564Of the R& SURR E CT 1 oN. Sermon r6, --~~~------~~------------------ f. I (6J ~":·s,,,; There was then a new ·begetting, this day. And i.fa new begetting, a;;;---· nitie, and {rattrnitie, both. By the hodiegenui te of chriftmas; how foone Heater, ~orne?ftheVirgins wombe, He became our brother (finne except) fubjeCl to all\~: mfirmmes; fo, tomortalitie,and even todeath itfelfc. And, bydwh, that broth hqgJ hadbeenedirfolved,butforthis·dayes rifing. By the hod{!: genNiteof Eas?~as foone :IS Hee was borne againe ofthe wombe of the grave, He begins anewb,;: ther-hood, founds a new ftaternitte lhaight:s adopts us (wee fee) anewagaine b .Hisfr;,tres meos ; and thereby, Heethat was primogenitr« a mmuiJ, becomes pri~,rgemtt<J ~nter multosftatres: when thejirft beggtten frDm the dead, then the fir!1: begot– ten mthts refpett, among many brethren. Before, He wa:s 'ours : now, wee are His. . ', .- \ That was by themothersfide ;fo, Hee ours: This is byPatrem vtftrum, the Fathert .fide; So, wee Hi>. But halfe-brothers before; Never, of whole bloud, tillnow. I Now, by Father_and <.Mother both, Frdtresgermani, Fratresfraterrimi, we cannot be more. ..:;7 . To lhut all up in a word: That of chri#mas, wasrhefratcrnitie rifingoutot Deum meum, Deum veHrum; So, then, brethren. This of Eafter, adoprina ui to HiJ Father was thefraternitie of Patrem met~m, Patrem veffrum: So, bret~t», now. This daye's is the better hirtf,, the betterbrother-hoodby farre : the fore-whedts arc the lejfe, thehinder, the larger ever. F.or,fir!t, that of ours was whenHeewas mortaU: .Bot, H1s adoption He deferred, He would not fnakc it, whileHewas mor.· t4/l: referved it, till He was rifenagaine, and was even upon Hisafcending,and then he made it. So,morta/1 Heewas, whc(l Heeours: But, now(whenwee His) Hce is immort•ll, and wee brethren to.Him, in that lbte, the !tare of immorralitie. 6re• :b m, before; but notto afcendo: now, to a{cendo ~nd all. Death wasindan. ger, to have dilfolved that : Bur, death bath now no power on Him, or on r/ 1 is this lhall never bee in danger of being dilfolved any more. That, without this: is.nothing. Bur we fl1all not need to fiand in termes of comparlfon : lince, then, it was bui one ofthde; now, it is both. Hio Father, is now become 011r Fatber, to make us j~ynt-heires .with Himof His heavenly Kingdome: HuG o o likewi(e, become PHr GoD, to make us partakers, with them borh, of the Divme 'J'Vt11re. Patrtmmtum and PAtrem vejlrr1m, Deum meum, and Deum veflmm runne both merrily together, andA[cendo upon them both. Whereof (I meane of thepanaking of His divine N•tnre) to give us fuiland perfeet arfurance, as Hee rooke ourftejh and became our brother, jlejb of m Jtfo then ; fo Hee gives us His flejb, that wee may becomeHiobrethren, jlejb of Hujifb, now: And gives it us now upon this day, the very day of our vfdoption imorh1s /rater;nitie. Bytakingourjlejh; fo begun Hi•: By giving His fte{h; fo, begmnt> ours. For, requi1ite it was, that, fince wee drew our dMth from the jir>'f v1dam, by pa,rtaking His fubitance; femblably and in like fon, wee lhould partake rhe Cub– fiance ofthe Second vidam, that fo wee might draw our life from f!im; Should br,i'llgraftedinto Him, -as the branches ioto thevine, that wee might recetve H1s fappe (whtch is His Similinlde:) Should oe ftefb of: H z<jle{b, not 1-Iee ofours, as before) but we ofHiJ now: that wee might bevcget~te'wlth 1-IisSpirit, even with H1s Dt· 'Vim .lpirit. For,now in Him, the Spirits are [o united, as partake one, and partake theorher withall • . · · . J ;'\n}l it hath.beene, and.it is therefore an ordinance in·theCh11rchfor ever, that, as.uporrthis day,,~t the returning of it continually, Hisjlrjb and bloudlhoul.d be' m Sacrament, exhibited to H<; As to make a yearely folemne renewing ofthls[rater• '!itie, [o likewife to feal~ to us the fruit ofit, our rijing; and (JOtrifing ondy, but,. rh rifing, as,fcendogoe w1rhall. A badgeqf the one, a pledge ofthe other. For wh!C caufe; as it iscalled the living breadfor that, itJb•ll reftorc·m to ltfe and raife m 11 ! ~~ . . I•!