Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

- Sermon 18. Ofthe R. E s u R R E c T r o N. 11 and rcciprocall rehtion bcnveene Him and us : and we thereby may be affured ~;this very terme relativ~, whither, and whenfoever Hewas brought; all He did 0 ; {utfered, it was not for Hunfdfe. For then, an abfolute ?a1ne .of Hts owne would h ebeeneput. All was for H1s Correlanvc, for Ovttm> \that is)for us. He is no \::yes confidered, in all ~his, as abfolutcly put, or fevered from us,Hirjlo,·ke; but fiill wit~\reference and relanon unto us.. . . . ·. . . . But becaufeothers enter-common mt!us and other H1s names With Hun,Hebears P4!/orcm mag• "twit!~ adifference. Paffor <...Magnus, thegreat jhepherd. Not (as Diphi!us [aid to ~~;~;;.o,r•• . ~ompei:U UJ,1ag~ru ;' noffri miferiil <...Magmu es ;Great, by making others little: bur, · Mi[ericordia[11a Magnus, by making Htmfdfe lmle, to make us great. Thegr 2 duall points of His greameffe, in refpeet of others are thefe. Great firft, ! For, Toltlm is14rtc majtu, Greater is He that feeds the whole, than they, that but cer– caineparcefls oftheflocke. All e_lfe fee~ but peem: So, they beebut petty jbepheards toHim. ButHe,thewho/e,mameenureflocke: He, :mdnonebutHe. So, Hethe gre•tJbepheardofthegreat Flocke. _ Acraine, Greater is He that owes theJheepeHe feeds, than they that feedethejheep~ rh 2. G they~Jve not. AllothersfeedeHi; jheepe : None can [ay,Pd{ce oves mM~. Hit they Pfal.;~:~.· be:andreafon. For, Hemadethcm, theybethejbu~ofHishands:Hefcedsthem, 1o~. 3; fothe jheepe ofHit hands, and ofHif pajlureboth. Bur, this is not the greatnejfe here meanr. But Ecce quantam charitattm, fee the 3 , great love to ~is lheepe ! Othersfell and ki/ltheirs: He is fo farre from fellin_g,orkil- lloh.;.,, Jing,as He(thisShepheard) was [oldand flame for them,though they were His owne, Paidforrhem, boughtthemagame; andrhenHe bror1ght them againe. frmaybe, there were orhers had venrred their lives; but not loft them, and fo loft them,as Hee did. Which make Him not onelyGreat, but Prim£ magnitr;dinif (that is) limply, theGreatejhhat ever was. · Of which Greatmjfe two great Proofes there are, in the two words, 1 Sttnguis; ·and • Tejlamentum. Sangt!if, agreat Price ;Teflamentum, agreatLegacie. Sanguif, what He fuffered; Teffttmentnm, what Hedidfor them. The next word is in fanguine, aShepht4rd, in His Moud. So, thisShephe~trd INf•ngnine; fweac bl01id, yer He could bring thembacke. It was no ealie mmer; it coft blottd: ~~~~·t •ho and, not any blotld (fuch,as He could well [pare) but, it cofi HimHis life-bloud. It · could nor bethebloudofthe Tejlament, but there mull: beaTeffament : and, aTcff,. ment therecannot be, but the Tefoator mull: dye. So, Hee dyed, Hee was brought to the dead, for it. This bloud brought Him to His Tejlament, which is further than hloud. · . We faid there were twoACis: 1 One exprefi, brought Himthef!Ce, ,.;.Jal"'''• • The The two Atit otherimplied, bronght Him thither, <£,.,~ 'v: Butfirlr, brought thither, beforebrought therJcc. Wewill touch themborh. 1 Why bmtghtthither,andhow?. >andwh1, brought thence, and howl ' If, when He was_br011ghtthence, it waspeace : when He was broNght thither;ic was Bw•ght th/-: none. How came 1r, rhere was none~ What made this feparation ~ That did jinne: tber. Smnebrake thepeace. ~ Why, linne couched not Him, He linew mflnne: True: it was not for Him- •Coq.u; elfe,norfor anylinneofHts. Whofethen~ here are but two 1 Pa.ftor •andovi. ""'. 'Paftor, He: ovit•m,we. If not the Shepheards, then the sheepes li~ne: if not Efay f 9 ·'• ~,ours. And fo it was: peccat4'Vejlra(faith Goo, inEfay) and fpeakes it to us. B 0 quarrel! He had to theShepheard: nothing to fay to CH R r s T as C H o. r s n • ut H~would needs be dealing withSheepe, and HisSheepe fell eojlr;ying, and light mhto t e Wolvcsdcnne: and thither Hemuft goe, to fetchthem,ifHewillhavci t em. FoJovium then, is all this.adoe ; and that is for us. For all we (as Sheepe) had ~one a ray. I may fay further; all we(as jheepe) were app~inted rothe jlaughtcr• •_Olt was, wdhould havebeenecarried thither, and th~ LqrdlaydtJfOII Him the tran(- Efay H· ~ grejillfiS