Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

s~mon_I7~·----~Q~~U~~e~R~- -E_S~U--R~R-E~C--T~I~O~N-~~~------5~7~1-~mel in Hts mightie fubduing and downehelland death,Jnd allthe Luke ... <~4. owerof Satan. J'roRhetJza no61f C:hey fatd, at Hts Paffion)jJeake who h11 yM, there: Marth. , 7 . , 4 ; fnd.Ave Re.~, they fatd coo: Bor~~ m feorne; but mRll: true, b~th. youm~y rcferre thefe t":o,tfyou pleafe; to Htstwo ma10e Benefts redounding 3 H;, 'lltntfits; eous from rhefe cwo. Twodungs there are that und?e us: Error~r, and Sznne, From Hts s eaking, we recetvc knervl~dgeofHts truth, agamll: error~r.From HtsSavzng, ;ve . .P the power ofgrace, agamit Smne,andfo,are[avedfrom Smnes fequde,Edom ~~d~~rJ, both. Thts is Hts defcription; and .rhis is enough. . A ful! d.efcnpnon ofHts perfon,inHisNawres, offices, Benefts; 10 rvordand tndeed. He 1t ts,andcan be none bur He. To rclleCl: almle on rhefc two. y 011 will obferve, that His.fl>eakingis fet downe Gm ply, but in Hisfaving, Hee 1 isf. 1 idtobemightie,or(asrhe word is) multmad fervandum. So, marke where Mighti<,notlli the 1111 t!tsu is. Heis not ,mrdtutad loqr~endr1m, onethat fAith mt~.·h; and paucm Ad fPe.~mg. fer:vandttln, ,and thendoes little, as\he manner ofthe worlct is. <.Multu; is.nor ehere~ at His Speech. le is put to fe'rvandt~m; There, Heets much, and Hts r.Mtght much. ,UifMch of might to, . . . ThatHismtghttsnotput, 10 treadmg:downeordell:roymg. No, butmultmad , z 1gnofcendrlm, in thefifty jive Chapter before :and, mNltut ad(ervandum, here. Mighty l!ut\ mfovi•g: to lhcwmercy,androfave. . Yet, mighty He is too, to deflroy and tnadd~nme : Elfe £f'Yf 5 • 7 · had He not atchieved this victory in the Text. Mighty tofave, implietl1ever mighty to[ 11 bd 11 e; rofubdue, rhem,whc~m Hefaves us from' Yet?ofrhe.rwain<:, He~hoofed"! rathcrthe tcnne of favmg (though both be true) becaule favtng ts wtth Htmprim.e intehtiowr5 : So of the twaine, in that, Hee would have His might appearerather; ~.Mighty to de{froy, Hee will.not ha~em~ntioned in ~is !tyle : but mighty tJ fave, chat is His title; that,the quahty, Hetakes debght m.:dehghts ro defcribeHimfdfe, and eo be defcribed by. . . . , you will yet marke alfo , as the coupling of thefe two in the defcription~f 1 . CH R 1 s 1- (for, normher ofrhefe, alone wtll fer~e; but betwceoe them borh,they Yet hermbtfl make it up)fo, rhacrhey'goe rogerher, chefe two, ever. Hefaves not any,burthofe' ftP'""' <hat Heteaches. And, note rheorder ofthem coo. For,thar that ll:ands firll:, He doth· ' ' firil:; firltteaches• .uMighty to fave Hce is ; but whom to (ave ~ whom Hre .fl>eakes righteuu[ne/fero,and they heare Him,and ret11rnenot agaibeto theirformer follj , There is no phanfying to our fdves; we can difpence with one o,fthele; nevercare, \vhe~ therwedeale with che.former, or no; whether we heareHim .Q>eake at all: but take holdofrhe latter, and befavedwith a good will. No :youcaimot; but lfyou hear.: Him.fl>eake firll:. He faith fo,andfersthemfoHimfelfe.. . , And put this to. it, and I have done this point. That, fuch as is Himfdfe, We ro belilie> fuch,ifweehearcHim,willHeemake usto be. Andrhe mprecrue and foothfall: Himinb•lh: any ofus is of His word, rhe more given to doe good and (ave, thelikerro Him, andthelikerto have our parrsinHisrifing. Wekriow, q11is eft ifle, now. THis for the firft part; . Now, the Prop~et. hearing Him anfwerfo gently, takes to iittiecourage; r I.' toaske Htm onequcll:.on more, about Htscolours : Hee was a lmletroubled witli Thef<eond them. If you be fo mighty to [4ve, as you fay, how comes it then, what ailesyo4r q•rfli9•.' . garmentsrobe fo red? and adds, what kinde ofred ; and he cannot cell,what t<:>!ikeri ':J~~~_'PR': them better to, than as if He had newly come out.of fome wi11e-prefTe; had oeene - treadmg grapes,and preffing out wine, there. He calls it wiwe : bur rhe truth is,ir was llowme: It was verybloud. ·New wine, inlhew; bloudindeed; rbatupon Hisgar- ~e~T So much ;~ppeareth in the next ver[efollowirig. Where He laich Himfelfe ~vam y,that Blo•dit,wa<, thatw_...fl>rinkledupon.Hi> clo 4 thes, l.ndhadjlain'edt~em all her. . Wcknow well, our reafon leads us, there could lie rio vintage, at th1s ume of t eyeare; the feafon ferves not : Blotld ic was. - . - - &~