm, MrFatber, wttneffe.fratresmeos, and atrutJ veflrum, both from Hts owne mouth. Salvnm .fit verh11m Dom1 m mei, b !enuewhereof,itisnow AhbaPaterWtthus_. NowV~doadPatrem, we a Fa. tkr of G 0 D(even as CH a I s T that Jpake 1t) to pray to, to goe to. UV.e11m andveffrumboth now in one. Then we had aF~ther ot Htm, and fince we have: B ·u then a Go Dwe had, but not a Father' at leaf!, not fuch a Father of ~~~s fince :ve have. This, thebonumpafcha, thefelix tranjitm, the bldfed emerchan"e wefpake of. . . . . . . Who gets bythis~ Deummeum, Hts, Ht4 GoD, was Hts humr!rattorJ. Hee ~;:,::;;=' as tow as we, nay !eJVer than the loJVeff ofus, when He cryedMy .Go D, My GoD. fl••m. Deum metnn, His httllliliation, and Patrem veff.rum our exaltatron; by 1t, wee are wade, in cafe, as Hee, to rife, to afcend: to goc whither; to beewhere Hee is, Luko forever; to fay Iho•d Patrem; to fay Vado ad Patrem; to faywtth Htm, Fatherfor· l·;t give;andagaine,Father,intoThyhands !commend My Spmt. InPatremveffmm - are all thefe. So by this time, we fee the necdlitieof both thefe combinations, ofboth paire ofwheeles; and that to our great comfort. But we ar_e not fo to Iooketo our owne comfort,but that IYithall we be carefu!l ~~~':, ~:~ ::: · to preferve H1s honour; thado, both may goe_hand mhand together. !'\-nd there tS .flwn, · ordenaken forthattoo,by fevenngof e:tch pa1re; that tt ts not noflrummone word cars : but meum, and veffrttm(in two words) mine, andyours : Yer, otherwife H1 s and andothcrwire ours ,.Both, as, Father, and as Go D. · As Father. ,Hi;, by nature, by veryge~e,.tion: Ours, bygrace, by meere ad•p· tioTJ. AsGoD(andtherewearebeforeHtm)our GoD,bynature. Hi>noother– wife,than as Hetooke upon Him our nature. But, His honour thusfct [1fc, by this partition hpt on foot, then let the wheeles runne, purfue therdl:, as farrc as you pleafe, make ofit the mQfi you can, for your bdhvaile. ThatoneandrhefameisbothHisandorm. One Father, one GoD, toHimandus both. Father, to Him; GoD, to m; Go o, to Him; Father, to m. Ifwe, a Go o; He one. If He, a Father; we, o 0c. our Go o, CH RI s T's GoD, CH a Is T's Father, our Father. There is .if'ando your chariot, and chefe areche fourc Jvhccles on which it moveth, and is carried up to Heavm. • Bu~, where is Eaffcr-day, what is become ofit all \his while~ For, meethinkcs; allthcnme, wee arc thus about Father ~nd Sonne, and taking our natureatldbe. comming one ofus,it fl10uldbe Chriftm.uby this, and not E.jier (as it is) that this; amceterText(onc wouldthinke) for that Feaff; and that (now) it comes out of feafon. • ' Notawhit. It is CH a Is Tthat fpeaketh,and He never fpcaketh but in feafon· never, but to the purpofe; never, but on the right Day. • ' th Abrother-hood(wegrant) was begun then, at Chrifim.u, by His birth, as upon at Day,for_loe thenw,u He borne. Bur, fo was He now alfo, at Eaffer: hornethen, to[,' and after ab,etter manner bornr. His Refimeelionwas a fecondbirth, E4fer a econdchrijlma<. Hodie genni te, as true of this day, as of that. The Chwch :J.P~nteth, forthdirfi Pfalme !hi< d•y, thefecond P(Alme, the Pfalmeof hodil:gcn~~i- l'f>i.•7-:; d., heApo.f/le fatth exprefiy (Aff.l3·33·) When Herofe ftomtht dead, then wt# ho- ~ege~ut te,fuljiUed in Him, verifi~d ofHim. Then He wasprimogenitus a mortu~·, of 0 h? sdjirfl begottenfrom·the diad. And upon this latter birthdoth the bl9ther-hbod Colo!l",•, ·~ t IS ay depend. Eee 2_