Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

'Sermon 17. OftheR& sua a x c T 1 oN. ----~~~~~~--~~----~-------_____...--:! ""~er brother, had enlarged their bord·er; got them a better feat and country neyo-., d · ) h d H · · b farre, than they(theE omttes a • ence grew envte: ancJ an enemie out ofeny · everthe worft. So werethey :the moft cankred enemtes that I{rael had. Th~ v1 {1 1 s fo betweene us and the evil! fpirits. ..4ngelnhey were (we know) and fo. in c[,els lderbrethren rous. Ofthe two inteHefl11aU Nat11res, they the firll: cre 4 ;ed. ~art, ~e (now) c H ~ 1 s r be thanked, is much better than theirs which is that cn– r~~~d~hem againfl us, as much andmore, than ever any Edomiteagainll: Ifrae!. Hell, for rancourand envte. . . y t ne more: they were ready to doCodspeopleall the mtfchtefe,they wereable· i and,ew~en they were not able ofthemfelves, they !hewed their good wills, though; fer on others. And when they had won lemfalem, med downe wtthzt, downe nnth zt, Pfal., 37. 1 ; entotheuro11nd: nole!fe w0 uld [crve. And, when it was on the ground, infulted ::drejoyc~d above mea!ure :Rememberthe children ofEdom. !his is right the dive~s propercie qu~rtomodo. He that hat~but the heart ofaman, Will even rue, to fee Ius enemielying in extreme m1lery. None bu: ~cry dwels, o_r dtvels tncarnate wtll doe fo: corrupt their compaffion, call: offall pme; reJoyce, mfulr, rake delight at ones deflruction. Hell for their <mA"'I''-"'"' infulting over menin mifery. But will yegoceven to the letter ( None did everfo much mifchiefe to David; 4 asdidDo(g : he was anEdomite. Nor nonefo much to the Son of David, CH ••sr; 'Sam.«.9; none bore more malicero Him,firll:and lall:,thim did Herod; and he was an Edomite. So which way foever we rake it, rf:xt the kingdome of darkne!fe was Edom upon ca;th. And chri{f comming from thence, may well be [aid to comefromEdom. · · Jluf ~vharf.1y you to tJo~:ota? This: that ifthe country ofEdBm, doe well fer be- , ny Bo:;r4; fore us the whole kingdome ofdarknelfe, or region of deAth; Coz.ra niay well !land for !iellit[elfe. Bil!:>ra, was the !lronge!l hold of that kingdome Hell, is fo ofrhis. The whole countrey of Idumeawas called and knowne by the name ofYz,rhar is of Jlrengrh; And, what of [uch ll:rengrh, :ts death~ all the fonnes of men ll:oope to him. Eozrawas called theftrong City: Hell is asll:rong as it every way. They write; Pfal.Go.;, it wasinvironed with huge high rockes on all fides: one only cleft rocometon, by. And, when you were in, there mull: you peri!h: no getting out againe. For all the world like to hell, asAkrah.rmde[nibes itto him that was in it, They thatwo11ldgo: fi'om thi<plAce toyo/6 cannotpofibly; mithet can they comefrom thence to tu; thegulfe is Luke .c.• G, fogrear 1 no getting our. No ccrpm, fi:omdwh; NohabetU animam out of Pr, 1. 49 . 8 , hell; you mull: let rhat alonefor ever. . Now then, have we the Prophets true Edom; his very Bozra, indeed. By thls, weunderftandwhat they meane. Edom, the kingdome ofdarkmlfe •ndrledtb: Bozra, the feat of the Prince of darknc!fe (that is) Hell it [clfe. From both which CHR Is r, rhisday,returned. HisfoulewtUnotleftinheU :Hi<flcfofawn~t (butPf•I.t6, 1 o; rofeftom) cormption. . . , · For, over Edorn, Prongas it was, yet Davidc~hh fhoo o-ver it, (that is, afrerrhe PC1!.,os. 1 • Hebreov phrafe)(et hi< foot t~pon'it, and trod it downe. AndBozr.t, as impregnable a Hold as it was holden, yet David won it; was led into the flrong Citie : led into tt, and came thence againe. So did the Sonne of David, this day from His E'dom, death, how!lrongfoever, yet fwaflorved up in viflory, this day. And, from Hell, 1 cor.r 1 .a; HtsBozra: how hard foever it held (as he that wasin;r,found there was no <>eninothence;) C R ~Is r is got forth; wee fee. Howmanytoulesfoeverwe~rher~ left,His was not left rhere. And,when did Hethis~when,Jo111t":' dol~rihtu inferni, He loo(edtf,epaiwes ofhe~; All i. ,,: . troduponrhe Serfents head, andall to brmfed lt · tooke from death hufling. from hell 'Cor.•, hu vtClory (that is) his ll:andard, ailuding to the Romane !l:andard that h~d in irthe colo!r..., 1 : tmage ofrhe goddeffe YiCiory. Seazed upon thechirographtun contra nos, the Rag: - · ma~Ro!l~rhat madefo much againfltu;tooke it,rent it,and fo rent, n•iledit to Hh Cruffe; ~a eHubanner ofit (ofthe Law cancelled) hanoin" at it banner-wif~. And having t us.fPot!edPrincipalitie> and l'mm,Eie made an openfoew ofthem,triu1nphedover the:# 11'1