Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe RuURR E c TION. Sermon 1 g, grefionJ ofsu all; and fo, He was ~arried for ns: This Paflor becametanqoamov· ajhcepe,for His !heepc ;and was brought thither,and the wolvesdid toHim whatfo;s,as they rvould. 'VIr As if Go o had faid: away With thefe fheepe ; lncidant in lr~poJ, quianolrmtr _ gi a pajlore, to thewohmwith them,feeingthey will be kept in no fold. Bur, tha~ theShepheardendured not: but ratherthan they !hould, He would. When it cam~ to this; who lhall goe thither, PaJfor, or ovium, thesheepe, on-heShepheard.? Sinite hoJ abire (they bee Hisowne words) Let the,goethtir way; lettheSheepegoe, and fmite the Shepheard; Sentence Him to be carried thither. The Sheepe were tobe they lhould have beene : bm, the Shepheard was. In Sangrline noflro, it lhould have beene, In fanguim j11g, His blsud, it was. So, to fpare ours, HefpiltHis owne~ :n h, . Thither now He u hrought. Brought thithet', by His owne Uot~d-Jheddi~~t ' ,;,:~~. ragamt Wee can under!land that, ~ell : .b~t nor, how Hee lhould be~ bro11ght thenreb; H1sblottd. · Yet; theTexus plame, how He was brought agame, mfanguimby Hisb!ostd. Firll:then; let us make G o o, the G o o ofpeace : and, when Hee isfo,'you foone fee H_im bring Hi'!' backe, againe. That, which broke the peace .(as we faid) the very dung that earned H1m to theCrojfe, tooke H1m downe thencedead, carried Him to His grave, and therelodged Him among thedead, wasfin. Away withfinne ~~~P-9·,.· then, that fotherc may bepea.-e. Bur, there is no taking away fin; btttby ft~tddingof b!Md;the b/QIId,either ofPajlor, or ofovi11m, one of them. Why th~n, here is /,louef; even the ShepheardJ hleud: and.foeditis ;and,by the !bedding ofit,fin is taken away;and with fin CodJ difl>leafure. It is theApoftles owne. word (Ephej.II; XVI'.) Hatredw,u flaine; and fo, hatredbeing llaine,peacefollowed EpheC>.• 4 • of her owneaccord. He wtU-or1rpeace(faith the r...Apojlle) in oneplace : He made our Col. uo. peitce;orpacifiedall6y Hi; b!011d, in another. j Jn San~uine; By t&e •toud. . Now thc:n,upon thispeace,He,that was before carried away,was f>rottght bdtke4: gaine: And fo, well might be. For, all being difcharged, Heewas then eo bee inter Pf>i.S8.f· ·mortuoJ liher, no longer bound, but free from thedead: not to be kept in prif(>n any longer, but, to come forth againe. And, by Hi; very btor~d, to come forth againe. For, it was ofthe narure of a Ranfome ; which being layd downe, the Prifoner, that was brought thither, is to goe thence, whither He will. For, aRanfome hathp· tejlatem edttelivamor redutlivam, a power to bring forth, orhring backe againe frm .any captivitie~ . ' 1Sam. ~.~; . InboththefetlriiJgings, Go ohadHishand: Go o hringethtsdeath, andbrm· geth bMka a$aine. True (if ever) in this Shcpheard. Brought Htm to the dead, as the Lord of Hojts. hrottght Him from the dead, as being now pacified, and the Go n of peace. Out ofHis jujlite, God[mit the Shepheard; out of His love to Hts fheepe? the Shepheardwas[mitten. B_ut, qr~em deduxit iratsu,red11xitptac4tsu, whom, ofHISJUil: wrathagainll fin,He brought thither; now having fi•lfilledall righteMfm!fe, Hewas to bring thenceagaine. Andfo, hroughtbackeHewas; and, thefamcwaythatHee was carriedthither. Carried, the way of jr~flice, to fatisfie for them, Hee hadun– dertaken for. And having fully fatisfied for them, was invery Itiflic~, to bebrought backeagaine. And fo He \Vas : Go o accepted His pa.fion infull fausfachon, gave prefent order, for Hisraifing againe. · . And,letnotthisphrafe,ofCods 6ringiJJg hacke, or ofC HR. r s T s mnmmfb4cfe; of Go os rai{ing Him, or of C HR Is Ts rifing, any thing trouble you.. !heRe· I JurreCiionisoneemire Act oftivo joynt r...AgeNts, that both had their handsmlt•lhA– : fcribed onewhile to CH R Is T Himfclfe, that He rofe, that Hecame backe,to ew, lob. i~.tS. that He had powerto/ay downe llir life, andpower to take it againe: Anotherw~'{{' to Cod; tilll.t Her.aifrdHim. that He /;~ought 1/im b~t~ke i CO lhew,,chat cudwfuisfie4