;,-- Of the RE SURR E eT 1oN. Sermon 17 ; which the world; moll commonly takes notice ofmen, by. His C...te,. r;;;--– JIIen have but a feeble gate. Valiant !l:rongmen tread upon theground fo ~ beake you may difcernetheir llrength. · ' ' Y te, Now, this Parry Hecame fogoodly in His appareU,'fo !lately in His rnarch as ·r. by all likelihood, He had made fomeconquefi inEdom (the place He carne fr~m ~) had had a victory inBozr4 (the Citiewherc He had beene.) And the truth is foH had. He faith it inthe third ve&, He had trodden downe Ha enemies, had tr;mpled llpon them, made the blondeven llart out of them ; whicb blond oftheirs had all 10 fiained His garments. This was no evil! newes, forE[ayes countriemen, thepeople of Go n; Edomwasthe worll enemie they had. Withjoy then: but, not without admiration, fuch a Parry fees theProphet come toward him. Sees Him; but knowes Him not: thinkes Him worthy the knowing: fo thinking, and not knowing, is ddirous to be infiructed, coocerning Him. Ourof thisdefire, askes, quueft? Not, of himfelfe, (hee durll not be fo bold) Who are ypu~ butoftomellanderby, Whombavewehcre~ Can youtell, wkorhi4 111 ighr /Je? The Jirfi quellion. . .IVhati•m""'' But before we come to the quellion, a word or two ofthe placewhereH~ehad ~{.:,~:':t. beene,and whence He came: Edom, and Bo£r4, what is meant by them~ For if this Partie be CH ._Is t; CH R Is 'r was in JEgypt aChilde: but neverinEd;m that we reade; never at Bozrainall His life. So as her~, we are to leaverhelette; Some otherit might be the letter might meane: wee will not much !land to looke afser Him. For how ever poflibly fome fuch :h~rc was, yet it will P.lainly appeare by the fequele, thatthe tlj'llmony of I a sus, as 1t IS of each other, fo ltinheJJiritif thi1prsphecie. Goe we then to the kernell, and let the husk1 ye: let goe the dead lerter,and take we to us the fpiricuall meaning that hath fome life in it. For, wh~t care we for the literal! Edomor Bozr4, what became ofthem : what are they ro us ~ Let us corn· parefpiriruall things with fpirituall things: that is it mull doe us good. · !f\p~~·~!'~' . t I will give you akeyto this, and fuch like Scriptures. Familiar it is with thePro: phets (nothing more, than) to fpeake to their People, in theirowne language; than to exprelfe their gholHy enemies, the both mortall and immortal! enemies oftheir foules, under the titles and termes ofthofe Nations and Cities, as were the knowne fworneenemies ofthe Common-wealth ofIfrael. As, ofJEgypt where they werei~ /Jond,.ge: as ofEabylon,whcre,in cAptivity :elfe.where,asofEdomhere,who maliced them more than both thofe. Ifthe Angel! tell us right, Rev. XI. there is a!JiritHJd SodomeandJEgypt,wheresur Loan waurucified: and, ifthey, why nota!Jiriw/1 Edom too, whence our L o R n rofe againe ~ Put all three together, JEgypt, BJtl, Edom : all their enmities, all, are nothing to the hatred, that HeUbeares us. Jlur yet, if you aske, ofthe three which was the worll ~That, wasEdom. To lhew,thePw phet, here, madegood choyce of his place : Edom upon earth, comes nearell to the kingdome ofdarkneffeinHeU, ofall the reil. And that, in thefe refpeds: . Firll, they were the wickedell: people under the Sunne. Ifther.ewere any dev1ls llponcarrh, it was they: ifthe Divell, ofany counrrey, hee would choofe to be an Ed~mite. N'o place on earth, that refembled hell neerer: next to hell on eanh, was Edom, for all that nought was. NalAchicals Edom, the border ofaUwickedn:J!e; apep. plewith whom Go n WM angry forever. In which very points, no enemtcs!o firly exprelfe the enemies ofour foule,again!l: whom the anger of Go n is eternal!, and thef mokeof whofe torments fhaUafcendfor ever. Hell, for all thar nought is. That, if thepo•ver-vfdarknejfe, and hell it felfe, ifthey be to beexprelfcdby any place on carrh, they cannot be better exprelfed than in thcfc, Edomand Bozra. I willgiveyouanother. TheEdomiteswerethepolleritieof Efou: t!Je fo7.J i5 Edom. So, they were neere!l: of kinne to the leJV!S, of all Nations: fo, lhod have beene their bell friends. The leJVes and they came of two brethren: E pnb . was the elder :and that was thegtiefe; that the people of l{raehomruinr: of la>ho • · t e