570 Of theRE. suR RE. c T 1 oN. Sermon 17 • Col<>•f.•••, . in[emetipfo,inHis own pcrfon:(All threearc in Col.2.)and triumphantly c~ With the keyes ofEdomandBozra both, of hell and ofdeath, both at His gird! e He_lhewesHtmfelfe. v1poc.1. And when was this~ if ever, on this very day. cb~ whtch, havmg made a full and perfeCl:conquell of death, andof him th.rhillhth Heb.•. t 4 • perverefdtath,thAti<, the Divell ( Hebr.2.) HerofeandrerurnedtheAce rhism e lud~.s.u. ning, as a mightie Conquerour, f.<ying as Dehoradid in her fong: o my[ 1 ufe /i:· h'!fi troden downejlrength, thou haft marchedvaliantly. ' * A 'Andcommingbac_kethus, from the debellationofrhe fpiriruall Edom, andthc /"\ breaking up ofthe true Bozra indeed, it is wondered, Who it lhould be. Nore rh~: fo~n "·'t that no body knew C" ~' s T at His riling; n~irher Mary Magda!en, norrheythat " c ' 4 ·' · • went ro Emmam. No more doththe Prophet here. ! Now, there was reafon t'o aske this quefrion, for none would ever thinke it robe CH a Is T. Thereisgreatoddes;itcannotbeHe. 1. Not He: Hewasputto death, and put into Hisgrave, andagrtatjlomupon Him, not three dayes fince. This Partie is alive and alives like. His Ghofl it cannot be: Heglides not (as Gholls,they fay, doe) burpaces thegr01md very ftrongly. . Not He ; He had His app<rel! jhared amongff the fouldim; was left all naked. This Partie hatbgomn Him ongloriotu apparel!, richfcarlet. ' . NotHe: for,ifHecome,Hem.ullcome.in wh.ire, in thelinnen, He was lapped in, and latd tn Hts grave. Th•s- Pame comes m qutte anorher colour, all inred. s() the colours fuit not. To be lhort, not He: for,He was put toa foile, toafoule foile,as~verwasany: Luke .1.s l· they did to Him evmwhatthey lijled; [corned, infultcd up_on Him. It was rhen the hotlre and power of darkne!Je. This Panic, whatfoever He is, bath gotten the upper hand, won the field; marche~~ately,. Conqtlerollr~likc• .His, the day fure.) . The 6 1 ft an· Well;yet CHRIsT 1t1s. Htsanfwer gtvcs Htmfornootb~Hisan./.j!~;; r,.;, is fwcrthen. The partie(itfeemes)over-heard the l'rophet's as~ing,and is pleafedro Cbti/· gtve an anfwertott Htmfelfe :we arcmuch bound to Htm font. No man can tell, 1Pet.t.u. Ffal.llf.ll . ~o. JJ. fo well as He Himfelfe, whoHee is. Some other might millake Him, and mif·cu, forme us ofH[m: Now, we are furc we are right. No error perfon.e. His name indeed, He tells not; but cjefqibes Himfelfe by two fttcb notes, :tS can :tgree ro none properly bur to C H It I s T. Ofnone can tbefe two be fo affirmed,as of Him they may. That, byrhefe two, we know,rbis is CH a I ST, as plainly, a> ifHis name had beenefpdled to us. I. Speaking righteoufmffe; and righreoufnelfc referred to fpeech, ftgnifierhtmth ever. 'N.! guile to beefort~~d in His m011th: and, Omni4 hcmo is, you know wbat. 2. Migbtie tof~ve: and, Vana {a/us homini.!,vdine is the helpeof man. WhoeverJPakeforight as He fpake ~ Or who ever was fonrightJ tofave as He~ And this is Hisanfwerro quir dfijle. . That,aml. Onethat[peake righteotif'nejfe, and ammighty to{ave. Rig'hteounn .fPe.rking; mightie in faving, wbofe word is truth: whofe worke is falvatton. lulland true ofmy word and promife; Powerfull and mighcie in performance ofborh. The bdl:defcription (fay I) that can be ofany man: by his rvord, anddeedboth•. • His N•'""'· And fee how well they fit. Speaking is moll proper; that, refems to H1m,asthc Iohn .... Word: (In tht beginningrvM the Word:) to His Divine Nature. Savmg, that re· ~I.Jtth.ur. ferresto His vet:yname I • su s,given Himby the Angeft, asman,forthat He< P 1011/J jAve Hid people from theirjinnes: from which none baveeverpowerto [ave, bur He. %His offiu. M.llacb.l. 7. Dm.9.•J· There have you His twoNat11res. h Speaking referres to His officeofPrieft: the Priefls lips to preferve knowledge; r ~ Law ofrigbteoufnef{eto b~reqr~ircdat Hi< mouth. ~avi~g (and rhar,. !!Jt(httly) ~~. taines to Htm as a Ktng;IS rheollice(as Dame! calls Htm) oftMejtttU the. Caft'lo Righteoufnef!eHeJP•ke, by Hispreachin~. Saving, that ~~longs firfr tO Hts m•~~~: lous fuffering: It bemg farre a greater mtrade for the Deme to fuffer ~ny thele~orhe jury,than to create a new world, yea many. Bur, fecondly (whtch ts proper ')'ext