Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

s;;;;;on I 8. Ofthe R ESURR Ec T ION. fatislied and well pleafed with it; reach him His hand (as it were) to bring l}im thenceagaine. ·r h' ·· . · . r 0 fhew you the benefit that nteth to us, by t LS Hts rifing. BronghtthitherHe l was eo thedead: [o, itlayus upon :Jf He had not, we thould. We,were even car- . ~ thirher . and that wemight not,He was. BTiught thenceHe was,from the dead: ~:it !lood ~sin hand: if He hadnotbeene brought th_ence, we lhould never hav.e cot'ue thence, but beene left to havehe~ there world Without ~nd; ·Brou~ht thither He would be :He, ~nd not we : He without us.. So ca~cfull Hew~s;not t~ fr>are Himfelfe, rhat we mtght be fpared. Brougkt thenlieHe would ~()!; be; not wtthou.t His jheepc wee may bee fure : Heewould brmg u~ thencetoo; or He._~o11ld not bee brought thence without us. YoumayfeeHtm,t~ the Parabk;commmgwithHis ., . lofljhecpe on lit5 {boulders. That one.foeepetsthetmage?f ~sal!; Socarefull,Hee Luke.~J.f, was as He Him onHis owne necke, to be fure : whtch IS the true pourtratture or r~prefenmion ofHis ~'":>'~:>'"· That,iftheGod'fteacebringHim bo~~cke,He m~ll: brinu them alfo: For He wtll notcomebackewtthoutthem. VpoRHtst'>rmgmg hck~.from death, is ours founded: inHim, all His were brought backe. In Hisperfon; our ~tur.e : io our 'Jo&ture we all. . . . .. .. . .. . , Thinke you, after the payment of fuch a Pnce, Hee w11l come backe Himfdfei alone,He will let thejlmpebe carriedthither,and not fee them brought backeagaine~ He did not fuffer alltbis (we may bee fure) to come away thence, and leave them behinde Him. It was never feene, that any that paid afterfo high a rate for any,be i~ what it will, that when Hee had done would not fee ir brought away, but lofe all His !Jbourandcoll. No: asfi1reas Him(elfe~as6rought, f<?_fure He will bring them whom He would not part from: (He wtlldte firft.) Notfimg lhall part them now.' Pafforand ovium, jheepe and Shepht4rdnow, or no bargaine. Re with His jlocke and Hisfl~cke with Him; it with Him, and He with it: He and they,or not He Himfelfe; both together, or not at all. Will youheare Himfelfe fay JSmuch ~ :Father, my will u, that,vhither Igoe, when(e I come, where/am, thither, tbence, Allll there, thefe benl{i. · '. ') .. , Bur, when He had brought us thence, what lhall become ofus (tro~ ~) Wili He 4 leave usat randome, to wander in themountaine~ ~ No: but, Ybi dejinit Po~~Jior, ibi S<•gui.. r,: incipit Teffntor, wheretheshepheardgoesout, the Teff~torcomesin, Which wee f•m<nti,the finde plainely inthe wordTeftament. For(tho'ugh pencebe a faire bleffing in it felfe, .J.:~=f.~~=· ifno more but it 1 andbringing hack be worth the while, yet) heere is now a greater · · matter than lo. There is more in thehloud,thanwe are aware of. This is alfo meant: that there is theb!otedofaT1fament,whichbodeth fome further matre.r.There lhould neede noTcfiament, ifit were for nothing but to makepeace. ACovenant would ferve for that; My Covenant ofpeace wouldI m"ke with thee (faith Go D.) Sanguu jtEderi; llzek.n-~~; would have donethat, if there had beene nomore but fo. But here, it is theb!oudof aTejlament. · It is Sangnucum Te(!amento,mmxo, Blood, with a T1f41mnt annexed. Belidethe pacijicatien lnd back.bringing, this Scriptureo.ffereth moregrace: even aT1famentarie matrerto beadminiO:red for our fJrther behoofe• . For, laske. Every drop of thisbloodismor'eworththanmanyworlds: Shall th•sbloodrhen fop ·ecious, offo great a Perfon, as the Sonne of Go D, befpenr,to hru~ forthnothtng but pard9nandpeace .? Being o~ fo great a value, lhall it produce bur opoore ao effect? Pme 1t lhould be lhed, to bnng forth nothing, but a fewfoeep from chth. There is enough in it, to ferve further, to make a pt~rcha{e; whichHee ~abd•fpofe oftothem,He will vouchfafe ro bring againefrom the dead. For,when e arhbrought them thence, howHe will dilipofe them that would be thought on ~~ ' pt.I finde then afcribed to HishiDud,a Price ,. not ondy of.z.. ,,~TP""' (that is) aRedem.: ' thton ~r Ranfomc; bm alfo .,..,..;"'"(that is) of Perqui{ttiHn, or Purchafe. And I'finde em orh tn on~:verfo (Ephef. 1, 14.) So that,this h/eadavailed,.as to pay our debf~