Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

586 01 theRE suR RE c T 1o N. s---.. ----------------~------------------------ ___e_rmont8 ~P·~·'' pojlte tds us (in the VI. Chap~ er before) wee Jlrive to htecarried {orwar~· ~n, all wee may. Elfe, all ou~ cognofcimtu imperfiflum, will frand us' k'{'llt. ~~ ~ . Why, isthere anyper..fettion in this life~ There is : Elfe, how lhould theA flies exhortation there, or h1s bleffing (here) take place. I wor well, LAb[olutt po. pleat, confummateperfec1to~J,in this IJfe,there is none : I.t is agreed of all hands,'N~•· i!'hll·P J~ may bee out of lt. ~n puto me comprehendijfe (fa1th Saint Paul) lcomptnot ne felfe to have attained: No more mufr we, not attamed. What thenr But •h~ 1 7 1 (faith bee, and fo mufr wee;) I forget that whtch iJ behinde, and e~tdevo./my /tlf/ tmdmake fbrnlarlftiU, to that wh1ch is before. Which is the perfeflm• of Travellt 1 ' of ;vay-faring men :the further ~>R;':'ard on thei~ jclurne):', ~be nearertbeirjo~;: ~ey send, the more perfefl: whtchtstheperfechonofthtshfe: For, this lifcisa ]DIIrney. Now, good workes are, as fo. manyJlepsonward. The<..Apqftlecalsthemfo· thefteps of the faith of our Father<..Ahraham, whowem that way, and wee to folio; him in it; And the more of them wedoe, the morejleps doe wemake, thefUJthet ftill lhall we findeour felves to depart from iniq11ity, the nearer frill to approachun. to Go o in the L4nd of the living: whithcrto:maine,isthetotall,orCon[NIIIIII.. Xa.1ap'TCC~r, 'rlrnattft.tor !~t.!l· 1/lmejl of ourperfeCiion. · l3ut krepe from you thetruth, as it is : The nature ?f tb~Af~lesword [ K•7.,&C"'] 1S rather to makefit, than tomakeperfeff. Wberem, th1shefeemesto fay. That, to the doing ofg~odworkes, there isfirfr requilite aJitmffero doe them, before we can doe them : K•7•fTiC..,, and"""C"' are both in the Text. Fit,todoe them yer we can doe them. We may not thinke to doe them hand over head, atthdira dafh. In an unfit andindifpofcdfubjed, no Agent can worke: Not GoD Him{dfe but by miracle. Fit then we mufrbe. :K•7~PT,.iC•1• Now ?four felves, as of our [elves, weearenotjit fomuch~tothinkeAgootl l)Je; 13 J'l 11 ' thought, It IS II Cor. Ill. V. Not fo much as t~ wiU: For, it is Gon, tbat worktth in "'to will(Phi!, II. XIII.) If not thefe two, 1 Neitherthi»ke, • nor wiH; then, not toworke. No more weare: Neithcrtobegin (Phi!. I.VI.) nor having begun, to goe forward, and bring it toanend. Fit, to none of tbefe. Then, mAdejitwemul! be. And, who to reduce us to .Jitmjfe, but this G o o ofpeJtce, here, tbatbro~~g!t 11gaine C H R r s T from the dead. . . Now, if I lhall tell you, what manner ofJitwejfe it is,the Apqjllesword K<l'friC• (here) doth import: It is (properly) the.Jitnejfe, wbic.h is, in [erring that in, whic~ -lvasourofjoynt: indoitigthepartof a good Bone-(etter. This istheveryrrueand native fenfe of the word; Setyou injoynt, t~doegoodworkes. FortheApofle(Epii.Jr, Ephcr. 4 .i&. andColof.II.) tels us,that the church and thingsSpirit11all goeby joyntsand ja1wlf 1 ~~L!·!I.· whereof they are compact, and by which they have their action and motion. And, where there are joyms, theremay be(and other-whiles,there is)adtfjoymingor dif· location : no lelfe in things Spiritual!, than in the naturall body. And that is, when things are mif-foned,or put out of their right places. Now; th:tr our Nature is not right in joyat, isfo evident, that the very Heathen tnen have feene and confelfed it. . , And, by a f~/1, things come out of joynt : and (indeed) fo they did : ~. da!IJ's fall wee call it, and wee call it right. Sinne, which beforebrokethepeace; which made the toi~tg .from or departure, which needed the bringing batke? the fame linne, here now agaiue; put all out ofJoynt, And, things out of Joynt are never quiet, never at peace and refr, till they bee iet rightagaine. But 11:hen all is inftame,all is inpeace : And fo, ir rderres well, to the GoD ofpeace,whoJsto doeit.. ' , l And marke againe. The putting in joynt, is nothing, but a !Jrjnging 4 ' 1 ~tgaine to the right place, whence it llipt :That frill there is good coherence with that which y.rem before: Thepeace-m4ker, tlie hringe~-bao!u, thebone-{etllf, 11reall one~ 'fiJ~ ~ ~