Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

--- } A SERMON P.RE PARED TO BE PREACHED ON E A ST ER~D A Y, dnno Vomini MD c XX I v. HEBR. Chap. XIII~ D ~-us auterrt pacis> &c. ,Vu.• 2.0. The Go o of peace, that hrought againe from the dead, our LoRD hsus CHJ.usr, the greatShepherd o/ the Sheepe,-through the bload of the roerl~flingTejlamint, 2.. ~a{eyouperfeElin allgoodwork!s, to do His wiU, wor{ng in y9u tht~t which is pletifant in His fight, through I E s u s CHRIST, to whom be praife fore"Ver and ever, Amen. words [whohAth brbtlght C H 1t r s T agAii'Je the dead] make this a Text proper for this For, as this day, was C n 1t I • T brought Ah..;M''"·- thence. thefe words [thetloud oftheeverlaf/ing Ttflament] make it ,as proper every way fou Comm11mon. For,there,ataCommunion, weeare made to drinke of that bloud. Put thefe toge– ther< 'Thebringing ofC H 1t I s T from thedead, • and the bloud of the Te.ftament, and they will ferve well for a Text, at aCommuniononEafler– ddy. T . 1 I will touch in a word, * the Z{ptHreof the 571 ext, 1 t le Summe, and J the partitionofit. fi h Fo~theNature: ltis aBenediElion. The ufe, the Church doth make ofirand t Fuc ot erhke, is to pronounce rhein over the Congregation byway ofablefmg. The N.otureof or, not onely the h ' . the Tm. burthe lG powertopray, topreac ,tomakc: andtog!Vethe Sacrament; ofour po;.ver a 0 to blef[e you, that are Go os people, is annexed, and is a branch s, 0 the PmffsOffice. You maypbinly reade thepowcrcommitt~d, the act Fff 3 , inJoyncd,