Ofthe RES uaa E c TION. Sermon 1 8. I. _ THe Gon ,fpe&ce, &c. Here is alongprocdfe. Wharneedsallrhisfettin<> Thetbingdont outHisfiykat!engch ~ Whygoes Henorcothepoinrroundly ~And, feein':. :0;-~·~ Pmy good tvorkes doing is His ~rrand, why faith He not fhortlyl Go o make you given~ b; wh•m· ' goodn!orkes, and nomo~eadoe ~ but tells us a long tale ofShepheards,and Teftaments and I wotenot what (one would thinke, ro!inall purpofe ~) Butfure, topurpof~ it is, The Ho L Y G Hos T ufeth no wall:ewords, nor ever fpeakes but to the point (we may be fure.) His •itl:. Let us fee, and beginne with His fir!!: tide, the G o o Bfpeace. Go o s titlesbe Tbr God t{ diverfe,as be His ACts : and His Acts are, as His properties be, they proceed from. ·peact. Exod 9"17, , Cor. t. J. l'f>l. By, B. And(lightly)the tit!' is takenfrom the property which bell: firs the ACt it produceth. As, when Go o proceedeth to punifh, Heis calledthe righteo m Go o : when, to (hew favour, the Go o B[mer.:y: When to doe fomegreatworke, the Gon of power. Now then, this feemes notfo proper?Shoulditnot rather havebeen,the Go oofpower which brought ag4me, &c. To brmg agame from death,feemes rather anaCt ofpotverthan of peace. One would thinkefo. Bur, being welllookt into it ' will be found to belong rather topeace. N()power ofHis will be feton working ~ill ever bring againe from death, unlelfe He be fir!!: pacified and made the L oR ~ of peace. Of Hisporverthere is no quefiion: OfHispeace, there may befome. I!hall tell you, why. For 2llthe Old Teibmenc through, you !hall obferve, Go osgreat Rom.•pJ. Titleis the Lo a nofHo s T s; which, in the New,you fhallnever read:bur,cver Prul 4 . 9 . fince He rofe from the dead, iris in fiead ofit, the Go oof peace. To the Romants, • • Thdl".pJ. Philippians, 'I'hrjfalonians, &c. and now here ro theHebrewes,and frill the Go • of • Thelf.J-' 6 • ;eace. It is not ~milfefor us, this change. For, ifthe LordofHofls come eo beat peacewith us,His hofls !hall be all for us, which were againfi us,while it was nopeace. So as, make but God, the God ~fpeace,andmore needs not. For,His peace will cam. mand His power firaight. WhenHis hoftswere fo about Him,ir feemcd h~s1ilitie ' How came Hethen roby away that tirleofthe Lerd of Hojls,tobecome Doupaci<? That did He, by thus doing: Hebrought againe omfrom the dead; andthat bringingbroughtpwe,and made this changeStylemwo, the Godofpeace. h " d This brings us to the other,thefecond Party: He is not named rill all be doJX';and ;,,";, 1 : ccon then He is,in thee.nd oftheverfe:our L oR o 4HdSA v r ou a I • s'us CH RI • T· o"r Lord It{«s But, at firfl:, He is brought in as a Shepherd. Thinke never the meaner of H1m for f1~b"'i rd that. Mofesand David, the Founders ofthe Mmarchieofthe !ewes; Cym< andRI!"U· ' '!"' · /m,the Founders,one ofthePerjian, the other oftheRomaiJ Monarchie, were taken all ' from the Sheep-folds. The Heathen Poet cals the great Ruler-oftheGrecian JJ•nar· ehie, but""f'l'~'""-, (thatis )theShepherdifthepeBple.• CHRIsT givesicroH1m· rt-.l.Bo.•. felfe, and Go o cloth notdifdaineic in cheLXXX. P[41me. And thenarne(howfo– ever it fals to us ofthe Clergie now)ab iHitio nonfi•itfie.Secularmen,Iofep/;,Io(t1•, and ])avid, were firfi fo termed; and are moreoften fo termed, in theBible, thanwe. The termeofshepherdis well chofen, as referring to the Go oofprace. Pm~ is befi for shepherdsand forjheepe. They loveprace: then, they are fafe; then,they feed quietly. Yer,not fo, but thatShepherds have ventured farre, to refcue the S~t1fd from the Beare, and from the Li~n, as did King D4vid; and as the Ssnneof D•~1 here that ventured further than any, who is brought in (here) in Sanguine, bleedmg, howfoever it comes. , ~s,m.17-J6. But this Tide was not fomuchforGoo, as for us: (Paftoremovium) and,m. · ovi11m, 'are we· there come we in: we hold by·that word. For fo, there is am~; , w•·