Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-- A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE ICINGS MA~ lEST lE AT VVHITE~HALL ON . the XI I I. ofdpril,A. 'D. Mn cxxi 1 I. being E .4S T E 1\;'D A Y. ESAY CHAP.LXIII. VER. I,II,II{. ~eftlfl:e qui venit de Edom, &c. Who u this that commeth fromEdom, 'With redgarments from B0zra ~ HeeugloriotMin Hisapparellandwal{:tbingreat flrength: I)}ea{: in righteoufoe!Je, ami am mightie to Ja-pe. Wherefore u thine a~parell red, andthy garments li{e him that treadeth in the wine~prejfe ? J ha1Je troden the wine-pre!Je alone,andofallthepeople there !M! nonell!ithme:for,Iwill tread tbem in '!line anger, and treal them underfoot in my wrath,andtheir bloudJhall beej}rin},jed upon mygarments, andI willjlaine allmy rayment. . wheri we reade, or he:ire read any w it or paffi1ge out of this Prophet, the Prophet Efay, it bringsto our minde the 'l{gble man r....-18. V I I I. thatJitling in hi> chariot read another like palfage our of tlus fame Prophet. Brings him to minde : and wtth him, his quefl:ion, of whom doth the ProphetJPt•ke tbi< ? of himfelfe or offome otbtr ? Not ofhun· felfe, that's once : It cannot be I:timfelfe. le '.s hce, that askes the quefl:ion. Some orher then lt mull: needs be, of whom it is; and we ro aske who that other was. Thetenourof Scriprure, that Nobleman then read,was out ofthe L I I I. chapter, and tbisofou~s, out of the LX IJ I. ten chapters between,. Bur, if Saint Pbilip had found lum readwg