578 , Ofthe REsuRREcTIoN. Sermon 18 • Num.6,, 3 • injoyned? and the very forme ofwords prefcribe? ail in the VI. of Numbers.th' Ch•p. 7 ,, 0 , GoD fa1th, Thrujha/1yose blelfe thepeople: (that Is) doe it y~u jhall; and thmy ;,re doe it, inhdlcverba, Neither was this act Levitical!, orrhenfirfttake~up. 'j aH long before: While Lwi w.uyetin the leynes of t.Abraham, even t'bcnit was; ;was Mclchifedecks Prieft-hood, and (ifthe breadandwine were no Inore but arefr!ih rt 0 J the onely part, tha~ we re~de of, to [ay.BenediCIU< over Abraham, as great a Patri~~h as he was•.There1snorhmg elfcmenuoned, toihew he was aPriejf, but that. Thisblefingthly ufed firfi and laH: but rather lall:; For ~lightly)then, tl)e people were all together•. They be not fo, at firft:.but onely a few, then. And here(you fee) the Apoft!emakes It h•sforewell. W1th this he!huts up his Epijlle; and with fomeo. ther !itch, all the reil:. And that, by CH "' 1 s T s example. The !aft thing that iukP4.'so. CHUs'l' did inthis world, was: Helift up Hi& hands, bleft H_i&Djfciple~,andfowepr away to Heaven. And fo you fh<ll finde,tt was the manner 10 the Pr~mstiveChurck: at the end of the Litr;rgie, ever to difmiffe the affembly with a blefing. Which' bleffing, they were then fo conceited of, they would not offer to ftirre (not amanof them)till bowing downe their heads they had the bleffirig pronounced overthem. Gen.J '·''· As if fome oreat matter had !yen in the miffing of it : as if they had been of Ia 11 bs minde 1 Non Jimittam te nifi benedixeri5mihi : they would neither let thePriifldeparr ~o.r depart themfelves,till they had their btefingwith them: Suc~1 avenuerhey held IJ1It. The bleffing pronounced, they had then leave togocwnh•<"'"l""• in the Gneke; Mijfa eftftdelibU<, in the Latinc Church; and none went away before. An evil! cuftome bath prevailed with our people ·: Away they goe wirhout blef– fing, without leave, without care ofeither. Marke if they runne not our,beforcany /Jlej?ing; as if it were not worth the takin~ with them. Verrc r:i. I marveJI,ho\V they will bcinheritorsoj thebtefing, rhatfeemeto ferfolirdebyir.' ~t<~·.;S·li· Ifthey meane to heareComeyee blejfed,rheyfhould(me thinkes)love it bmerthan by their running frpm it> lbey feeine to doe. · . · This would !fee amended. Wee arc herein departed from the Primitive chrilli– tms, with whom it was inmore regard.' Sure, there is morein the neglect ofir,than we are aware of. '"I' hi& bleflingcould not be delivered in betterterme~, than in rhofe, that came from the t..Apoffles rhemfelves : which accordingly have been fought up here and therein their writings; and, by theChurch, forred to feverall dayes, which they feemedbell to agree with. As this here, havingEafler.day in it, was made an E.yler-day.llllt· diflion. For, the fpeciall mention in irof CH R. IS 'I' bror;ght agaim from the dead,dorh in amanner appropriateittorhisFeaft. Vtter it but thus: The Go n ofpem,•hl did norv,M uponthuday, bring ~tgaine C F! R r s 'I' from the dead: doebututrerirrhiiS, nnd it will appeare moll: plainly how well they fuite, the Time,and theText. . ~ For the Summe. It is no more in effect, budhonly this. That Go Dwould [o Tht SNrn'llu: bteffi them,andus,as eo make us fit for,and perfect indfl goodrvorkes. A good wilh,at - any rime. Bur, why at this time fpecially, upon mention of CH a I . s;, s rifin~he fhould wifh it, is not feeneat firil:. Yet there isfomematterinit; that, at CHRIHS rifing, He doth not wifh our faith in,reafcd, or our hopeil:rengthened,, oranyorher grace or vertue revived :but onely, thatgoodworkes might be per[eaedmus, agd we in them.Surely,rhis forting them rhus rogether,fecmcsroimply, asif.C H' 1 s.,.' Refierre{lionhad fome more peculiar ihtereil: ing1od rvorkes : as (in?eed)tt bath. And, there hath ever beene, and il:illare, moreofrhem done now,atth!Smn~, thanatany. other time ofthe yeare. Agenerallreafonmaybegiven. That, .what time CH RI s.,. dothforusfom: · principall great worke (as, at all the Feafts, He doth fome: and now at th1s n~e fen fibly ; ) we to take occalioil by it,at that rime;to doe fomewhat mor~ than ot~ ma~; in memory and honourof it. Moreparticularly, Comefuch, as maym!~me or~ u~, with and refemh>le the act ofchri(l then ~one. As it might be 1 whenchrijl ~red~~m. to die in 111 : when CH.lt 1 s T rofc agamc, good "'or/m to nfe together Wit~ kes ~ ~ "' l 5 .... s 1' Ajion, to ~ec. s~~/ICSP4fi.oif . ~ c H.!\ 1 s! s Re[urref!.io/1, ·~;,,:e~~n!