Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

'l'tjJ.rmstf • flttrtli, O{tbttvtr· 14/ii•l Ttj/1~ Plft1l/. ~~·S·!, Ofthe Ruu:a RECTI o N• fo,over and above, to make apur&hAfe: Served;not only to procure ourpeate but td flare us inacondition better than ever we were before. Not onelybrought'us, bue /,ought us: Nay,not onelybought us, andbrought m backe; but bought for us further ;tneverlafting inheritance, and brought us to it. . . · . Two powerswer~ in it : 'asSang11is (1Ederi!; theBlo11dof th.e Covenant, the c 0 ; venant ofPeMe: for, mblot1d, :w~rethe Covenants made;that,"WithAbraham, in Gm·; XV. thatwithMofes,inExod. XXIV. inbtoudboth: And among theHeathen men~· !!everanyCovenant ofpeace, but inbl011d. • Nowjforpe&c~,thi.s·wereenough: But, ii 15 Sasgui8 Tejl1.went: too, t~ebtoudof a Teft•ment. Whtch 1sfoundeduponbetter promifes; lxq<Jeathes_legams; d1fpoferh ejlaw : Matter farre of a1 h1gher nature than barr peace. As the bloud of the Covenant, fo itJMifierh and appeafeth: Asth~ hloNdofthe Tejlament, foit pa!feth over .;nd conveyeth befides:· . But fay; it did not ; it were for nothing elfe, but our peace : Yet, it is much better for us, that our pe~ce goe by Tejlament, rarher than by aCovenant. Leagues, Cove. nants, EdiEls of Pacification have oft beene 1 and are (wefee) daily broken. Small hold ofthem : A ilrooger hdld.than fo; ?e~oved us. Afironger hold there is not, thanthatofa TeftAment. Thaosholdenmvtolable, neverto bereverfed. Nothing in rehtio h11ma11is is held more (acred. So :is,peacebya Teflament, is farre the furer ofthe twaine. - , . · Of whichTejiAmentand thegreat»~of it; there is inuch to be (aid. For,itis not as otherTejlaments, tobefullyadmini!lred: Thislhallneverbefo; itisEver' ltifling. Everl4fting: For, lo is Heethatmadeit: IlisguingsoatarefromeverIAjling. E""er!Afling: For, fo is theTeftamentitfelfe: Thoughitbeeexccutcd in time, it was madea6 .eterno, and lay by I;lim all the while. Everlafling: For,' fo is thehlo11dwherewith it is fealed :the vertue and vigor thereof,dmhllill continue as a fountaine in.exhai.tfr, never dry; but flowing fiill as frelh; as the very firfrday, His fide was firll: opened. Wee, that now live, come to it, of evenband,viththe \/lpejlles themfdves, that were then at the opening. And they that come after us, !hall not come toplate,but too full as good a match,as either they or we. Ever. IAjling : For, thelegacies of it are fo. Not, as with us, of th,ingstemporal!: Nor as of the former Teftament of the land of Canaa11, now growen a barrenwilder. nelfe: but of eternal! lifeand joy, and blilfe; of eremitic it lelfe. Andlanly, 1verl4/ing : That :wee may looke for no more : Our GoJiefl is Evangeliu"' ~ttermlm (Revei.XIV•)Ndne to comeafterir. Thisistheb!l:andfotolaa forever. Now lay thefe together and tell mee: WasHe not theGre•t shepheardindml,' that indured this carrying thither, whence this dayHe came~ that paid thisgrat Ranfome! purchafed this great elbte; made this great W1ll; difpofed thefegreat Legacies, even His heavenly kingdome to His littlejlocke l was Hee not everyway :IS good, as (h-eat (which is the true Greatne!fe:i, 7¥· ,t,Tll'!:l'~)Herewithus,Men bee good, becaufe they bee great : with Go o they bee gnat, becaufe rhey bee good : For ihi5 His great Love, His great l'ri.-e, Hisgreat Te.ftament, was Heenot worthy towearc His title of PAjlcr magmu, of F•Jior, andofTejlator,borh; F~r .fo, both Hee was: And wee, not only His Sheepe, but_His Legataries: both,mHrs 'l'aftor·fhip, aqd in His 'Iejlator-fhip : in His hringjng fmvard, and in Hrsbnngmg /Jacht~ard: No waies to be fevered from us. Heeprocured nopeace, lbednobloud, made no TeH~ment; was neither broi1ght to thedead, nor from thedead for H1mfelfi: but for Hisjloclce: for us fiill; All Hedid, all Hefl1fered; all Hehequeathed, all He -&~b- . · . Andnow,wheilall isdone 1,o)Heis the to a oh sus CH a rsr. mu then, a Shephmdwhollyandfoly: Thernorearewc,beholdenroHim. Then (loe) He tells us ~is name, thatHe is theg{tAI shepheard, He that was brc11ght64cke' the blou'd, Hi!; Ili!, theTejiAment. Truely called theTejlament: There ~an no 1": 'veilrorie be ~t~ade of this. It hath not eQtred inthe heart of man to conwv_e, whaJ ~hings Go!'. hath_preparcdf~! !hofe,th~t h~:-v:e their part in this '!eft•'!!.~'!.~! abov~~!