lbdges 8.a. Ja.mcss.u. :Tim~ 4·.i6, M:ttlh.:r.S.~. l'tll.>.ll, Apoc.t-t.lS, ,,,,.~. Ofthe REs uR R 11. c T I_o N. Sermon 17 , tibiezcr: but,for:hat, every man:as he ~ay. Nay, i~ :ruly,rharevcn rh1sgreat mle,[Mtghty tofave] comes under loquens]uHitiam, Th;r lS mthe tv.ordofrtghttoufnejfe afaving power. Take theword (fait!~ Saint lames) raifie tt tnyou, tt u ableto fave your Joules : even that, wherem we ofth1s calling ina i pmicipare with CH R I s T, while,byattmding·tonading and dcflrine, ,.,;[aveboJ 1111'{clves anithem that heare m, we tread downe lin,and [ave finners from fetking de tl in the errour oftheir life, a ' Bur, though rhere be in theWorda favingpower ; yet is nor all faving power in that, nor in that onely; there is a prejfe befide• . For, thispre({e is going continually among us; bur, there is another that goes bur attimes. But, in that, it goesarfuch times, as it falls in fir with thewine-preffe here. Nay,falls in moll: fit ofall therefi For, ofit comes very wine indeed, theblo11dof the grapes ofthe true Vine, whichi~ thebldl'edSai'rament is reached to us; and with it, is given us that, forwhich~was given, evenremifion offtnnes. Not onely reprefented therein, but even exhibited to us. Both which whenwe partake., then have we a full and perfect communion wirh C '!! R I s T, this day : of His peaking rightcoufnej[e in the Werdpreached : of His .power to fave in the holy Eucharifl minill:red. Both preffis runne for us ; and IVtto partake them both. I may not end, till I tellyou, t~ere rem~ineth yetan?ther, a third Wint-prt/(i,. that you may take heed oflt. l w1ll but pomtyou to1t: lt maylerveas(ormher6sro rat our Pafchat Lambewith. The Sunne(they fay)dancedthismorning at Ca a 1 , t, Refurrection: the earth trembled then (I am fure:) there wasanearthq11•kearChrifls riling. So, there is trembling to our joy, Exulweintremore, asthe Pfalmijlwills tts•. The vintage of .the earth, v.:hen thet~me of that !s come, and when rhcgrapes be npc and ready for 1t, One there u, that cmth to hem rvttb the jbarpe fickle mhiJ6 4 nd (Apot. XIIII.) ts thrujl it in, cut off the clt1Jfers, andc.jl them into thegreat Wine-pref{e 1( the wrath of Go n. Adifmall day, that: a pinfull fiaughter, then. It is there (aid, the blcud[ball come up to the borfe·bridles by thej}Ace of athoufandfix hundredfur~ longs. Keepeyouout; takeheedofcomminginthatpre({e. · ' . We have a kinde Itemgiven us ofrhis,herein the Text, inthelall: verfe. Therebe two acts 0fC HR r s l': one, of being troden, theotberoftreAding downe. Thefirft is, for Hischofen ,. the other, againll: His enemies. One is called, the YeareofRtdemp· tion: The other, the D"Y ofVengeance. 'TheYe&re of Redemption is already come, and is now; we are in it: during which time,rhc; two former wine prrj[es runne, •of the w~rd, >andSacrament. The Day 1jVengeance is not yet come: It is butin H~ heart ; fo the Text is.: that is, but in His purpofe, and intent yet. Butcertain!y, come it will, that day; and with that d:t.y, comes thelall: wil'le-preffe with the bloudrothe bridles: yer it come, and during our yeare ofredemption, that yeares allowance, we are to endeavourro keepe our felvcs out ofit; for,th:uisthedayofvengemt, of iraventura, Go n s wrath for ever. So as, all we have to lludy is, how wcmaybe in at the firll: two, out at the lall:pre!fe: and the due Chrillian ufe ofthe firfr,will keep us from the !all:. ' While thenit is with us theywe ofredemption; and before that day come; while ii: is yet time offPe4hng righuoufnejfe, that is, to day ifye willheart Elis voiCe: while the cup ofblejing is held out,ifwe will take it; lay hold on both. Tharfo, we may be accounted worthy to efcape in that day, from that day and theven~ea~ceofrr: :~nd may feele the fulneffe ofHisfaving power in theWerd engrafted, whtch rs Able fl {ave o11rfoNles; and in the crp offalvation which is joyned with it; and thatto our er;t Ieffe joy. The yeare ofredemption is !all: ia the verfe: with that the Prophet en. 5 • With that, let us end alfo: and, to that end, may all that_ bath beenefpokcn arnve and bring us; .A SER..